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  • Implementation of Additive Interactions in Cox proportional hazards model?

    I am performing analysis with stset data in long format using the cox proportional hazards model (stcox). I would like to test for additive (rather than multiplicative) interactions between 2 binary covariates. The paper below publishes and implementation of this in SAS. Does anyone have a method for implementing this in stata? Thank you for any help.

  • #2
    The stata team figured this out -- their message to me is copied below:

    Dear Scott,

    Thank you for raising this question and providing the reference.

    I have read the paper you sent us. The method proposed by this paper has
    not been implemented by the -stcox- command in Stata at present. I have
    not seen any user-written commands for this either. However, the method
    to test the additive effect of interaction in this paper is based on
    the Cox PH model output. The author first fitted a cox PH model, then
    wrote some commands to calculate the estimation and confidence interval
    of "RERI" based on formula (4). In fact, we could easily calculate
    "RERI" and perform test using the commands -nlcom- or -testnl- in Stata.

    We could first fit the Cox PH model by -stcox-, then obtain an
    estimation and test results for HERI by -nlcom- or -testnl-. For
    illustration purpose, I have written a piece of code with my synthetic
    data, which includes two covariates: gene and environment. My code and
    its output are as follows.

    Below I use the factor variable notation to include the interaction.
    help factor variable
    to read more about the Stata factor variable notation.

    . list in 1/5

    | failur~e gene enviro~t |
    1. | 2 1 1 |
    2. | 3 0 1 |
    3. | 4 1 1 |
    4. | 5 1 1 |
    5. | 6 0 1 |

    . stset failuretime

    failure event: (assumed to fail at time=failuretime)
    obs. time interval: (0, failuretime]
    exit on or before: failure

    18 total observations
    0 exclusions
    18 observations remaining, representing
    18 failures in single-record/single-failure data
    97 total analysis time at risk and under observation
    at risk from t = 0
    earliest observed entry t = 0
    last observed exit t = 11

    . stcox i.gene##i.environment, nohr//fit the Cox model

    failure _d: 1 (meaning all fail)
    analysis time _t: failuretime

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -37.565721
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -30.75554
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -30.375598
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -30.324598
    Iteration 4: log likelihood = -30.324419
    Iteration 5: log likelihood = -30.324419
    Refining estimates:
    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -30.324419

    Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

    No. of subjects = 18 Number of obs = 18
    No. of failures = 18
    Time at risk = 97
    LR chi2(3) = 14.48
    Log likelihood = -30.324419 Prob > chi2 = 0.0023

    _t | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    1.gene | 2.572562 1.310805 1.96 0.050 .0034316 5.141692
    1.environment | .3904787 .7351701 0.53 0.595 -1.050428 1.831386
    gene#environment |
    1 1 | .4060818 1.100093 0.37 0.712 -1.75006 2.562224

    . stcox, coeflegend //display legend for all the coefficients to test

    Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

    No. of subjects = 18 Number of obs = 18
    No. of failures = 18
    Time at risk = 97
    LR chi2(3) = 14.48
    Log likelihood = -30.324419 Prob > chi2 = 0.0023

    _t | Coef. Legend
    1.gene | 2.572562 _b[1.gene]
    1.environment | .3904787 _b[1.environment]
    gene#environment |
    1 1 | .4060818 _b[1.gene#1.environment]

    . nlcom (RERI:exp(_b[1.gene]+_b[1.environment]+_b[1.gene#1.environment])-exp(_b[1.gene])-exp(_b[1.environment])+1)

    RERI: exp(_b[1.gene]+_b[1.environment]+_b[1.gene#1.environment])-exp(_b[1.gene])-exp(_b[1.environment])+1

    _t | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    RERI | 15.47599 23.00612 0.67 0.501 -29.61518 60.56715

    . testnl exp(_b[1.gene]+_b[1.environment]+_b[1.gene#1.environment])-exp(_b[1.gene])-exp(_b[1.environment])+1=0

    (1) exp(_b[1.gene]+_b[1.environment]+_b[1.gene#1.environment])-exp(_b[1.gene])-exp(_b[1.environment])+1 = 0

    chi2(1) = 0.45
    Prob > chi2 = 0.5011

    Please note that -nlcom- and -testnl- both adopt the delta method, so
    that we don't need to compute the variance manually as the paper shows.
    From the output of both -nlcom- and -testnl-, we can see the test
    result. From the output of -nlcom-, we can obtain the estimation and
    confidence interval.

    Note that you don't need to write a program to perform this test in
    Stata. You just need to write one line to implement the formula (4)
    from the paper.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.


    • #3
      Thanks Scott for sharing this with the list.
      Kind regards,
      (Stata 18.0 SE)

