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  • osrmtime: does not calculate distances and deletes original GPS information

    Dear Stata List,

    my aim is to calculate distances via osrmtime after having geocodes adresses via "geocodehere". Unfortunately I fail to calculate any distances and after running osrmtime most of the original values are deleted. Let me explain how I proceeded:
    1. I downloaded my .osrm file via as well as via - the results after osrmtime remain the same.
    2. I installed the osrm time automatically
    3. osrm Calculation fails (syntax and output follows) and deletes most of the original inserted gps information (see list below)
    I would be happy if someone has an idea what I didn't see...

    Thanks in advance


    Syntax (bold) and relevant output:

    *osrmprepare, mapfile("d:\Dissertation\GIS\karlsruhe-regbez-latest_foot\karlsruhe-regbez-latest-bike.osm.pbf") osrmdir("C:\osrm") diskspace(5000) profile(foot)

    * GPS Information:

    list arb1_geocodehere_lat arb1_geocodehere_lon end_t_1lat end_t_1lon in 1/211

    | arb1_~at arb1_ge~n end_t_1lat end_t_1lon |
    1. | 49.52425 8.44955 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    2. | 49.47383 8.47045 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    3. | 49.48024 8.47013 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    4. | 49.47541 8.52419 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    5. | 49.44868 8.49223 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    6. | 49.50742 8.51917 49.46810150 8.467000008 |
    7. | 49.46395 8.49691 49.46810150 8.467000008 |


    osrmtime arb1_geocodehere_lat arb1_geocodehere_lon end_t_1lat end_t_1lon, ///
    mapfile("d:\Dissertation\GIS\karlsruhe-regbez-latest_foot\karlsruhe-regbez-latest-bike.osrm") ///

    traveltime and Distance with OSRM

    Check for running OSRM: not running!
    Starting OSRM now running!
    Writing do-files: done!
    Partitioning datasets: done!
    0%---10%---20%---30%--40%---50%---60%--70%---80%---90%--100%return_code was float now double

    finished calculation!

    list arb1_geocodehere_lat arb1_geocodehere_lon end_t_1lat end_t_1lon distance duration jumpdist1 jumpdist2 in 1/211

    | arb1_~at arb1_g~n end_t_1lat end_t_1lon distance duration jumpdi~1 jumpdi~2 |
    1. | . . . . . . . . |
    2. | . . . . . . . . |
    3. | . . . . . . . . |
    4. | . . 49.46810150 8.467000008 . . . . |
    5. | . . . . . . . . |
    6. | . . . . . . . . |
    7. | . . 49.46810150 8.467000008 . . . . |

    As you can see the output variable distance etc. remain empty while most of the values of the input variables are deleted.

  • #2
    Update: I contacted the programmer of the ado who could help me out with additional code. But I am not really able to explain what actually went wrong.


    • #3
      Using the latest ado-files available at
      solved the issue.


