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  • Rolling market beta calculation (rolling rejected results from regress while using the entire dataset)

    Hi everyone!
    I am using Stata 13. I have a strongly balanced panel data containing 473 firm's stocks from July 2000 to June 2016 . I am currently trying to calculate rolling market betas for each firm's stock using a maximum of 60 and a minimum of 24 monthly excess stock returns from months prior to month t. If less than 24 returns are available, market beta is set to missing.
    I was able to try some Stata codes which I found in Stata forum (

    *Regression of stockexcessret on market value-weighted excessreturn (mktrf)
    levelsof permno, local(permno)
    foreach s of local permno {
        rolling _b, window(60) saving(betas_`s', replace) reject(e(N) < 24):  ///
           regress stockexcessret mktrf if permno == `s'                
    levelsof permno, local(permnos)
    foreach p of local permno {
        merge 1:1 permno dm using betas`p', nogenerate
    I also tried the rangestat code too from the same link as above:
    xtset permno month
    save "test_data.dta", replace
    * ------------ regressions over a window of 60 periods using -rangestat- --------
    * define a linear regression in Mata using quadcross() - help mata cross(), 
    mata clear
    mata set matastrict on
    real rowvector myreg(real matrix Xall)
        real colvector y, b, Xy
        real matrix X, XX
        y = Xall[.,1]                // dependent var is first column of Xall
        X = Xall[.,2::cols(Xall)]    // the remaining cols are the independent variables
        X = X,J(rows(X),1,1)         // add a constant
        XX = quadcross(X, X)        // linear regression, see help mata cross(), example 2
        Xy = quadcross(X, y)
        b  = invsym(XX) * Xy
        return(rows(X), b')
    * regressions with a constant over a rolling window of 60 periods by permno
    rangestat (myreg) stockexcessret mktrf, by(permno) interval(time -59 0) casewise
    * the Mata function returns first the number of observations and then as many
    * variables as there are independent variables (plus the constant) for the betas
    rename (myreg1 myreg2 myreg3) (nobs rs_mktrf rs_cons)
    * reject results if the window is less than 60 or if the number of obs < 24
    isid permno month
    by permno: replace rs_mktrf = . if _n < 60 | nobs < 24
    by permno: replace rs_cons = . if _n < 60 | nobs < 24
    save "rangestat_results.dta", replace
    * ----------------- replicate using -rolling- ----------------------------------
    use "test_data.dta", clear
    levelsof permno, local(permno)
    foreach s of local permno {
        rolling _b, window(60) saving(betas_`s', replace) reject(e(N) < 24):  ///
           regress stockexcessret mktrf if permno == `s'                
    save "betas.dta", replace emptyok
    foreach s of local permno {
        append using "betas_`s'.dta"
    rename end month
    merge 1:1 permno month using "rangestat_results.dta"
    isid permno month, sort
    gen diff_mktrf =  abs(_b_mktrf - float(rs_mktrf))
    gen diff_cons =  abs(_b_cons - float(rs_cons))
    summ diff*

    My problem is that for the first 44 stocks, the regressions are run properly,however, the loop stops on the 45th stock with the following message below:
    rolling rejected results from regress while using the entire dataset
    All the two above codes still showed me the same result.
    -> permno = 42

    Rolling replications (133)
    ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
    .................................................. 50
    .................................................. 100
    file betas_42.dta saved
    (running regress on estimation sample)

    -> permno = 45

    Rolling replications (133)
    ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 50
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx................ 100
    file betas_44.dta saved
    (running regress on estimation sample)

    -> permno = 45

    Rolling replications (133)
    ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 50
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 100
    file betas_45.dta saved
    (running regress on estimation sample)
    rolling rejected results from regress while using the entire dataset

    end of do-file


    I have tried to regress stock 45 alone and even some other prior stocks as suggested in the stataforum link above , I got the result as no observation

    regress stockexcessret mktrf if stock == 45
    no observations

    Below is a sample of my panel data
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float(month permno stockexcessret mktrf) int time
    486 1 .          .   1
    487 1 .          .   2
    488 1 .          .   3
    489 1 .          .   4
    490 1 .          .   5
    491 1 .          .   6
    492 1 .          .   7
    493 1 .          .   8
    494 1 .          .   9
    495 1 .          .  10
    496 1 .          .  11
    497 1 .          .  12
    498 1 .  -2.666597  13
    499 1 .  3.5859656  14
    500 1 .  -4.768708  15
    501 1 . -4.7542515  16
    502 1 .   .8977337  17
    503 1 . -20.062456  18
    504 1 .  13.092803  19
    505 1 .  -9.423961  20
    506 1 . -.01542697  21
    507 1 .   9.851523  22
    508 1 .   18.13945  23
    509 1 .  -2.840696  24
    510 1 .   2.641178  25
    511 1 .  -8.554174  26
    512 1 .    5.11478  27
    513 1 .   5.957329  28
    514 1 .  11.100168  29
    515 1 .    5.30089  30
    516 1 .   7.313002  31
    517 1 .   2.284107  32
    518 1 .   -3.55335  33
    519 1 .   6.486986  34
    520 1 .   .9358135  35
    521 1 .   5.765306  36
    522 1 .   4.773961  37
    523 1 .   5.940833  38
    524 1 .   10.34814  39
    525 1 .   5.599309  40
    526 1 .   9.423548  41
    527 1 .  -.4387302  42
    528 1 .  2.1820347  43
    529 1 .  11.583542  44
    530 1 .   3.107684  45
    531 1 .  11.022295  46
    532 1 .  -3.569324  47
    533 1 .   3.057642  48
    534 1 .   8.880916  49
    535 1 .  -1.249484  50
    536 1 .   9.944527  51
    537 1 .   9.023089  52
    538 1 .   25.71964  53
    539 1 .  10.824612  54
    540 1 .   7.584715  55
    541 1 .  14.726665  56
    542 1 .   5.745068  57
    543 1 .  -5.350675  58
    544 1 .  -1.273437  59
    545 1 .  1.9274507  60
    546 1 .   9.804824  61
    547 1 .    8.53234  62
    548 1 .   9.051862  63
    549 1 .   8.378527  64
    550 1 .  10.610908  65
    551 1 .    7.01289  66
    552 1 .  21.654003  67
    553 1 . -1.6742957  68
    554 1 .  -2.859784  69
    555 1 .  10.776278  70
    556 1 .  -2.765255  71
    557 1 .  -9.189032  72
    558 1 .  1.2453502  73
    559 1 .   8.592383  74
    560 1 .   6.241508  75
    561 1 .   7.328311  76
    562 1 .  18.458912  77
    563 1 .   9.132421  78
    564 1 .   6.122295  79
    565 1 .   6.564981  80
    566 1 .   7.204051  81
    567 1 .   7.411033  82
    568 1 .  -2.748398  83
    569 1 .  -.3336661  84
    570 1 .  10.429055  85
    571 1 .   4.844315  86
    572 1 .   54.17649  87
    573 1 .  2.2536652  88
    574 1 .   5.300388  89
    575 1 . -3.4062684  90
    576 1 .   5.909176  91
    577 1 .   6.878344  92
    578 1 .   6.149116  93
    579 1 .   9.310979  94
    580 1 .   3.699365  95
    581 1 .  1.4750223  96
    582 1 .  -9.142094  97
    583 1 .  -5.088081  98
    584 1 .  -3.735739  99
    585 1 .  -26.71731 100
    format %tm month

    Please I need your help on what to do so as to generate betas for the entire dataset,thank you.

  • #2
    Well, as I read the output, the problem is not arising with permno = 45. Stata says "file betas_45.dta saved", which implies that the iteration for permno = 45 has been successfully completed. The problem, I believe, is arising with whichever permno comes immediately after 45. I don't know what the problem is, but that is where you should look for it.

    Another question. Do you have a reason for separately saving a file for each permno? In the end you are just appending them all together. But if you use -rolling- that is not necessary. In order to use -rolling- you will have already -tsset- (or -xtset-) your data, and I assume that -permno- is your panel variable. If that is so, just running -rolling-, outside of any loop and without any -if- qualifier will automatically do the rolling regressions separately for each permno. The value of permno will be saved in the betas file that you create. So all you need is:
        rolling _b, window(60) saving(betas, replace) reject(e(N) < 24):  regress stockexcessret mktrf
    to create a single file, identified by permno, with all of the results. (Changing this will simplify your code and possibly enable it to run faster--but it won't solve the problem arising with rejected regressions.)


    • #3
      Yes!!! This worked perfectly well. Thank you Clyde Schechter for always being around to help out,I am very grateful.

