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  • Checking common support with graphs - interpretation

    I am doing a propensity score matching analysis. When it came to checking the common support between my treatment and control group, I created the following graph using the code below. I am unsure whether the fact that my curves follow the same trend is a good thing (i.e. my treatment and control group have been well matched) or that the similarities in their properties in fact indicates that the effect of being in a treatment or control group is arbitrary.

    Graph pscore.gph

    * Check the common support area with two separate kernel density estimates
    kdensity pshighcon if highevent==1, ti("Treated")
    kdensity pshighcon if highevent==0, ti("Control")

    graph twoway (kdensity pshighcon if highevent==1)(kdensity pshighcon if highevent==0), ///
    ytitle("Density") xtitle("Propensity Score") legend(label(1 "Treated") label(2 "Control"))