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  • ARDL long-run coefficient

    Dear all,

    I have a question regarding the calculation of long-run coefficient from an ARDL model.

    I would like to estimated the following ARDL model and then test whether yt and x1t are cointegrated by means of bounds testing approach :

    Δyt = β0 + Σ βiΔyt-i + ΣγjΔx1t-j + θ0yt-1 + θ1x1t-1 + et

    regress d.y  c  l.d.y  l(0/1).d.x1  l.y  l.x1

    From this equation, I know that the long-run coefficient for x1 is -(θ1/ θ0).
    (the bounds test say that the two variables of interest are cointegrated)

    I would like to know whether this long-run coefficient is equivalent to the long-run coefficient in the corresponding long-run relationship between yt and x1t (the levels model):

    yt = β0 + a1x1t + vt (levels model)

    regress y c  x1

    When I perfomed the estimates, the two different calculations of the long-run coefficient do not give the same results. I am confused and wonder where I could have made a mistake. Or must a1 not necessarily be equal to -(θ1/ θ0)?

    Thank you so much for your help

    Here are the Stata results:
    Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 36
    -------------+------------------------------ F( 5, 30) = 16.94
    Model | 63.2903203 5 12.6580641 Prob > F = 0.0000
    Residual | 22.4119664 30 .747065547 R-squared = 0.7385
    -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6949
    Total | 85.7022867 35 2.44863676 Root MSE = .86433
    D. |
    y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
    y |
    LD. | .2882683 .1202836 2.40 0.023 .0426164 .5339202
    x1 |
    D1. | -.4332363 .065969 -6.57 0.000 -.567963 -.2985096
    LD. | .1881575 .0844541 2.23 0.034 .0156793 .3606358
    y |
    L1. | -.9508915 .1854258 -5.13 0.000 -1.329582 -.5722014
    x1 |
    L1. | -.0168967 .0079469 -2.13 0.042 -.0331265 -.0006669
    _cons | 2.646874 .6757397 3.92 0.000 1.266829 4.026918

    Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 38
    -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 36) = 8.80
    Model | 15.5955962 1 15.5955962 Prob > F = 0.0053
    Residual | 63.8147884 36 1.77263301 R-squared = 0.1964
    -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1741
    Total | 79.4103846 37 2.14622661 Root MSE = 1.3314
    y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
    x1 | -.029125 .0098192 -2.97 0.005 -.0490393 -.0092108
    _cons | 2.919511 .5483467 5.32 0.000 1.807412 4.03161

    We can see that -(-.0168967/-.9508915 ) is not equal to -.029125

  • #2
    The short answer is that the results differ because the regressions are different. I advise against estimating the levels model because it suffers from the omitted short-run dynamics. You can find a discussion about ARDL estimation and the bounds test in the Statalist topic concerning the ardl command:
    ARDL in Stata


    • #3
      From this equation, I know that the long-run coefficient for x1 is -(θ1/ θ0).
      Dear Mahana

      your long-run coefficient formula is not correct

      long-run coefficient =

      HTML Code:
      Last edited by Emad Shehata; 02 Jul 2016, 16:14.
      Emad A. Shehata
      Professor (PhD Economics)
      Agricultural Research Center - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Egypt
      Email: [email protected]
      Google Scholar:


      • #4
        Sorry Emad,
        but Mahana's formulation of the long-run coefficient is correct because her dependent variable is Δyt and not the level yt. Her model is already in error-correction form.


        • #5
          Dear Sebastian,

          Thank you so much for your reply. I was very I can go foward with my analyses. If I have further questions regarding ARDL model, I will post them directly in the ARDL discussion you mentioned.

          Thanks again and kind regards


          • #6
            Dear Sebastian

            I think there is some confusions in answers

            Your answer is correct with respect to first difference or ECM form

            And my answer is also correct with respect to level equation form

            But Mahan's question is can she apply the formula as in first difference in level form

            As she wrote:

            I would like to know whether this long-run coefficient is equivalent to the long-run coefficient in the corresponding long-run relationship between yt and x1t (the levels model):

            yt = β0 + a1x1t + vt (levels model)

            So, my answer to here, is not correct to use the same formula in both models.

            for summary:

            (1) first difference equation:

            HTML Code:
            Δyt = β0 + Σ βiΔyt-i + ΣγjΔx1t-j + θ0yt-1 + θ1x1t-1 + et
            long-run coefficient = -(θ1/ θ0).
            (2) level equation:

            HTML Code:
            yt = β0 + Σ βiyt-i + θ1x1t-1 + et
            long-run coefficient = θ1/(1-Σβi)
            Last edited by Emad Shehata; 04 Jul 2016, 00:40.
            Emad A. Shehata
            Professor (PhD Economics)
            Agricultural Research Center - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Egypt
            Email: [email protected]
            Google Scholar:

