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  • What is mlincom testing here? Dubious results comparing marginal effects...

    Hi all
    I have a problem with results that compare marginal effects under different conditions. Simply put, I think both "test" command and "mlincom" command are generating dubious results.
    My question is whether they are reliable and if not, what is wrong with the tests I conducted.

    Here is what I did:
    I ran a three-way interaction effect of the variables growthpr, s, and income using "xtlogit" and estimated marginal effects of growthpr while fixing s and income at certain values of interest using "margins, dxdy(x1) at(x2=.. x3=...)".growthpr and s are continuous variables, and income is discrete and runs from 1 to 5.
    The results are shown below:

    . xtlogit votech c.growthpr##c.s##c.income educ soph pidch female married unemployed, nolog
    note: omitted because of collinearity
    Random-effects logistic regression              Number of obs      =     72210
    Group variable: election1                       Number of groups   =        77
    Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian                   Obs per group: min =       128
                                                                   avg =     937.8
                                                                   max =      3339
    Integration method: mvaghermite                 Integration points =        12
                                                    Wald chi2(52)      =  15043.21
    Log likelihood  =  -30646.39                    Prob > chi2        =    0.0000
                      votech |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    growthpr |   .1442353   .0596027     2.42   0.016     .0274161    .2610544
                           s |  -.4836696   .1520272    -3.18   0.001    -.7816374   -.1857017
              c.growthpr#c.s |  -.0314627   .0332276    -0.95   0.344    -.0965875    .0336621
                      income |  -.0405134    .022002    -1.84   0.066    -.0836366    .0026097
         c.growthpr#c.income |   .0088782   .0061788     1.44   0.151    -.0032321    .0209884
                c.s#c.income |   .0414441   .0136099     3.05   0.002     .0147692    .0681191
     c.growthpr#c.s#c.income |  -.0085141    .003867    -2.20   0.028    -.0160934   -.0009349
                        educ |   -.066387   .0070612    -9.40   0.000    -.0802267   -.0525474
                        soph |  -.0872549   .0118639    -7.35   0.000    -.1105077   -.0640021
                       pidch |   3.603269   .0296561   121.50   0.000     3.545145    3.661394
                      female |   .0767834    .021088     3.64   0.000     .0354517    .1181151
                     married |   .0909665   .0246408     3.69   0.000     .0426713    .1392616
                  unemployed |  -.0806562   .0522876    -1.54   0.123    -.1831381    .0218257
                       _cons |  -1.478319   .4122553    -3.59   0.000    -2.286325   -.6703135
                    /lnsig2u |  -2.049376   .1757649                     -2.393868   -1.704883
                     sigma_u |   .3589085   .0315418                       .302119    .4263727
                         rho |   .0376798   .0063732                      .0269956     .052365
    Likelihood-ratio test of rho=0: chibar2(01) =   928.71 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.000
    . margins, dydx(growthpr) at(s=(0(.5)3.5) income=(1 5)) predict(pu0) post
    Average marginal effects                          Number of obs   =      72210
    Model VCE    : OIM
    Expression   : Pr(votech=1 assuming u_i=0), predict(pu0)
    dy/dx w.r.t. : growthpr
    1._at        : s               =           0
                   income          =           1
    2._at        : s               =           0
                   income          =           5
    3._at        : s               =          .5
                   income          =           1
    4._at        : s               =          .5
                   income          =           5
    5._at        : s               =           1
                   income          =           1
    6._at        : s               =           1
                   income          =           5
    7._at        : s               =         1.5
                   income          =           1
    8._at        : s               =         1.5
                   income          =           5
    9._at        : s               =           2
                   income          =           1
    10._at       : s               =           2
                   income          =           5
    11._at       : s               =         2.5
                   income          =           1
    12._at       : s               =         2.5
                   income          =           5
    13._at       : s               =           3
                   income          =           1
    14._at       : s               =           3
                   income          =           5
    15._at       : s               =         3.5
                   income          =           1
    16._at       : s               =         3.5
                   income          =           5
                 |            Delta-method
                 |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    growthpr     |
             _at |
              1  |   .0250461   .0098778     2.54   0.011     .0056858    .0444063
              2  |   .0291296   .0094184     3.09   0.002       .01067    .0475892
              3  |   .0204341   .0070597     2.89   0.004     .0065974    .0342708
              4  |   .0226016   .0068806     3.28   0.001     .0091159    .0360872
              5  |   .0160909   .0045529     3.53   0.000     .0071674    .0250144
              6  |   .0163199   .0045498     3.59   0.000     .0074024    .0252374
              7  |   .0121725   .0029369     4.14   0.000     .0064163    .0179287
              8  |   .0104831   .0030103     3.48   0.000      .004583    .0163831
              9  |   .0087574     .00289     3.03   0.002     .0030931    .0144216
             10  |   .0051963   .0029983     1.73   0.083    -.0006803    .0110729
             11  |   .0058407   .0038104     1.53   0.125    -.0016276     .013309
             12  |   .0004317   .0040198     0.11   0.914    -.0074469    .0083103
             13  |    .003362   .0048688     0.69   0.490    -.0061807    .0129048
             14  |  -.0038948   .0052978    -0.74   0.462    -.0142783    .0064887
             15  |   .0012408    .005857     0.21   0.832    -.0102386    .0127203
             16  |  -.0078576   .0065926    -1.19   0.233    -.0207789    .0050638
    Click image for larger version

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    Based on the margins results and the graph produced by "marginsplot, x(s) plot(income)" following the margins command, it seems that both income groups (1:the poorest and 5: the richest) show similar patterns such that as "s" increases the effect of "growthpr" diminishes, and the effect disappears when "s" becomes larger than 2 for the rich (income=5) and 2.5 for the poor (income=1). Thus, it seems that the effect of "growthpr" reduces as "s" grows, and the effect is apparent among both the poor and the rich.

    In order to statistically show that s reduces marginal effects of growthpr, I calculated the first difference of marginal effects for each income group.
    For that, I used both "test" command following the margins estimation as well as "mlincom" command in the spost13 package. Both generate the same results with the same p-value for each test although the test statistics they report are different: “test” reports Chi-2 and “mlincom” generates linear combination of estimates from margins. The results of "mlincom" are shown below:

    . qui mlincom 1-15, add rowname(Poor1_15)
    . qui mlincom 3-15, add rowname(Poor3_15)
    . qui mlincom 5-15, add rowname(Poor5_15)
    . qui mlincom 7-15, add rowname(Poor7_15)
    . qui mlincom 9-15, add rowname(Poor9_15)
    . qui mlincom 11-15, add rowname(Poor11_15)
    . qui mlincom 13-15, add rowname(Poor13_15)
    . qui mlincom 2-16, add rowname(Rich2_16)
    . qui mlincom 4-16, add rowname(Rich4_16)
    . qui mlincom 6-16, add rowname(Rich6_16)
    . qui mlincom 8-16, add rowname(Rich8_16)
    . qui mlincom 10-16, add rowname(Rich10_16)
    . qui mlincom 12-16, add rowname(Rich12_16)
    . mlincom 14-16, add rowname(Rich14_16)
                 |   lincom    pvalue        ll        ul 
        Poor1_15 |    0.024     0.107    -0.005     0.053 
        Poor3_15 |    0.019     0.103    -0.004     0.042 
        Poor5_15 |    0.015     0.095    -0.003     0.032 
        Poor7_15 |    0.011     0.085    -0.002     0.023 
        Poor9_15 |    0.008     0.076    -0.001     0.016 
       Poor11_15 |    0.005     0.070    -0.000     0.010 
       Poor13_15 |    0.002     0.068    -0.000     0.004 
        Rich2_16 |    0.037     0.012     0.008     0.066 
        Rich4_16 |    0.030     0.012     0.007     0.054 
        Rich6_16 |    0.024     0.011     0.006     0.043 
        Rich8_16 |    0.018     0.009     0.005     0.032 
       Rich10_16 |    0.013     0.008     0.003     0.023 
       Rich12_16 |    0.008     0.008     0.002     0.014 
       Rich14_16 |    0.004     0.008     0.001     0.007
    Based on the first difference estimation, for the rich (income=5), the marginal effect of "growthpr" when "s" takes the highest value (=3.5) is statistically different from that at all levels of "s", suggesting that there is a moderating effect of "s" among the richest income group.
    However, for the poor (income=1), the marginal effects of "growthpr" at all levels of "s" are not statistically distinguishable from one another, suggesting that there is no moderating effect of "s" among the poor.

    And this conclusion is quite different from what the graph shows. Based on the graph and the actual gap in numbers, it is nonsensical to say that the marginal effects # 14 (= -.0038948) and #16 (= -.0078576) for the rich at s=3 and 3.5, respectively, are statistically different, while the marginal effects #1 (=.0250461) and #15 (=.0012408) for the poor at s=0 and 3.5, respectively, are not different from each other, especially given that their standard errors are not very different in size.

    Does the mlincom results make sense...?
    It would make sense if the marginal effects for both income groups to be statistically different when I compare them at very different levels of s, but their differences become insignificant as I compare marginal effects at similar levels of s; and the gaps to be slightly more significant for the rich than for the poor, which is not what the test results show right now...

    I had problems in using "test" command to compare marginal effects previously. It sometimes seems to work in a weird way. So, that makes me think that there is something wrong with the test results here as well. I wonder if everybody agrees that there is something wrong. I also want to know how to fix this and compare the marginal effects correctly.
    Any comments and advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
    Last edited by Julia Park; 07 Jun 2016, 21:43.

  • #2
    Hi Julia,

    I would be interested to see what

    margins, dydx(growthpr) at(growthpr= ...) post
    I usually check the ME across values of the continuous variable.

