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  • ADO file to mark extreme values - now working - help

    I am trying to write an ado routine that creates a column that marks extreme values of a variable. But I cannot get it to work. It only works for a single variable.

    Ideally, I would run the ado file on a list of variables, and give it arguments for the upper and lower cut-off percentile.

    Any help is welcome!


    My main variable should have values of -3 to +3, so -99 and 287 are clearly extreme value. These extreme values should be marked. See table below an attachment.

    I want to rely on percentiles and use the sum,detail command. The result is the ado file that I show below, which unfortunately gives the error message ("varname is not a numeric variable and cannot be trimmed") if I want to apply it to 2 variables or more.

    See the code for the ADO below:

    program define trimmer
    foreach var of local 0 {
    capture confirm numeric variable `var'
    if _rc==0 {
    qui sum `var',detail
    gen to_use_`var'= inrange(`var', r(p1), r(p99)) if `var'!=.
    else di "`varname' is not a numeric variable and cannot be trimmed."

    Example data, where the marker is to_use_Variable :

    Variable; to_use_Variable
    -99; 1
    -2.8; 0
    -1.3; 0
    -1.9; 0
    0.5; 0
    2.0; 0
    287; 1
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Martien Lubberink; 14 Aug 2015, 20:55.

  • #2
    Stata has a built-in programming feature to trap non-numeric variables in arguments to programs.
    help syntax##description_of_varlist
    I'm not sure that the first and ninety-ninth centiles are an infallible way to accomplish what you want to do, but your trimmer program could look something like
    program define trimmer
        version 14.0
        syntax varlist(numeric)
        foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
            quietly centile `var', centile(1 99)
            generate byte to_use_`var' = inrange(`var', r(c_1), r(c_2))


    • #3
      At second reading, you don't want the program to balk, but rather just to warn. In that case you could do something like
      version 14.0
      clear *
      set more off
      program define trimmer
          version 14.0
          syntax varlist
          foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
              local variable_type : type `var'
              if strpos("`variable_type'", "str") != 1 {
                  // do your thing here
              else display in smcl as input "`var'" as error " is not a numeric variable and cannot be trimmed."
      sysuse auto
      trimmer _all
      At any rate, I would recommend taking advantage of Stata's programming syntax rather than relying on parsing the zero local macro.
      Last edited by Joseph Coveney; 14 Aug 2015, 22:16. Reason: Indented a closing brace.


      • #4
        Also check out -extremes- from SSC.


        • #5
          Dear all, many thanks for your contributions!

          I now succeeded in solving this by writing the attached ado file. Most challenging was the part where I have to convert the inputs on the boundaries 0 (e.g. 1, 99) to variables that can be read in the SUM command. The number of quotes is just staggering!

          For example, it requires this snippet for the upper boundary:

          local i = "r(p`upper')"
          local U =`"`i'"'

          sum `var', detail
          noisily gen `new_var' = inrange(`var', `L', `U') if `var'!=.

          Attached Files

