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  • Grey's test

    Has Grey's test (to compare cumulative incidence curves) been implemented in Stata? Or, is there an alternative to Grey's test implemented in Stata?

  • #2
    May be 'stcrreg' is the option you are looking for. See
    help stcrreg


    • #3
      Thanks, Roman. But I don't see an alternative to `lrtest' after using `stcrreg'.


      • #4
        I don't do survival analysis much therefore, can't help much in this regard. Hope someone who is experienced in time to event data analysis will come up to suggest you something better. But a quick look at the manual at pag-9 reveals the following:

        The log pseudolikelihood is used as a maximization criterion to obtain parameter estimates, but is not representative of the distribution of the data. For this reason, likelihood-ratio (LR) tests (the lrtest command) are not valid after stcrreg. Use Wald tests (the test command) instead.


        • #5
          I have not think that Stata will calculate Gray's test. To have Stata keep data transfer and the running of R organized helps me, though nothing is returned in r().

          Two files go in the personal directory, PERSONAL. (di `"`=c(sysdir_personal)'"')
          1) stgrays.ado and
          2) stgrays.R. (attached as stgrays_Rprogram.txt)

          ************************************************** *****************************
          The ado file listed, stgrays.ado, takes as arguments of any name, however the meaning must be ordered as
          1) group - describe the groups to be compared,
          2) status - 0=censored,
          3) time.
          stgrays <varlist>

          A three variable Stata dataset is created C:\data\stgraydt.dta.
          This dataset is read into R where Gray's test is done and the results are typed in the Stata log / output.

          The Stata lines (stgrays.ado) may need revision:
          local using `"C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R"'
          local rpath `"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.0\bin\x64\r"'

          The R line may also need revision for the filename:
          dta1<-read.dta("C:\\data\\stgraydt.dta",convert.dates=TR UE,convert.factors=TRUE,missing.type=FALSE,convert .underscore=TRUE,warn.missing.labels=FALSE)

          The foreign package in R reads a Stata version 12 dta file.

          please note that this is inspired by rsource * Newson, R. (2007). *
          Rsource: Stata module to run r from inside stata using an r source file. *
          ************************************************** *****************************

          * example

          use "",clear
          label define treatment 0 "0:not" 1 "1:trt"
          label val treatment treatment
          stset time,f(status==1)
          stgrays treatment status _t

          * with stcrreg -similar test
          stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==2/3)
          stset time,f(status==2)
          stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1 3)
          stset time,f(status==3)
          stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1/2)

          Attached Files


          • #6
            I do not think that Stata will calculate Gray's test.


            • #7
              Here is an update for the posting #5 (18 May 2015, 12:39 )

              To have Stata keep data transfer and the running of R organized helps me, though nothing is returned in r().

              Two files go in the personal directory, PERSONAL. (di `"`=c(sysdir_personal)'"')
              1) stgrays.ado and
              2) stgrays.R. (attached as stgrays_Rprogram.txt)

              ************************************************** *****************************
              The ado file listed, stgrays.ado, takes as arguments of any name, however the meaning must be ordered as
              1) group - describe the groups to be compared,
              2) status - 0=censored,
              3) time.
              stgrays <varlist>

              A three variable Stata dataset is created C:\data\stgraydt.dta.
              This dataset is read into R where Gray's test is done and the results are typed in the Stata log / output.

              The Stata lines (stgrays.ado) may need revision:
              local using `"C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R"'
              local rpath `"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3\bin\x64\r"'

              The R line may also need revision for the filename:
              dta1<-read.dta("C:\\data\\stgraydt.dta",convert.dates=TR UE,convert.factors=TRUE,missing.type=FALSE,convert .underscore=TRUE,warn.missing.labels=FALSE)

              The foreign package in R reads a Stata version 12 dta file.

              please note that this is inspired by rsource * Newson, R. (2007). *
              Rsource: Stata module to run r from inside stata using an r source file. *
              ************************************************** *****************************
              * example

              use "",clear
              label define treatment 0 "0:not" 1 "1:trt"
              label val treatment treatment
              stset time,f(status==1)
              stgrays treatment status _t
              * with stcrreg -similar test
              stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==2/3)
              stset time,f(status==2)
              stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1 3)
              stset time,f(status==3)
              stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1/2)
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Here is another update with an alternative way to read Stata .dta version 14 into the R program with better handling of unlabeled factors (if any).

                To have Stata keep data transfer and the running of R organized helps me, though nothing is returned in r().

                Two files go in the personal directory, PERSONAL. (di `"`=c(sysdir_personal)'"')
                1) stgrays.ado and
                2) stgrays.R. (attached as stgrays_Rprogram.txt)

                ************************************************** *****************************
                The ado file listed, stgrays.ado, takes as arguments of any name, however the meaning must be ordered as
                1) group - describe the groups to be compared,
                2) status - 0=censored,
                3) time.
                stgrays <varlist>

                A three variable Stata dataset is created C:\data\stgraydt.dta.
                This dataset is read into R where Gray's test is done and the results are typed in the Stata log / output.

                The Stata lines (stgrays.ado) may need revision:
                local using `"C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R"'
                local rpath `"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3\bin\x64\r"'

                The R program line 9 may also need revision for the filename:
                dta1<-as_factor(as_tibble(read_dta("C:\\data\\stgraydt.d ta"), "labels"))

                This reads a Stata version 14 dataset (or proir Stata version) and requires R functions from the haven and tibble packages (R program lines 5 to 7):
                autoload("read_dta","haven") #load - to read Stata
                autoload("as_factor","haven") #load - to read Stata
                autoload("as_tibble","tibble") #load - to read Stata

                please note that this is inspired by rsource * Newson, R. (2007). *
                Rsource: Stata module to run r from inside stata using an r source file. *
                ************************************************** *****************************
                * example

                use "",clear
                label define treatment 0 "0:not" 1 "1:trt"
                label val treatment treatment
                stset time,f(status==1)
                stgrays treatment status _t
                * Even if the event status is not fully-factored (all levels labeled) the R results, as coded, ///
                  will yield correct results:
                clonevar status0 = status
                label val status0 .
                stgrays treatment status0 _t
                * with stcrreg -similar test
                stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==2/3)
                stset time,f(status==2)
                stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1 3)
                stset time,f(status==3)
                stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1/2)
                Last edited by Allen Buxton; 06 May 2019, 09:53. Reason: Sorry for the oversight -- here is the .ado and R program.


                • #9
                  I attached the .ado and R program.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Here is another update with an option for providing a variable for a stratified Gray's test. As previously noted, this reads Stata dta into the R program with correct handling of unlabeled factors levels (if any).

                    To have Stata keep data transfer and the running of R organized helps me, though nothing is returned in r().

                    Two files go in the personal directory, PERSONAL. (di `"`=c(sysdir_personal)'"')
                    1) stgrays.ado and
                    2) stgrays.R. (attached as stgraysRprogram.txt)

                    ************************************************** *****************************
                    The ado file listed, stgrays.ado, takes as arguments of any name, however the meaning must be ordered as
                    1) group - describe the groups to be compared,
                    2) status - 0=censored,
                    3) time,
                    4) optionally, strata.

                    stgrays <varlist> [ , strata( <varname> ) ]

                    A four variable Stata dataset is created C:\data\stgraydt.dta.
                    This dataset is read into R where Gray's test is done and the results are typed in the Stata log / output.

                    The Stata lines (stgrays.ado) may need revision:
                    local using `"C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R"'
                    local rpath `"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3\bin\x64\r"'

                    The R program line 9 may also need revision for the filename:
                    dta1<-as_factor(as_tibble(read_dta("C:\\data\\stgraydt.d ta"), "labels"))

                    This reads a Stata version 14 dataset (or prior Stata version) and requires R functions from the haven and tibble packages (R program lines 5 to 7):
                    autoload("read_dta","haven") #load - to read Stata
                    autoload("as_factor","haven") #load - to read Stata
                    autoload("as_tibble","tibble") #load - to read Stata

                    please note that this is inspired by rsource * Newson, R. (2007). *
                    Rsource: Stata module to run r from inside stata using an r source file. *
                    ************************************************** *****************************
                    * example

                    use "",clear
                    label define treatment 0 "0:not" 1 "1:trt"
                    label val treatment treatment
                    stset time,f(status==1)
                    stgrays treatment status _t
                    * with strata - as example
                    * stgrays treatment status _t if !missing(AG),strata(AG)
                    * Even if the event status is not fully-factored (all levels labeled) the R results, as coded, ///
                      will yield correct results:
                    clonevar status0 = status
                    label val status0 .
                    stgrays treatment status0 _t
                    * with stcrreg -similar test
                    stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==2/3)
                    stset time,f(status==2)
                    stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1 3)
                    stset time,f(status==3)
                    stcrreg i.treatment, compete(status==1/2)
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Here is an update to stgrays.ado to calculate Gray's test. This also saves in Stata datasets CI estimates from the R cmprsk package.
                      stgraystest.dta - Gray's test results as applicable
                      stgrayslist.dta - Estimated CI, se, and confidence intervals at specific timepoints.
                      stgraysplot.dta - Estimated CI, se, and confidence intervals at all timepoints for plotting CI curves in Stata.

                      Two files go in the personal directory, PERSONAL.
                      di `"`=c(sysdir_personal)'"'
                      1) stgrays.ado and
                      2) stgrays.R. (attached as stgraysRprogram.txt)

                      . which stgrays
                      *! stgrays abuxton sep2023 (R-4.2.3) attn lines 12, 13 and line 14 rpath
                      *! stgrays varlist [if] [in] [ , strata(varname) at(numlist) level(#) ]
                      *! varlist(exactly 3 variables) for in order 'varx status time'
                      *! censored status must be equal to 0.

                      Please edit line 14 of stgrays.ado to define the R path rpath & lines 12 and 13 as preferred.
                      scalar `sc_stgraydt'="C:\data\stgraydt.dta"                 // line 12 for working dataset
                      scalar `sc_stgrayR' ="`=c(sysdir_personal)'stgrays.R"       // line 13 for path to R program
                      scalar `sc_rpath'   ="C:\Users\abuxton\R\R-4.2.3\bin\x64\r" // line 14 for path to R exe
                      The stgrays.R code sets the working directory in R call to:
                      setwd("C:/data") ## line 9 for working dataset location and the three saved datasets noted above.

                      ************************************************** *****************************
                      The ado file listed, stgrays.ado, takes as arguments of any name, however the meaning must be ordered as
                      1) group - describe the groups to be compared,
                      2) status - 0=censored,
                      3) time,
                      4) optionally, strata.

                      stgrays <varlist> [if] [in] [ , strata(varname) at(numlist) level(#) ]

                      A four variable Stata dataset is created: C:\data\stgraydt.dta.
                      This dataset is read into R where Gray's test is done and the results are typed in the Stata log / output.

                      The Stata lines (stgrays.ado) may need revision:
                      scalar `sc_stgraydt'="C:\data\stgraydt.dta"                 // line 12 for working dataset
                      scalar `sc_stgrayR' ="`=c(sysdir_personal)'stgrays.R"       // line 13 for path to R program
                      scalar `sc_rpath'   ="C:\Users\abuxton\R\R-4.2.3\bin\x64\r" // line 14 for path to R exe
                      The R program line 9 may also need revision for the filename:
                      setwd("C:/data") ## line 9 for working dataset location and the three saved datasets noted above.

                      This reads a Stata version 14 dataset (or prior Stata version) and requires R functions from the haven, tibble, and tidyverse packages (R program lines 5 to 9):
                      lines 5 to 9:
                      autoload("read_dta","haven") #load - to read Stata
                      autoload("as_factor","haven") #load - to read Stata
                      autoload("as_tibble","tibble") #load - to read Stata

                      The R program creates or overwrites three datasets

                      please note that this is inspired by rsource * Newson, R. (2007). *
                      Rsource: Stata module to run r from inside stata using an r source file. *
                      ************************************************** *****************************
                      * example

                      frame reset
                      use "",clear
                      label define treatment 0 "0:not" 1 "1:trt"
                      label val treatment treatment
                      stset time,f(status==1)
                      frame copy default dtaA, replace
                      stgrays treatment status _t , at(12(12)60)
                      * with strata - as example
                      *frame copy dtaA default , replace
                      *stgrays treatment status _t if !missing(AG),strata(AG) at(12(12)60)
                      cwf default
                      frame default : use "C:\data\stgraystest.dta" , clear
                      format status %40.0g
                      list , noobs
                      frame default : use "C:\data\stgrayslist.dta" , clear
                      format group_status %40.0g
                      bysort group_status: list time est se lci* uci* if time<=60, noobs
                      frame default : use "C:\data\stgraysplot.dta" , clear
                      drop if time>60
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,1), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("dash") lcolor(black)  lwidth(thin))
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,2), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("solid") lcolor(black) lwidth(thin))
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,3), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("dash") lcolor(red) lwidth(thin))
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,4), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("solid") lcolor(red) lwidth(thin))
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,5), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("dash") lcolor(blue) lwidth(thin))
                      (connected est time if inlist(group_status,6), sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("solid") lcolor(blue) lwidth(thin))
                      xlabel(0(6)60, nogrid labsize(*1.2))
                      ylabel(0(0.05)0.35, nogrid labsize(*1.2) angle(0))
                      ytitle("cumulative incidence")
                      xtitle("time to event")
                      graphregion(style(none) margin(medium) fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))
                      plotregion(style(none) margin(small) ifcolor(white))
                      title(`""', color(black) size(medium))
                      legend(label(1 "not Cancer") label(2 "trt Cancer") label(3 "not CVD") label(4 "trt CVD") label(5 "not Other") label(6 "trt Other")
                             rows(2) bm(zero) region(lw(none)))
                      note(`"R cmprsk"')
                      #delimit cr
                      cwf dtaA
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Here is a log output listing (smcl) of the example code and an image of the cumulative incidence plot.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	stgrays_example.png
Views:	1
Size:	68.6 KB
ID:	1728520

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Here is an example on the use of the cuminc function of Robert Gray's cmprsk R package from within in Stata (stgrays.ado re: recent posting-replies #11 and #12). It is featured in section 5.3 of Competing Risks A Practical Perspective by Melania Pintilie, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
                          Attached Files

