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    I'm trying to merge two databases with each other: IBES with COMPUSTAT.

    COMPUSTAT database is using a 9 CUSIP code as identifier and IBES is using 8 CUSIP code as identifier.

    Furthermore there is also a IBES ticker but this one is not the same as the ticker from COMPUSTAT.

    Does anybody has experience with merging these two databases?

    On Wharton there is a explanation that there is a linking header between the GVKEY of COMPUSTAT and IBTIC of IBES. I don't know which linking header there is because i tried to find it but with no luck.

  • #2
    The last digit of CUSIP is only a checksum variable: read here on the format of cusip. be also careful if you match on cusip as this identifier can represent two companies at different time periods!
    gen cusip6dig=substr(cusip,1,6)


    • #3
      I tried that and said to my coach and he said that using CUSIP is not the right way of merging COMPUSTAT and IBES.

      I'm now confused which other methods there are. Also mentioning i'm using WHARTON database and in this database they are saying that there is a linking header between GVKEY of COMPUSTAT and IBTIC in IBES. This linking header can be found in COMPUSTAT in SECURITY dataset but i can't find it.


      • #4
        This is basically not a Stata or statistics question. While there are many people on this forum who do finance analytics, and I hope that one of them will give you the answer you are looking for, you might have better luck if you also cross-post this to a user-forum related specifically to COMPUSTAT, IBES, or finance analytics generally. (If you do, please post here to tell us you have done so.)


        • #5
          Did you figer it out how to do this merge? I´m also struggling with this matter....


          • #6
            It's clickable information that the user was last active14 May 2015.


            • #7
              ok. sorry.
              Nevertheless, can you help me with this?


              • #8
                Sorry, no, but clearly the thread is visible again.

