I am interested in using the new Bayesian statistical analyses capabilities of Stata 14 and combine them with a double hurdle model estimation.
Let me use a typical example. Consider modeling how much people spend at the movies. We have data on a cross-section of people and the amount they spent last month (y1). We have a number of variables to model the decision to go to the movies (z1). These variables are x1 x2 x3. We also have another set of variables to model the amount spent at the movies (x1 x2 x4).
I am interested in simulating how much of x1 is needed to make the decision to go to the movies viable, and what impact it may have this increase in x1 in the amount spent.
I understand that I can estimate this double hurdle model using the commands dblhurdle, dhreg or the new command churdle. However I am not sure if I can combine any of this estimations with bayesmh in order to perform the desired simulation.
Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated!
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