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    \[ \frac{2}{3}+ \mathbf{\pi} \] \[ y = \beta*x + \gamma *x * \varepsilon \]

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    <h1>Margins and -ml-</h1>
    <p> Stata has a very useful command that can be used for the estimation of almost any linear and nonlinear models
    using maximum likelihood. This command is -ml-.
    <p> Properly speaking, this command can be used to obtain any M-type estimator, however, I'll concentrate on maximum likelihood models.
    <p> In this small tutorial, I'll provide a small example of how to use -ml- in combination with -margins- to estimate marginal effects
    of any model of interest, as long as creates identifies the outcome of interest.
    <h2>The Setup</h2>
    <p> There are many ways that one can use margins to obtain "correct" marginal effects after the estimation of MLE models. Typical examples use 
    -margins- option "expression". I find using that a bit complicated when the outcome of interest is complex, so I prefer doing it the way 
    Stata does it. Creating a small program that defines the outcome of interest.
    <p> If one looks at the information stored in -e()- by all official Stata commands (and most community-contributed commands), 
    you will find there is something stored in e(predict). This "something" is a program that defines the oucome(s) of interest 
    that one can later use for other purposes. Perhaps the most common being obtaining model predictions or marginal effects.
    <p> So, in order to use -margins- with -ml-, we need the ability to modify the information stored in e(predict), and redirect -margins- to 
    a command of our own design.
    <p> In order to so, I like to have the following program:
    <pre id="stlog-1" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program adde, eclass</span>
      1<span class="stinp">.         ereturn `0'</span>
      2<span class="stinp">. end</span>
    <p> This is perhaps the simplest program you will ever write, and yet, the most flexible. It basically "adds" any information you want
    to e(). 
    <p> For example, say that you estimate a simple OLS model, using the dataset auto, and you add some info to e(). Specifically, I'll add
    a local named "tag" or e(tag) that will say "This is a very simple regression".
    <pre id="stlog-2" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. sysuse auto, clear</span>
    (1978 Automobile Data)
    <span class="stinp">. reg price mpg</span>
          Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =<span class="stres">        74</span>
    -------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 72)        = <span class="stres">    20.26</span>
           Model | <span class="stres">  139449474         1   139449474   </span>Prob &gt; F        =<span class="stres">    0.0000</span>
        Residual | <span class="stres">  495615923        72  6883554.48   </span>R-squared       =<span class="stres">    0.2196</span>
    -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =<span class="stres">    0.2087</span>
           Total | <span class="stres">  635065396        73  8699525.97   </span>Root MSE        =   <span class="stres"> 2623.7</span>
           price |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P&gt;|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             mpg |<span class="stres">  -238.8943   53.07669    -4.50   0.000    -344.7008   -133.0879</span>
           _cons |<span class="stres">   11253.06   1170.813     9.61   0.000     8919.088    13587.03</span>
    <span class="stinp">. adde local tag "This is a very simple regression"</span>
    <p> You can see that this was added to e() by typing -ereturn list-. You will also see that -regress- stores information in e(predict) about a program 
    named -regres_p-, which is used by -margins- and -predict-
    <pre id="stlog-3" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. ereturn list</span>
                      e(N) =  <span class="stres">74</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(df_m) =  <span class="stres">1</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(df_r) =  <span class="stres">72</span>
    <span class="stres">                  </span>e(F) =  <span class="stres">20.25835256291883</span>
    <span class="stres">                 </span>e(r2) =  <span class="stres">.2195828561874974</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(rmse) =  <span class="stres">2623.652888667586</span>
    <span class="stres">                </span>e(mss) =  <span class="stres">139449473.5462301</span>
    <span class="stres">                </span>e(rss) =  <span class="stres">495615922.5753915</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(r2_a) =  <span class="stres">.2087437291901015</span>
    <span class="stres">                 </span>e(ll) =  <span class="stres">-686.5395809065244</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(ll_0) =  <span class="stres">-695.7128688987767</span>
    <span class="stres">               </span>e(rank) =  <span class="stres">2</span>
                    e(tag) : "<span class="stres">This is a very simple regression</span>"
                e(cmdline) : "<span class="stres">regress price mpg</span>"
                  e(title) : "<span class="stres">Linear regression</span>"
              e(marginsok) : "<span class="stres">XB default</span>"
                    e(vce) : "<span class="stres">ols</span>"
                 e(depvar) : "<span class="stres">price</span>"
                    e(cmd) : "<span class="stres">regress</span>"
             e(properties) : "<span class="stres">b V</span>"
                e(predict) : "<span class="stres">regres_p</span>"
                  e(model) : "<span class="stres">ols</span>"
              e(estat_cmd) : "<span class="stres">regress_estat</span>"
                      e(b) : <span class="stres"> 1 x 2</span>
    <span class="stres">                  </span>e(V) : <span class="stres"> 2 x 2</span>
    <h2>MLE estimator</h2>
    <p> As I mentioned before, -ml- is a very useful stata command that allows you to obtain MLE estimators give that you define the appropriate objective function.
    <p> -ml- has many different options, (lf, df0, df1, df2, etc), each requiring you to define the objective function (usually the log-likelihood function), 
    its gradient, or its Hessian. For all purposes, however, I find  -lf- (the simplest one) to be the only one you may ever need.
    <p> When you use -ml- with -lf- estimator, you just need to declare the loglikelihood function contributed by each observation in the sample. 
    <p> In order to ground this concept, lets assume that we want to estimate a simple linear regression using MLE. For this we need to assume that either the error follows a normal distribution,
    or that the outcome follows a conditionally normal distribution:
    $$ y_i  =  x_i \beta + \varepsilon_i$$
    $$ y_i  \sim  N(x_i \beta, \sigma ) $$ 
    $$ \varepsilon_i  \sim  N(0, \sigma ) $$
    <p>This implies that the (Log)likelihood of a single observation is equal to:
    $$ L_i = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2} (\frac{y_i-x_i \beta}{\sigma} )^2 } $$
    $$ LL_i = -log(\sigma)-\frac{1}{2} log(2\pi) -\frac{1}{2} (\frac{y_i-x_i \beta}{\sigma} )^2 $$
    So we just need to write a program that defines this log-likelihood function. This is  stright forward:
    <pre id="stlog-4" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program myols_mle</span>
      1<span class="stinp">.         args lnf xb lnsigma</span>
      2<span class="stinp">.         local sigma exp(`lnsigma')</span>
      3<span class="stinp">.         qui:replace `lnf' = log(normalden($ML_y1,`xb',`sigma'))</span>
      4<span class="stinp">. end</span>
    <p> Notice that this program has 3 arguments. 
      <li>lnf: Will store the LL for each observation</li>
      <li>xb: Will store the linear combination for all \( x_i \beta \) </li>
      <li>lnsigma: Will store the  \( log (\sigma) \)   </li>
    <p> Notice here that we are not estimating \(\sigma \) directly because it is numerically more stable to estimate its log. 
    <p> Now the interesting part. Create our "predict" program:
    <pre id="stlog-5" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program myols_mle_p</span>
      1<span class="stinp">.         syntax newvarname [if] [in] , [ mean sigma emean *]</span>
      2<span class="stinp">.         if "`mean'`sigma'`emean'" =="" {</span>
      3<span class="stinp">.             ml_p `0'</span>
      4<span class="stinp">.         }</span>
      5<span class="stinp">.         marksample touse, novarlist</span>
      6<span class="stinp">.         if "`mean'" !=""  {</span>
      7<span class="stinp">.             tempvar xb</span>
      8<span class="stinp">.             _predict double `xb' , eq(#1)</span>
      9<span class="stinp">.                 gen `typlist' `varlist' = `xb' if `touse'</span>
     10<span class="stinp">.                 label var `varlist' "E(y|X)"</span>
     11<span class="stinp">.         }</span>
     12<span class="stinp">.         else if "`sigma'" !=""  {</span>
     13<span class="stinp">.             tempvar xb</span>
     14<span class="stinp">.             _predict double `xb' , eq(#2)</span>
     15<span class="stinp">.                 gen `typlist' `varlist' = exp(`xb') if `touse'</span>
     16<span class="stinp">.                 label var `varlist' "E(sigma|X)"</span>
     17<span class="stinp">.         }</span>
     18<span class="stinp">.         else if "`emean'"!="" {</span>
     19<span class="stinp">.             tempvar xb lns</span>
     20<span class="stinp">.                 _predict double `xb' , eq(#1)</span>
     21<span class="stinp">.                 _predict double `lns' , eq(#2)</span>
     22<span class="stinp">.                 local sigma (exp(`lns'))</span>
     23<span class="stinp">.                 gen `typlist' `varlist' = exp(`xb')*exp(0.5*`sigma'^2) if `t
    &gt; ouse'</span>
     24<span class="stinp">.                 label var `varlist' "E(exp(Y)|X)"</span>
     25<span class="stinp">.         }</span>
     26<span class="stinp">. end</span>
    <p> This program, here named -myols_mle_p-, can be used to estimate 3 things: </p>
      <li>mean: This is the standard outcome. Just looking into the linear combination of X and betas </li>
      <li>sigma: When this option is used, you will obtain  \( \sigma \) . </li>
      <li>emean: And this will be something new. -emean- could be used if, say, your outcome of interest was "wages", 
      but you were modeling "log(wages)" </li>
    <p> For the last case, -emean-, we are using the expected value for a log normal distribution:
    $$ log(y_i) \sim N(\mu_y,\sigma_y) $$
    $$ E(y_i) = e^{\mu_y}*e^{\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2}$$
    <h2>The Estimation</h2>
    <p>Alright Lets see how it works:
    <p>First, lets load the data:
    <pre id="stlog-6" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. use, clear</span>
    (Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
    <p>Then, estimate the model using -ml-. For this we specify that the "model" will be estimated using "lf" approach, 
    and that the Log-likelihood is defined by the program -myols_mle-.
    <p>Afterwards, we declare which variables will be used to model the conditional mean, and just for fun the conditional 
    standard errors. Both parameters will be modelled as functions of education, experience, and gender. This allows for a specific type of heteroskedasticity. 
    <p>This is the model we will be estimating
    $$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 educ + \beta_2 exper + \beta_3 female + \varepsilon_i$$
    $$\varepsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma(x)^2)$$
    $$log(\sigma(x))=\gamma_0 + \gamma_1 educ + \gamma_2 exper + \gamma_3 female $$
    <pre id="stlog-7" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. ml model lf myols_mle (lnwage = educ exper i.female) (lnsigma:= educ exper i.fe
    &gt; male), maximize</span>
    initial:       log likelihood = <span class="stres">-9602.9223</span>
    alternative:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-4263.0081</span>
    rescale:       log likelihood = <span class="stres">-3318.4554</span>
    rescale eq:    log likelihood = <span class="stres"> -1777.883</span>
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = <span class="stres"> -1777.883</span>  (not concave)
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-1241.2179</span>  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-1029.3117</span>  
    Iteration 3:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-876.30431</span>  
    Iteration 4:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.21438</span>  
    Iteration 5:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span>  
    Iteration 6:   log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span>  
    <span class="stinp">. ml display</span>
                                                    Number of obs     = <span class="stres">     1,434</span>
                                                    Wald chi2(<span class="stres">3</span>)      = <span class="stres">    371.53</span>
    Log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span>                     Prob &gt; chi2       = <span class="stres">    0.0000</span>
          lnwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P&gt;|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    <span class="stres">eq1          </span>|
            educ |<span class="stres">   .0736371   .0045872    16.05   0.000     .0646464    .0826278</span>
           exper |<span class="stres">   .0105825   .0010551    10.03   0.000     .0085147    .0126504</span>
        1.female |<span class="stres">  -.1118167    .024106    -4.64   0.000    -.1590636   -.0645698</span>
           _cons |<span class="stres">   2.430164   .0641158    37.90   0.000     2.304499    2.555828</span>
    <span class="stres">lnsigma      </span>|
            educ |<span class="stres">  -.0356134   .0067794    -5.25   0.000    -.0489008   -.0223259</span>
           exper |<span class="stres">  -.0165439   .0016363   -10.11   0.000     -.019751   -.0133368</span>
        1.female |<span class="stres">   .2066704   .0382432     5.40   0.000     .1317152    .2816256</span>
           _cons |<span class="stres">  -.2813734   .0910696    -3.09   0.002    -.4598665   -.1028802</span>
    <p> You can compare the results with the standard -regress- outcome, or -hetregress- if you want to compare the results allowing for heteroskedastic errors </p>
    <p> Now, if we want to use our predict command, we need to "add" it to e()
    <pre id="stlog-8" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. adde local predict myols_mle_p</span>
    <p> And that is pretty much it. We can now use margins to estimate the effect of education, experience and gender on
    log of wages (trivial), on the standard errors, or on wages</p>
    <pre id="stlog-9" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(mean)  </span>
    Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     = <span class="stres">     1,434</span>
    Model VCE    : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
    Expression   : <span class="stres">E(y|X), predict(mean)</span>
    dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
                 |            Delta-method
                 |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P&gt;|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            educ |<span class="stres">   .0736371   .0045872    16.05   0.000     .0646464    .0826278</span>
           exper |<span class="stres">   .0105825   .0010551    10.03   0.000     .0085147    .0126504</span>
        1.female |<span class="stres">  -.1118167    .024106    -4.64   0.000    -.1590636   -.0645698</span>
    Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
    <span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(sigma)  </span>
    Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     = <span class="stres">     1,434</span>
    Model VCE    : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
    Expression   : <span class="stres">E(sigma|X), predict(sigma)</span>
    dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
                 |            Delta-method
                 |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P&gt;|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            educ |<span class="stres">  -.0161816   .0031133    -5.20   0.000    -.0222836   -.0100796</span>
           exper |<span class="stres">   -.007517    .000774    -9.71   0.000    -.0090341       -.006</span>
        1.female |<span class="stres">   .0938119   .0175522     5.34   0.000     .0594102    .1282136</span>
    Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
    <span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(emean)  </span>
    Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     = <span class="stres">     1,434</span>
    Model VCE    : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
    Expression   : <span class="stres">E(exp(Y)|X), predict(emean)</span>
    dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
                 |            Delta-method
                 |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P&gt;|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            educ |<span class="stres">   2.175891    .169221    12.86   0.000     1.844224    2.507558</span>
           exper |<span class="stres">    .236423   .0394785     5.99   0.000     .1590466    .3137995</span>
        1.female |<span class="stres">   -2.27482   .8226334    -2.77   0.006    -3.887152   -.6624884</span>
    Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
    So how do we interpret the results?. Here one possibility:
    Each additional year of education increases wages in 0.074%, however, as education increases the dispersion of wages decreases. In terms of actual dollar change,
    in average, that additional year of education translates in a 2.17\$  per hour increase.


    • #3
      Originally posted by FernandoRios View Post
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      <h1>Margins and -ml-</h1>
      <p> Stata has a very useful command that can be used for the estimation of almost any linear and nonlinear models
      using maximum likelihood. This command is -ml-.
      <p> Properly speaking, this command can be used to obtain any M-type estimator, however, I'll concentrate on maximum likelihood models.
      <p> In this small tutorial, I'll provide a small example of how to use -ml- in combination with -margins- to estimate marginal effects
      of any model of interest, as long as creates identifies the outcome of interest.
      <h2>The Setup</h2>
      <p> There are many ways that one can use margins to obtain "correct" marginal effects after the estimation of MLE models. Typical examples use
      -margins- option "expression". I find using that a bit complicated when the outcome of interest is complex, so I prefer doing it the way
      Stata does it. Creating a small program that defines the outcome of interest.
      <p> If one looks at the information stored in -e()- by all official Stata commands (and most community-contributed commands),
      you will find there is something stored in e(predict). This "something" is a program that defines the oucome(s) of interest
      that one can later use for other purposes. Perhaps the most common being obtaining model predictions or marginal effects.
      <p> So, in order to use -margins- with -ml-, we need the ability to modify the information stored in e(predict), and redirect -margins- to
      a command of our own design.
      <p> In order to so, I like to have the following program:
      <pre id="stlog-1" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program adde, eclass</span>
      1<span class="stinp">. ereturn `0'</span>
      2<span class="stinp">. end</span>
      <p> This is perhaps the simplest program you will ever write, and yet, the most flexible. It basically "adds" any information you want
      to e().
      <p> For example, say that you estimate a simple OLS model, using the dataset auto, and you add some info to e(). Specifically, I'll add
      a local named "tag" or e(tag) that will say "This is a very simple regression".
      <pre id="stlog-2" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. sysuse auto, clear</span>
      (1978 Automobile Data)
      <span class="stinp">. reg price mpg</span>
      Source | SS df MS Number of obs =<span class="stres"> 74</span>
      -------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 72) = <span class="stres"> 20.26</span>
      Model | <span class="stres"> 139449474 1 139449474 </span>Prob &gt; F =<span class="stres"> 0.0000</span>
      Residual | <span class="stres"> 495615923 72 6883554.48 </span>R-squared =<span class="stres"> 0.2196</span>
      -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared =<span class="stres"> 0.2087</span>
      Total | <span class="stres"> 635065396 73 8699525.97 </span>Root MSE = <span class="stres"> 2623.7</span>
      price | Coef. Std. Err. t P&gt;|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
      mpg |<span class="stres"> -238.8943 53.07669 -4.50 0.000 -344.7008 -133.0879</span>
      _cons |<span class="stres"> 11253.06 1170.813 9.61 0.000 8919.088 13587.03</span>
      <span class="stinp">. adde local tag "This is a very simple regression"</span>
      <p> You can see that this was added to e() by typing -ereturn list-. You will also see that -regress- stores information in e(predict) about a program
      named -regres_p-, which is used by -margins- and -predict-
      <pre id="stlog-3" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. ereturn list</span>
      e(N) = <span class="stres">74</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(df_m) = <span class="stres">1</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(df_r) = <span class="stres">72</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(F) = <span class="stres">20.25835256291883</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(r2) = <span class="stres">.2195828561874974</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(rmse) = <span class="stres">2623.652888667586</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(mss) = <span class="stres">139449473.5462301</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(rss) = <span class="stres">495615922.5753915</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(r2_a) = <span class="stres">.2087437291901015</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(ll) = <span class="stres">-686.5395809065244</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(ll_0) = <span class="stres">-695.7128688987767</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(rank) = <span class="stres">2</span>
      e(tag) : "<span class="stres">This is a very simple regression</span>"
      e(cmdline) : "<span class="stres">regress price mpg</span>"
      e(title) : "<span class="stres">Linear regression</span>"
      e(marginsok) : "<span class="stres">XB default</span>"
      e(vce) : "<span class="stres">ols</span>"
      e(depvar) : "<span class="stres">price</span>"
      e(cmd) : "<span class="stres">regress</span>"
      e(properties) : "<span class="stres">b V</span>"
      e(predict) : "<span class="stres">regres_p</span>"
      e(model) : "<span class="stres">ols</span>"
      e(estat_cmd) : "<span class="stres">regress_estat</span>"
      e(b) : <span class="stres"> 1 x 2</span>
      <span class="stres"> </span>e(V) : <span class="stres"> 2 x 2</span>
      <h2>MLE estimator</h2>
      <p> As I mentioned before, -ml- is a very useful stata command that allows you to obtain MLE estimators give that you define the appropriate objective function.
      <p> -ml- has many different options, (lf, df0, df1, df2, etc), each requiring you to define the objective function (usually the log-likelihood function),
      its gradient, or its Hessian. For all purposes, however, I find -lf- (the simplest one) to be the only one you may ever need.
      <p> When you use -ml- with -lf- estimator, you just need to declare the loglikelihood function contributed by each observation in the sample.
      <p> In order to ground this concept, lets assume that we want to estimate a simple linear regression using MLE. For this we need to assume that either the error follows a normal distribution,
      or that the outcome follows a conditionally normal distribution:
      $$ y_i = x_i \beta + \varepsilon_i$$
      $$ y_i \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma ) $$
      $$ \varepsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma ) $$
      <p>This implies that the (Log)likelihood of a single observation is equal to:
      $$ L_i = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2} (\frac{y_i-x_i \beta}{\sigma} )^2 } $$
      $$ LL_i = -log(\sigma)-\frac{1}{2} log(2\pi) -\frac{1}{2} (\frac{y_i-x_i \beta}{\sigma} )^2 $$
      So we just need to write a program that defines this log-likelihood function. This is stright forward:
      <pre id="stlog-4" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program myols_mle</span>
      1<span class="stinp">. args lnf xb lnsigma</span>
      2<span class="stinp">. local sigma exp(`lnsigma')</span>
      3<span class="stinp">. qui:replace `lnf' = log(normalden($ML_y1,`xb',`sigma'))</span>
      4<span class="stinp">. end</span>
      <p> Notice that this program has 3 arguments.
      <li>lnf: Will store the LL for each observation</li>
      <li>xb: Will store the linear combination for all \( x_i \beta \) </li>
      <li>lnsigma: Will store the \( log (\sigma) \) </li>
      <p> Notice here that we are not estimating \(\sigma \) directly because it is numerically more stable to estimate its log.
      <p> Now the interesting part. Create our "predict" program:
      <pre id="stlog-5" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. program myols_mle_p</span>
      1<span class="stinp">. syntax newvarname [if] [in] , [ mean sigma emean *]</span>
      2<span class="stinp">. if "`mean'`sigma'`emean'" =="" {</span>
      3<span class="stinp">. ml_p `0'</span>
      4<span class="stinp">. }</span>
      5<span class="stinp">. marksample touse, novarlist</span>
      6<span class="stinp">. if "`mean'" !="" {</span>
      7<span class="stinp">. tempvar xb</span>
      8<span class="stinp">. _predict double `xb' , eq(#1)</span>
      9<span class="stinp">. gen `typlist' `varlist' = `xb' if `touse'</span>
      10<span class="stinp">. label var `varlist' "E(y|X)"</span>
      11<span class="stinp">. }</span>
      12<span class="stinp">. else if "`sigma'" !="" {</span>
      13<span class="stinp">. tempvar xb</span>
      14<span class="stinp">. _predict double `xb' , eq(#2)</span>
      15<span class="stinp">. gen `typlist' `varlist' = exp(`xb') if `touse'</span>
      16<span class="stinp">. label var `varlist' "E(sigma|X)"</span>
      17<span class="stinp">. }</span>
      18<span class="stinp">. else if "`emean'"!="" {</span>
      19<span class="stinp">. tempvar xb lns</span>
      20<span class="stinp">. _predict double `xb' , eq(#1)</span>
      21<span class="stinp">. _predict double `lns' , eq(#2)</span>
      22<span class="stinp">. local sigma (exp(`lns'))</span>
      23<span class="stinp">. gen `typlist' `varlist' = exp(`xb')*exp(0.5*`sigma'^2) if `t
      &gt; ouse'</span>
      24<span class="stinp">. label var `varlist' "E(exp(Y)|X)"</span>
      25<span class="stinp">. }</span>
      26<span class="stinp">. end</span>
      <p> This program, here named -myols_mle_p-, can be used to estimate 3 things: </p>
      <li>mean: This is the standard outcome. Just looking into the linear combination of X and betas </li>
      <li>sigma: When this option is used, you will obtain \( \sigma \) . </li>
      <li>emean: And this will be something new. -emean- could be used if, say, your outcome of interest was "wages",
      but you were modeling "log(wages)" </li>
      <p> For the last case, -emean-, we are using the expected value for a log normal distribution:
      $$ log(y_i) \sim N(\mu_y,\sigma_y) $$
      $$ E(y_i) = e^{\mu_y}*e^{\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2}$$
      <h2>The Estimation</h2>
      <p>Alright Lets see how it works:
      <p>First, lets load the data:
      <pre id="stlog-6" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. use, clear</span>
      (Excerpt from the Swiss Labor Market Survey 1998)
      <p>Then, estimate the model using -ml-. For this we specify that the "model" will be estimated using "lf" approach,
      and that the Log-likelihood is defined by the program -myols_mle-.
      <p>Afterwards, we declare which variables will be used to model the conditional mean, and just for fun the conditional
      standard errors. Both parameters will be modelled as functions of education, experience, and gender. This allows for a specific type of heteroskedasticity.
      <p>This is the model we will be estimating
      $$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 educ + \beta_2 exper + \beta_3 female + \varepsilon_i$$
      $$\varepsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma(x)^2)$$
      $$log(\sigma(x))=\gamma_0 + \gamma_1 educ + \gamma_2 exper + \gamma_3 female $$
      <pre id="stlog-7" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. ml model lf myols_mle (lnwage = educ exper i.female) (lnsigma:= educ exper i.fe
      &gt; male), maximize</span>
      initial: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-9602.9223</span>
      alternative: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-4263.0081</span>
      rescale: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-3318.4554</span>
      rescale eq: log likelihood = <span class="stres"> -1777.883</span>
      Iteration 0: log likelihood = <span class="stres"> -1777.883</span> (not concave)
      Iteration 1: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-1241.2179</span>
      Iteration 2: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-1029.3117</span>
      Iteration 3: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-876.30431</span>
      Iteration 4: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.21438</span>
      Iteration 5: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span>
      Iteration 6: log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span>
      <span class="stinp">. ml display</span>
      Number of obs = <span class="stres"> 1,434</span>
      Wald chi2(<span class="stres">3</span>) = <span class="stres"> 371.53</span>
      Log likelihood = <span class="stres">-871.18998</span> Prob &gt; chi2 = <span class="stres"> 0.0000</span>
      lnwage | Coef. Std. Err. z P&gt;|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      <span class="stres">eq1 </span>|
      educ |<span class="stres"> .0736371 .0045872 16.05 0.000 .0646464 .0826278</span>
      exper |<span class="stres"> .0105825 .0010551 10.03 0.000 .0085147 .0126504</span>
      1.female |<span class="stres"> -.1118167 .024106 -4.64 0.000 -.1590636 -.0645698</span>
      _cons |<span class="stres"> 2.430164 .0641158 37.90 0.000 2.304499 2.555828</span>
      <span class="stres">lnsigma </span>|
      educ |<span class="stres"> -.0356134 .0067794 -5.25 0.000 -.0489008 -.0223259</span>
      exper |<span class="stres"> -.0165439 .0016363 -10.11 0.000 -.019751 -.0133368</span>
      1.female |<span class="stres"> .2066704 .0382432 5.40 0.000 .1317152 .2816256</span>
      _cons |<span class="stres"> -.2813734 .0910696 -3.09 0.002 -.4598665 -.1028802</span>
      <p> You can compare the results with the standard -regress- outcome, or -hetregress- if you want to compare the results allowing for heteroskedastic errors </p>
      <p> Now, if we want to use our predict command, we need to "add" it to e()
      <pre id="stlog-8" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. adde local predict myols_mle_p</span>
      <p> And that is pretty much it. We can now use margins to estimate the effect of education, experience and gender on
      log of wages (trivial), on the standard errors, or on wages</p>
      <pre id="stlog-9" class="stlog"><samp><span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(mean) </span>
      Average marginal effects Number of obs = <span class="stres"> 1,434</span>
      Model VCE : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
      Expression : <span class="stres">E(y|X), predict(mean)</span>
      dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
      | Delta-method
      | dy/dx Std. Err. z P&gt;|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      educ |<span class="stres"> .0736371 .0045872 16.05 0.000 .0646464 .0826278</span>
      exper |<span class="stres"> .0105825 .0010551 10.03 0.000 .0085147 .0126504</span>
      1.female |<span class="stres"> -.1118167 .024106 -4.64 0.000 -.1590636 -.0645698</span>
      Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
      <span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(sigma) </span>
      Average marginal effects Number of obs = <span class="stres"> 1,434</span>
      Model VCE : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
      Expression : <span class="stres">E(sigma|X), predict(sigma)</span>
      dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
      | Delta-method
      | dy/dx Std. Err. z P&gt;|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      educ |<span class="stres"> -.0161816 .0031133 -5.20 0.000 -.0222836 -.0100796</span>
      exper |<span class="stres"> -.007517 .000774 -9.71 0.000 -.0090341 -.006</span>
      1.female |<span class="stres"> .0938119 .0175522 5.34 0.000 .0594102 .1282136</span>
      Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
      <span class="stinp">. margins, dydx(*) predict(emean) </span>
      Average marginal effects Number of obs = <span class="stres"> 1,434</span>
      Model VCE : <span class="stres">OIM</span>
      Expression : <span class="stres">E(exp(Y)|X), predict(emean)</span>
      dy/dx w.r.t. : <span class="stres">educ exper 1.female</span>
      | Delta-method
      | dy/dx Std. Err. z P&gt;|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      educ |<span class="stres"> 2.175891 .169221 12.86 0.000 1.844224 2.507558</span>
      exper |<span class="stres"> .236423 .0394785 5.99 0.000 .1590466 .3137995</span>
      1.female |<span class="stres"> -2.27482 .8226334 -2.77 0.006 -3.887152 -.6624884</span>
      Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
      So how do we interpret the results?. Here one possibility:
      Each additional year of education increases wages in 0.074%, however, as education increases the dispersion of wages decreases. In terms of actual dollar change,
      in average, that additional year of education translates in a 2.17\$ per hour increase.
      I recently received a very interesting and challenging task about a micro-F parallel plate air capacitor.
      A constant potential difference of 12V is maintained between the terminals of a 0.25 micro-F parallel plate air capacitor.
      A. A sheet of Mylar is inserted between the plates of the capacitor completely filling the space between the plates. When this is done how much additional charge flows into the positive plate of the capacitor? (K for mylar = 3.1)
      B. What is the total induced charge on either face of the mylar sheet?
      C. What effect does the mylar sheet have on the electric field between the plates? Explain how you can reconcile thiswith the increase of charge on the plates, which acts to increase the electric field.
      I found the solution on the site but did not fully understand the explanation. I will be very grateful for your explanation.
      it became clearer to me now. thank you!

