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  • How to use categorical variable in dynamic panel regression?


    I am using a country variable, called "targetcountry" in my dynamic panel regression. This variable consists of 13 countries (long variables) and normally I should make 12 dummies (or use i.targetcountry) but this will give a big output with 12 different coefficients. As the coefficients are not important to my analysis and i just want to use the variable as control variable, I was asking myself how Stata treats the variable if just use "targetcountry" in the regression. Does it automatically makes dummy variables? and how could i intepret the coefficient? Is it possible to use a categorical variable like this in a regression?

    My code looks as follows:

    reghdfe Return returnLag1 targetcountry targetsector age Gearing lnsize style if vehiclestructure==1, a(yq) cl(vehiclenumber)

    This gives the following output.
    VARIABLES Closed-end
    Appraisal-based return, t-1 0.1008***
    Target country -0.0006**
    Target sector -0.0005
    Age -0.0017***
    Gearing -0.0198**
    Ln Size 0.0063***
    Style 0.0030
    Constant -0.0833***
    Time FE Yes
    Fund FE No
    Observations 4,250
    R-squared 0.1733
    Many thanks in advance!
