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  • Fixed effect for a multiple treatment analysis

    Dear Statalist,

    I'd like to study how the inflation of a country changes the years before and after it experiences a war using non conflict countries as a control group.

    I have a panel with a column "Event" that indicates the three years before and after a war, being event=0 when the war started. I also have the inflation for every country every year and a dummy variable "conflict" that is 1 if the country experienced a war and 0 if not.

    The data looks like this:
    country year event inflation conflict
    A 1990 . 8 1
    A 1991 -3 4 1
    A 1992 -2 9 1
    A 1993 -1 5 1
    A 1994 0 2 1
    A 1995 1 4 1
    A 1996 2 7 1
    A 1997 3 2 1
    A 1998 . 8 1
    A 1999 . 10 1
    B 1990 . 3 0
    B 1991 . 6 0
    B 1992 . 5 0
    B 1993 . 3 0
    B 1994 . 2 0
    B 1995 . 7 0
    B 1996 . 6 0
    B 1997 . 9 0
    B 1998 . 3 0
    B 1999 . 6 0
    C 1990 . 9 1
    C 1991 . 10 1
    C 1992 . 3 1
    C 1993 -3 1 1
    C 1994 -2 1 1
    C 1995 -1 6 1
    C 1996 0 7 1
    C 1997 1 8 1
    C 1998 2 3 1
    C 1999 3 1 1
    I would like to use the non conflict countries as a control group to determine the coefficients, confidence interval and p-values that the inflation has for the conflict countries the three years before and after the event. My ultimate goal is to have something that looks like this:
    Event dy/dx Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
    -3 0.418232 4.333876 0.1 0.923 -8.07601 8.912474
    -2 0.280138 4.248896 0.07 0.947 -8.04755 8.607821
    -1 -1.1674 4.148458 -0.28 0.778 -9.29823 6.963426
    0 0.002299 3.980347 0 1 -7.79904 7.803635
    1 4.025524 3.844254 1.05 0.295 -3.50908 11.56012
    2 7.296422 3.757677 1.94 0.052 -0.06849 14.66133
    3 12.33721 3.721222 3.32 0.001 5.043751 19.63067
    One colleague told me that maybe I should try with using dummy variables for the years and the conflict like this:
     xtreg inflation conflict 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999, fe
    however, I don't see how this can give me information about the years I want to analyze (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).

    Any ideas to improve the regression?