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  • Conducting a leave-one-out robustnesstest for Synthetic Control Method

    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to ask you if anyone is familiar with conducting the leave-one-out robustness tests for a synthetic control method analysis in STATA?

    I have conducted the placebo studies in accordance to this post:, but I have not been able to find any help online regarding the leave-one-out test.

    I know i am supposed to create a loop, where I iteratively reestimate the baseline model to construct the synthesization by excluding high weighted control units. - But I simply cannot get the coding correct.

    I hope you can help
    Thanks in advance
    Sebastian Hansen
    Last edited by Sebastian Hansen; 20 Dec 2017, 06:17. Reason: Synthetic control method, Leave-one-out, Robustness

  • #2

    Welcome to Statalist. It seems that you tried to post a question that you want to be read by the general readers of the Statalist Forum. If this is the case, repost your question at the General forum. Note that this here (Sandbox) is simply for experimenting with postings.

    An additional remark: Stata is no acronym but a name, thus it should be written as such (i.e. not in upper case letters).

