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  • Survival analysis and proportionality hazard

    I would appreciate if you could let me know whether it is correct to use parametric panel survival regression for my data. If so, could you please let me know how to test proportionality hazard assumption? My data set is as follows:
    ID TIME EVENT x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
    1 1 0 1.281024 0.022934 0.874538 1.216367 0.06094
    1 2 0 1.270012 0.006454 0.820673 1.004861 -0.01408
    1 3 0 1.05289 -0.05938 0.922422 0.729264 0.020476
    1 4 0 1.113115 -0.01523 0.858878 0.809738 0.076037
    1 5 1 1.219644 -0.05868 0.887088 0.484342 0.009778
    2 1 0 1.062264 0.107021 0.814602 0.835928 0.19996
    2 2 0 1.055786 0.081916 0.879486 0.686728 0.142627
    2 3 0 0.970588 0.076064 0.906775 0.809796 0.165915
    2 4 0 1.058996 0.130203 0.818112 0.875989 0.234452
    2 5 0 1.124525 0.147841 0.75871 1.079925 0.276444
    2 6 0 1.599781 0.262461 0.546151 1.312741 0.369479
    2 7 0 1.575608 0.262096 0.564481 1.156476 0.348624
    2 8 0 1.544273 0.240911 0.590729 1.07697 0.325612
    2 9 0 1.721708 0.215246 0.552291 0.841011 0.2935
    2 10 0 1.723163 0.20863 0.533981 0.786512 0.293033
    2 11 0 1.630677 0.186235 0.547719 0.728193 0.273577
    2 12 0 2.172313 0.319455 0.441393 0.946985 0.427395
    3 1 0 0.874395 -0.03468 0.793502 0.609515 -0.00263
    3 2 1 0.825239 -0.14194 0.952213 0.57288 -0.01915
    I used the following commands to do survival analysis:
    . xtset id time, yearly
    . stset time, failure(event==1)
    . xtstreg x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, dist(exponential)
    . estat ic

    The estimated regression:

    Random-effects exponential regression Number of obs = 1,554
    Group variable: id Number of groups = 152

    Obs per group:
    min = 2
    avg = 10.2
    max = 12

    Integration method: mvaghermite Integration pts. = 12

    Wald chi2(5) = 84.85
    Log likelihood = -209.83151 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
    _t | Haz. Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    x1 | .7474386 .5523192 -0.39 0.694 .1756228 3.181048
    x2 | .0269099 .0935812 -1.04 0.299 .0000295 24.54876
    x3 | 814.9069 1289.601 4.24 0.000 36.64971 18119.46
    x4 | 1.032383 .4342369 0.08 0.940 .4527012 2.354344
    x5 | .0005696 .0019129 -2.22 0.026 7.89e-07 .4112869
    _cons | .0000404 .0000722 -5.66 0.000 1.22e-06 .0013406
    /sigma2_u | .4575335 .352393 .1011175 2.070235
    LR test vs. exponential model: chibar2(01) = 2.69 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0504

    Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion

    Model | Obs ll(null) ll(model) df AIC BIC
    . | 1,554 . -209.8315 7 433.663 471.1031
    Note: N=Obs used in calculating BIC; see [R] BIC note.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Sarina Hamidizade; 14 Mar 2017, 01:09. Reason: survival analysis, proportionality hazard, xtstreg

  • #2
    the outcome of LR test of random-effects exponential regression vs exponential model favours the latter.
    As far as your other (broad) questions are concerned, I woud point you to the following Stata .pdf manual entries: -streg-; -streg postestimation-; -stcox postestimation.
    Kind regards,
    (Stata 18.0 SE)


    • #3
      Dear Mr. Lazzaro
      First, I thank you very much for sharing your time and knowledge. Then, as the Stata pdf manual mentions the likelihood-ratio test compares the random-effects
      model with a survival model with fixed effects only. In my case, the results support the fixed-effects model. Therefore, I used the following command but I am not sure if it is fixed-effects or not:

      . streg x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, dist(exponential)

      The output:

      Exponential regression -- log relative-hazard form

      No. of subjects = 1,554 Number of obs = 1,554
      No. of failures = 50
      Time at risk = 9490
      LR chi2(5) = 202.24
      Log likelihood = -124.91894 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

      _t | Haz. Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      x1 | .568155 .3714036 -0.86 0.387 .157774 2.045965
      x2 | .355751 .9217623 -0.40 0.690 .0022164 57.1001
      x3 | 456.0766 608.5318 4.59 0.000 33.36572 6234.118
      x4 | 1.029038 .3758595 0.08 0.938 .5029531 2.105405
      x5 | .0002391 .0006645 -3.00 0.003 1.03e-06 .0554472
      _cons | .0001065 .0001614 -6.04 0.000 5.46e-06 .0020764

      Unfortunately, I couldn't find how to test PH even though I look at it's post estimation manual.

      Besides, I tried cox regression as follows:
      . stset time, failure(event==1)
      . stcox x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

      Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

      No. of subjects = 1,554 Number of obs = 1,554
      No. of failures = 50
      Time at risk = 9490
      LR chi2(5) = 203.00
      Log likelihood = -219.66919 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

      _t | Haz. Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      x1 | .4790793 .3186303 -1.11 0.269 .1301017 1.764136
      x2 | 1.263872 3.29019 0.09 0.928 .0076878 207.7801
      x3 | 601.7359 842.9844 4.57 0.000 38.63135 9372.857
      x4 | 1.025448 .3465663 0.07 0.941 .5287334 1.988798
      x5 | .0000954 .0002607 -3.39 0.001 4.48e-07 .0202743
      . estat phtest, detail

      Test of proportional-hazards assumption

      Time: Time
      | rho chi2 df Prob>chi2
      x1 | -0.27573 4.04 1 0.0445
      x2 | -0.17849 2.07 1 0.1506
      x3 | -0.18528 1.89 1 0.1696
      x4 | -0.08159 0.19 1 0.6588
      x5 | 0.17416 2.00 1 0.1577
      global test | 7.23 5 0.2044
      Best regards,


      • #4
        - fixed effect usually entails a factor variable among predictors, like in the following toy-example (factor variable: -wbc3-):
        . use
        (Leukemia Remission Study)
        . stset weeks, failure(relapse==1)
             failure event:  relapse == 1
        obs. time interval:  (0, weeks]
         exit on or before:  failure
                 42  total observations
                  0  exclusions
                 42  observations remaining, representing
                 30  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                541  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                        at risk from t =         0
                                             earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                  last observed exit t =        35
        . stcox treatment1 i.wbc3, basel
                 failure _d:  relapse == 1
           analysis time _t:  weeks
        Iteration 0:   log likelihood =  -93.98505
        Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -80.258598
        Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -80.054222
        Iteration 3:   log likelihood =  -80.05387
        Refining estimates:
        Iteration 0:   log likelihood =  -80.05387
        Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties
        No. of subjects =           42                  Number of obs    =          42
        No. of failures =           30
        Time at risk    =          541
                                                        LR chi2(2)       =       27.86
        Log likelihood  =    -80.05387                  Prob > chi2      =      0.0000
                  _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          treatment1 |   .2883715   .1241628    -2.89   0.004     .1240094    .6705794
                wbc3 |
                  0  |          1  (base)
                  1  |   4.956401   2.311923     3.43   0.001     1.986652    12.36548
        - estat-phtest- tells you that the proportional hazards assumption is not violated in your -stcox-.
        Kind regards,
        (Stata 18.0 SE)


        • #5
          Dear Mr. Lazzaro
          I am so grateful for your detailed example. However, in this example wbc3cat is represented as normal (wb1), moderate (wb2) and high (wb3) but I don't have such a variable so how should I deal with this situation? Really, I am investigating the impact of some financial ratios on the bankruptcy of companies.
          Besides, could you please let me know how to test PH if I want to use for example . xtstreg x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, dist(loglogistics) while Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0001?

          Best regards,


          • #6
            I've previously posted a toy-example to get you familiar with the code: obviously, your categorical variable may well differ (eg.: country);
            -dist(loglogistic) is available in accelerated failure time (AFT) metric only; hence, no PH and, consequently, no PH test.
            Kind regards,
            (Stata 18.0 SE)


            • #7
              Dear Mr. Lazzaro
              I am so sorry for asking you a lot. Unfortunately, when I use
              . stcox x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, basel
              this result is reported:
              Iteration 22:  log likelihood = -65.042584  (backed up)
              flat region resulting in a missing likelihood
              In fact, id represents 152 companies. Therefore, I found this link but I am not sure if it helps.
              Furthermore, I can't test PH after
              . streg x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, dist(exponential).
              Thanks in advance.
              Best regards,


              • #8
                -your first code makes the model unable to converge; probably the sort of misspecification is (the informativeness of whic I fail to get);
                -you can compare the HRs of -stcox- (for which postestimation commands aimed at checking the PH feature are available, such as -estat phtest-) with those obtained from the parametric regression that you ran. If they're not that different, you're on the right track.
                Kind regards,
                (Stata 18.0 SE)


                • #9
                  Dear Mr. Lazzaro
                  Thanks a lot for your time and consideration. Then, since there is a problem with the first link which is refered to by the following link I decided to use mixed-effects survival regression but I didn't fill out the options related to the random-effects.

                  . stset time, failure(event==1) scale(1)
                       failure event:  event == 1
                  obs. time interval:  (0, time]
                   exit on or before:  failure
                         1554  total observations
                            0  exclusions
                         1554  observations remaining, representing
                           50  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                         9490  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                                  at risk from t =         0
                                                       earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                            last observed exit t =        12
                  . mestreg x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, dist(exponential)
                           failure _d:  event == 1
                     analysis time _t:  time
                  Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -70315.658  
                  Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -352.53502  
                  Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -224.77077  
                  Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -214.16464  
                  Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -211.19934  
                  Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -211.17739  
                  Iteration 6:   log likelihood = -211.17739  
                  Exponential regression                          Number of obs     =      1,554
                                                                  Wald chi2(5)      =     196.32
                  Log likelihood = -211.17739                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
                            _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            x1 |   .5681548   .3714034    -0.86   0.387      .157774    2.045964
                            x2 |    .355751   .9217622    -0.40   0.690     .0022164    57.10008
                            x3 |   456.0763   608.5313     4.59   0.000     33.36571    6234.112
                            x4 |   1.029038   .3758594     0.08   0.938      .502953    2.105404
                            x5 |   .0002391   .0006645    -3.00   0.003     1.03e-06    .0554472
                         _cons |   .0001065   .0001614    -6.04   0.000     5.46e-06    .0020765
                  . estat phtest
                  subcommand estat phtest is unrecognized
                  However, I am not sure if it is right to estimate fixed effects or not?
                  Best regards,


                  • #10
                    admittedly, I do not follow you.
                    You've proposed different models in different posts. Those models are not, in general, exchangeable.
                    I would recommend you to skim through the literature of your research field and see what others did in the past when presented with the same research topic.
                    Kind regards,
                    (Stata 18.0 SE)


                    • #11
                      Dear Mr. Lazzaro
                      Thanks a lot for your help.
                      Best regards,

