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  • #16
    Thanks for the helpful tips Ben! Obtaining the correct ATT with weights is no problem but I am struggling a bit on where to put the weights into the G so the IF is calculated correctly. I saw on p.60 of the aforementioned paper you explain the use of survey weights for the logistic regression example. This clarifies that instead of N one should use the sum of weights (W), and in the simple case the weight w just goes into the cross product. For the various G_subscripts, I am not sure exactly how this applies. G11 is the simplest case, but for the others I am unsure. I tried out several things but didn't get the right ATT using csdid_rif, so would be grateful of further guidance.

     keep if year==2022 & female==0
    mata  Dnm = "treat"; Xnm = "$controls"
    Ynm = "outcome" ; Znm = "$controls"
    N = st_nobs()
    D = st_data(., Dnm); X = st_data(., Xnm), J(N, 1, 1)
    Y = st_data(., Ynm); Z = st_data(., Znm), J(N, 1, 1)
    w = st_data(., "weight")
    W = sum(W)  
    // estimate logit and create weights
    stata("quietly logit " + Dnm + " " + Xnm + " [pw=weight]")
    p = invlogit(X * st_matrix("e(b)")')
    w0 = p :/ (1 :- p) :* !D
    st_store(., st_addvar("double", "w0"), w0)
    stata("gen est_weight=w0*weight")
    w0_weight = "est_weight"
    est_weight = st_data(., w0_weight)  
    // estimate regression model
    stata("quietly regress " + Ynm + " " + Znm + " if " + Dnm + "==0 [iw=est_weight]")  
    Zg0 = Z * st_matrix("e(b)")'  
    // compute IF for eta01  
    h1 = X :* (D - p)  
    G11inv = invsym(cross(X, w :* p :* (1 :- p), X) / W) //I think this is now ok after adding w and W  
    h2 = Z :* w0 :* (Y :- Zg0) //Should this use est_weight instead of w0?  
    G21 = cross(-h2, X) / W //Needs editing  
    G22inv = invsym(cross(Z, w0, Z) / W) //Needs editing, perhaps using est_weight instead of w0 or equivalently w:* w0?  
    eta01 = mean(Zg0, D:* w)  
    h3 = D :* (Zg0 :- eta01)  G32 = colsum(-D :* Z) / W //Needs editing  
    IF_eta01 = W/sum(D:* w) * (h3 - (h2 - h1 * G11inv' * G21') * G22inv' * G32')  //Not sure here
    // compute IF for eta11  
    eta11 = mean(Y, D:* w)  
    IF_eta11 = W/sum(D:* w) * D:* w :* (Y :- eta11) //Needs editing  
    // compute IF for ATT  
    ATT = eta11 - eta01  
    st_local("att", strofreal(ATT)) //added to store the att in a local to calculate the RIF from the IF    
    IF_ATT = IF_eta11 - IF_eta01  
    st_store(., st_addvar("double", "if_att"), IF_ATT) //added to store the IF for all observations  
    // display results (point estimate, mean of IF, standard error)  
    (ATT, eta11, eta01)', mean((IF_ATT, IF_eta11, IF_eta01))', sqrt(diagonal(variance((IF_ATT, IF_eta11, IF_eta01)) / W)) * sqrt((W-1)/W)  
    sum if_att //check whether the IF is on average 0  
    *Calculate the RIF from IF produced above
    cap drop RIF_att
    gen RIF_att=if_att+`att'  
    *Now obtain the ATT with clustered standard errors
    csdid_rif RIF_att, cluster(cluster_var)  
    *Save for male population
    keep id RIF_att year
    rename RIF_att RIF_male
    tempfile male_merge
    save `male_merge'  
    Then repeat for female==1 and merge that onto the main dataset too and use csdid_rif followed by the test command.
    Last edited by Nick Barton; 02 Mar 2023, 18:21. Reason: Fixing formatting of code


    • #17
      Upon further review, I edited the G_subscripts to the following:

      G11inv = invsym(cross(X, w :* p :* (1 :- p), X) / W)
      G21 =  cross( -h2, X :* w ) / W
      G22inv = invsym(cross( Z, w :* w0, Z) / W)
      G32 = colsum( -D:* Z :* w) / W
      I also dropped a "w" from here, since it didn't make sense to weight the dummy for an observation being treated or not in this outcome:

       IF_eta11 = W/sum(D:* w) * D:* (Y :- eta11)
      While it is much closer to the teffects ipwra estimate, it is still not quite there
      Last edited by Nick Barton; 03 Mar 2023, 07:16.


      • #18
        Sorry for spamming the thread, but I now realised that if I run
        sum RIF_att if_att [iw=weight1]
        Then I actually get exactly what I would expect, i.e. the RIF mean is the ATT and the IF mean is close to zero.

        Furthermore, to get a RIF value that can be used by csdid_rif, it is necessary to reweight the RIF

        sum weight1 if !mi(RIF_att)
        gen RIF_att_weighted=RIF_att*weight/`r(mean)'
        csdid_rif RIF_att_weighted, cluster(clustervar)
        This then gives the correct ATT from the csdid command, allowing for merging back together and testing.


        • #19
          Dear Fernando, and others.

          I was wondering if there was an example to compare the ATTs from two different RIFs from csdid. I see that the code from drdid produces some variables that can be compared using the csdid_rif postestimation command, but from the information within the RIFs from csdid, I have a hard time to make the analogy.

          I started with the following code:

          use RIF1, clear
          csdid_stats simple, wboot estore(simple1)
          use RIF2, clear
          csdid_stats simple, wboot estore(simple2)
          test simple1= simple2

          And I obtain the error simple 1 not found.

          Sorry if this was pointed out at a different spot, but I have been reading this thread out of the title.


          Felipe LR
          Last edited by Felipe Lozano; 15 Feb 2024, 11:56.


          • #20
            Hi felipe
            i do not have an example in hand. However I can suggest where to start
            so you already have two rif files. You need to merge them together based on the panel Id. Then use csdid_rif to create the table of interest

