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  • Ranked ordered model

    Dear collegues,

    I'm currently working on a database from a consumers survey. In this survey, we asked individuals to rank their top three preferred labelling schemes out of nine alternatives.

    Now I would like to set up a ranked ordered model that allows me to explain the preferences of our individuals with regard to several variables (gender, age, income ....)

    My database is organised as follow :

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input byte ID str6 Label_name byte(pref male deplittoral) double univ
     1 "local"  3 0 0  1.304165
     1 "france" 0 0 0  1.304165
     1 "equi"   0 0 0  1.304165
     1 "euro"   0 0 0  1.304165
     1 "envi"   0 0 0  1.304165
     1 "qual"   2 0 0  1.304165
     1 "sante"  1 0 0  1.304165
     1 "nutri"  0 0 0  1.304165
     1 "anx"    0 0 0  1.304165
     2 "local"  3 0 0  1.029258
     2 "france" 0 0 0  1.029258
     2 "equi"   0 0 0  1.029258
     2 "euro"   0 0 0  1.029258
     2 "envi"   2 0 0  1.029258
     2 "qual"   0 0 0  1.029258
     2 "sante"  1 0 0  1.029258
     2 "nutri"  0 0 0  1.029258
     2 "anx"    0 0 0  1.029258
     3 "local"  2 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "france" 1 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "equi"   0 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "euro"   0 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "envi"   0 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "qual"   3 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "sante"  0 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "nutri"  0 0 1 -1.549724
     3 "anx"    0 0 1 -1.549724
     4 "local"  0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "france" 2 0 0  .9819833
     4 "equi"   0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "euro"   0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "envi"   3 0 0  .9819833
     4 "qual"   0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "sante"  0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "nutri"  0 0 0  .9819833
     4 "anx"    1 0 0  .9819833
     5 "local"  0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "france" 0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "equi"   0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "euro"   0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "envi"   0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "qual"   0 0 1  .7331646
     5 "sante"  3 0 1  .7331646
     5 "nutri"  2 0 1  .7331646
     5 "anx"    1 0 1  .7331646
     6 "local"  0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "france" 0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "equi"   3 1 0  .7931689
     6 "euro"   0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "envi"   1 1 0  .7931689
     6 "qual"   0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "sante"  0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "nutri"  0 1 0  .7931689
     6 "anx"    2 1 0  .7931689
     7 "local"  3 0 1  .7203799
     7 "france" 0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "equi"   2 0 1  .7203799
     7 "euro"   0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "envi"   0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "qual"   0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "sante"  0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "nutri"  0 0 1  .7203799
     7 "anx"    1 0 1  .7203799
     8 "local"  0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "france" 1 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "equi"   0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "euro"   0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "envi"   2 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "qual"   0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "sante"  0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "nutri"  0 0 0 -.5312917
     8 "anx"    3 0 0 -.5312917
     9 "local"  0 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "france" 0 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "equi"   0 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "euro"   2 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "envi"   3 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "qual"   1 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "sante"  0 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "nutri"  0 1 1 -.3313667
     9 "anx"    0 1 1 -.3313667
    10 "local"  0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "france" 0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "equi"   0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "euro"   0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "envi"   2 0 0  1.206946
    10 "qual"   0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "sante"  3 0 0  1.206946
    10 "nutri"  0 0 0  1.206946
    10 "anx"    1 0 0  1.206946
    11 "local"  0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "france" 0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "equi"   0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "euro"   0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "envi"   1 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "qual"   0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "sante"  2 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "nutri"  0 1 0 -.3468108
    11 "anx"    3 1 0 -.3468108
    Some explanations :
    • The first column "ID" represents each indivdiuals (here, we have the ranking of 11 individuals)
    • The second column "Label_name" represents the 9 possible choices of labelling schemes
    • The third column "pref" represents the ranking given by the individual for the alternative considered in the previous column. The 1 represents the preferred alternative. As we asked to rank the 3 preferred alternatives for each individual, the 0s represent the unranked alternatives. Each individual therefore has 6 unranked alternatives, so six zeros.
    • The fourth column indicates the gender of the individual (1 = Female ; 0 = male)
    • The fifth column indicates if the individual lives in a coastal departement
    • The last colum represents the degree of altruism of the individual
    I chose to use a cmroprobit model. regarding my data and my purpose. I organised my code as follows

    cmset ID Label_name
    cmroprobit pref, casevars (male deplittoral univ)
    I wanted to know if you think the model I use is the most relevant? Or would another model allow me to obtain more interesting results?

    I hope that my explanations are clear enough, I remain available to bring you additional information if necessary !

    Best regards,

    DEWALS Jean-François
