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  • #31
    Dear Joao Santos Silva. I am interested to test formally whether the fixed effects are simply location shifters or if they affect the entire distribution. In this case I should test whether delta_i equals zero(assuming panel data). Do you think a simple F-test will work here and I will appreciate if you could provide an example how to test is in stata


    • #32
      Further to my email above. I am not an econometrician but I thought about it. Assuming Z=X and errors that are normally distributed then the absolute value of the residual term should be folded normally distributed.


      • #33
        Dear Nicolas Syrichas,

        Indeed that is what you need to do. I believe Stata reports such test, so all you have to do it to perform the second step and do the test. You can also go to the ado file and remove the "qui" in line 75; the test should then be automatically reported.

        Best wishes,



        • #34
          Dear Joao Santos Silva
          I am having some confusions regrading the discussion we had before and I would like to add this to the earlier discussion
          a)if my T is less than N (my case T=19 and 56) using xtqreg command will be an issue and if it is a problem which command should i use -In such cases what we will do to run quantile regression
          b)Since quantile regressions are used for non normal distribution ,do I need to check the CLRM assumptions

          Can you please help me to clear this confusions

          Thankyou so much


          • #35
            Dear Fadi Ansar,

            a) What is you N? Anyway, with T = 19 or 56 you should be OK.
            b) Quantile regression can be used with any distribution, including the normal. You do not need to check the CLRM assumptions, but I suggest you compute the standard errors by bootstrap.

            Best wishes,



            • #36
              Thankyou so much Joao Santos Silva .In my case my T=14and N=70 ,so I can do my quantile regression with this data .
              with regard to bootstrap regression , I just have to use the appropriate commands nothing else right ,
              Once again thanks for clarifying suggestions .


              • #37
                I just want to add my question clearly ,Can I use xtqreg command if my T=14 and N =70 ,if not what is the solution


                • #38
                  Yes, that is fine.


                  • #39
                    Thanks again Joao Santos Silva


                    • #40
                      Dear Joao Santos Silva .I would like to one more query I encountered while running xtqreg with bootstrap standard errors .
                      I have used the following commands and got the following results.
                      bootstrap ,cl( bankname) r(100) id(id) seed(123):xtqreg Zscore MP_callmoneyrate Boone_Ind TotalAsset Liquidi
                      > tyRatio CBT FinFreedom NIM RI AssetcompositionRatiooffixe GDP INF Ratioofnonintrestoperating MP##C.MP_callmo
                      > neyrate owmpmr i.Year i.ownership ,quantile (.1 ) i(id)
                      (running xtqreg on estimation sample)
                      Bootstrap replications (100)
                      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    50
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   100
                      insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
                      no results will be saved
                      Is this because of data issue or is it because I added year and ownership effects in to the model -the command was working perfectly fine when there is no year dummy and ownership dummy.
                      Can you please provide your insight on this

                      Thanks in advance


                      • #41
                        Dear Fadi Ansar,

                        It is difficult to advise without further information; please show us the results you get when you estimate without bootstrapping.

                        Best wishes,



                        • #42
                          Thankyou Joao Santos Silva .I am attaching my results here
                          Results when using bootsrap with out i.year and I. Ownership variables
                          bootstrap ,cl( bankname) r(100) id(id) seed(123):xtqreg Zscore MP_callmoneyrate Boone_Ind TotalAsset Liquidi
                          > tyRatio CBT FinFreedom NIM RI AssetcompositionRatiooffixe GDP INF Ratioofnonintrestoperating MP##C.MP_callmo
                          > neyrate owmpmr ,quantile (.9) i(id)
                          (running xtqreg on estimation sample)
                          Bootstrap replications (100)
                          ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
                          ................................................x.    50
                          ...x..............................................   100
                          Bootstrap results                               Number of obs     =        703
                                                                          Replications      =         98
                                                                        (Replications based on 83 clusters in bankname)
                                                      |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
                                               Zscore |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                     MP_callmoneyrate |   .2275783   .0295831     7.69   0.000     .1695965      .28556
                                            Boone_Ind |  -28.36535   2.544262   -11.15   0.000    -33.35201   -23.37869
                                           TotalAsset |   6.06e-07   6.61e-07     0.92   0.359    -6.88e-07    1.90e-06
                                       LiquidityRatio |   .9405847   .8600589     1.09   0.274    -.7450998    2.626269
                                                  CBT |  -.2851305    .071502    -3.99   0.000    -.4252717   -.1449892
                                           FinFreedom |   .0513436   .0121327     4.23   0.000     .0275641    .0751232
                                                  NIM |   .0446368   .1260745     0.35   0.723    -.2024647    .2917383
                                                   RI |   .0006666   .0003443     1.94   0.053    -8.08e-06    .0013414
                          AssetcompositionRatiooffixe |  -11.17763   6.237777    -1.79   0.073    -23.40345    1.048183
                                                  GDP |   .0327408   .0321081     1.02   0.308    -.0301899    .0956715
                                                  INF |  -.0023909   .0011611    -2.06   0.039    -.0046666   -.0001152
                           Ratioofnonintrestoperating |   .0028424   .1001218     0.03   0.977    -.1933926    .1990775
                                                   MP |
                                                 TMP  |   .5958753   .3987544     1.49   0.135     -.185669     1.37742
                                     MP_callmoneyrate |          0  (omitted)
                                MP#c.MP_callmoneyrate |
                                                 TMP  |  -.1334673   .0628047    -2.13   0.034    -.2565622   -.0103724
                                               owmpmr |   .0095196   .0107634     0.88   0.376    -.0115763    .0306155
                          Note: One or more parameters could not be estimated in 2 bootstrap replicates;
                                standard-error estimates include only complete replications.
                          Result without bootstrap standard error
                          xtqreg Zscore MP_callmoneyrate Boone_Ind TotalAsset LiquidityRatio CBT FinFreedom NIM RI AssetcompositionRat
                          > iooffixe GDP INF Ratioofnonintrestoperating MP##C.MP_callmoneyrate# ownership owmpmr ,quantile (.1 .2 .3 .4)
                          | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
                          MP_callmoneyrate | -.0052286 .1131619 -0.05 0.963 -.2270219 .2165646
                          Boone_Ind | -21.26151 2.07109 -10.27 0.000 -25.32077 -17.20225
                          TotalAsset | 1.12e-07 2.91e-07 0.39 0.700 -4.58e-07 6.82e-07
                          LiquidityRatio | .177064 .337649 0.52 0.600 -.484716 .8388439
                          CBT | -.3767358 .0689395 -5.46 0.000 -.5118548 -.2416168
                          FinFreedom | .1693787 .0097297 17.41 0.000 .1503089 .1884485
                          NIM | .0076053 .0435083 0.17 0.861 -.0776695 .0928801
                          RI | .0000993 .0001536 0.65 0.518 -.0002018 .0004004
                          AssetcompositionRatiooffixe | -2.268918 3.057144 -0.74 0.458 -8.26081 3.722975
                          GDP | .0154013 .0166414 0.93 0.355 -.0172153 .048018
                          INF | -.0005013 .0011201 -0.45 0.655 -.0026965 .001694
                          Ratioofnonintrestoperating | .0167296 .0331114 0.51 0.613 -.0481676 .0816268
                          MP#ownership |
                          EMP#Private Sector | -1.759344 .0129746 -135.60 0.000 -1.784774 -1.733914
                          EMP#Public Sector | -.9694264 .0211334 -45.87 0.000 -1.010847 -.9280058
                          TMP#Foreign Bank | 1.571765 .5003696 3.14 0.002 .5910585 2.552471
                          TMP#Private Sector | 0 .4642727 0.00 1.000 -.9099577 .9099577
                          TMP#Public Sector | 0 .3857374 0.00 1.000 -.7560314 .7560314
                          ownership#c.MP_callmoneyrate |
                          Private Sector | -.1339413 .1145656 -1.17 0.242 -.3584857 .0906032
                          Public Sector | -.2851568 .2189411 -1.30 0.193 -.7142735 .1439598
                          MP#ownership#c.MP_callmoneyrate |
                          TMP#Foreign Bank | -.3587273 .1237912 -2.90 0.004 -.6013535 -.1161011
                          TMP#Private Sector | -.5336093 .2115538 -2.52 0.012 -.9482472 -.1189715
                          TMP#Public Sector | -.5676607 .3179929 -1.79 0.074 -1.190915 .0555939
                          owmpmr | .144381 .1074397 1.34 0.179 -.066197 .354959
                          Thanks in advance
                          Last edited by Fadi Ansar; 29 Aug 2021, 08:17.


                          • #43
                            Please post the results with the model where the bootstrap did not work.


                            • #44

                                bootstrap ,cl( bankname) r(100) id(id) seed(123):xtqreg Zscore MP_callmoneyrate Boone_Ind TotalAsset Liquidi > tyRatio CBT FinFreedom NIM RI AssetcompositionRatiooffixe GDP INF Ratioofnonintrestoperating MP##C.MP_callmo > neyrate owmpmr i.Year i.ownership ,quantile (.1 ) id(id) (running xtqreg on estimation sample)
                              Bootstrap replications (100) ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    50 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   100 insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors no results will be saved r(2000);


                              • #45
                                here is the codes and model where Bootsraping doesnt work
                                Originally posted by Fadi Ansar View Post
                                Dear Joao Santos Silva .I would like to one more query I encountered while running xtqreg with bootstrap standard errors .
                                I have used the following commands and got the following results.
                                bootstrap ,cl( bankname) r(100) id(id) seed(123):xtqreg Zscore MP_callmoneyrate Boone_Ind TotalAsset Liquidi
                                > tyRatio CBT FinFreedom NIM RI AssetcompositionRatiooffixe GDP INF Ratioofnonintrestoperating MP##C.MP_callmo
                                > neyrate owmpmr i.Year i.ownership ,quantile (.1 ) i(id)
                                (running xtqreg on estimation sample)
                                Bootstrap replications (100)
                                ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
                                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 50
                                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 100
                                insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
                                no results will be saved
                                Is this because of data issue or is it because I added year and ownership effects in to the model -the command was working perfectly fine when there is no year dummy and ownership dummy.
                                Can you please provide your insight on this

                                Thanks in advance

