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  • comparing the magnitude of two independent variables

    I regressed x1 and x2 on y seperately and jointly. After the joint regression, I want to compare the strength of both variables and which of them correlates stronger with y.

    Before I standardize the variables.

    egen x1_1=std(x1)
    egen x2_1=std(x2)
    reg y x1_1 x2_1, robust
    test x1=x2

    ( 1) x1_1 - x2_1 = 0

    F( 1, 129) = 62.66
    Prob > F = 0.0000

    So, the H0 the test equal command is that the variables are equal. Since H0 is rejected I can say that x1 and x2 are significantly different from each other. But I cannot say whether one of them is stronger right? Can I determine that by comparing the correlation coefficients then?

    Thanks in advance.
