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  • Could graph box add an option for labelling median, p25, p75 values...? And as to text(...) option in graph box, why Stata set the x axis range [0,100] ?


    • A simple tool that allows the end user to combine curves from various st cox regressions and other graphs into a single graph. basically, imagine having 4 graphs that show 4 different event curves for the same population (death, stroke, bleeding, cancer). You could plot them all separately but it'd be nice to have a tool that allows the user to quickly create a single graph that has all for curves for comparison on it. stata can currently do it but it takes a lot of steps. it'd be nice if a user could take all 4 graphs and quickly just tell state to overlay them/combine the curves on one graph.

      In fact, stata should allow users to quickly and easily combine any curve from any graph into any other graph
      Last edited by Luke Masha; 08 Feb 2023, 21:05.


      • when you run a linear combination test (or similar) it would be nice if the value of the combination was returned (and stored).


        • Two little suggestions for the do-file editor:
          1. Use **## as branches of **# bookmarks. In some sense, bookmarks become headings to organize long codes, not just a way to locate points of interest. [My apologies. It seems this already exists in Stata 17.]
          2. Affix letter "h" to **# , **##, ... to hide a section until the next same-level bookmark. For example,
          **#h Set environment parameters
          [... hidden codes]
          **# Set work directory and load data
          cd    "C\username\"
          use  "data.dta", clear
          **# Regressions
          Last edited by Bing Yang; 14 Feb 2023, 08:31.


          • Originally posted by Bing Yang View Post
            Two little suggestions for the do-file editor:
            1. Use **## as branches of **# bookmarks. In some sense, bookmarks become headings to organize long codes, not just a way to locate points of interest.
            2. Affix letter "h" to **# , **##, ... to hide a section until the next same-level bookmark. For example,
            Re #1: This is already how **# and **## work, unless you mean something different. **# creates a level-1 bookmark, and **## creates a level-2 bookmark, nested underneath it's parent. Visual bookmark indicators are shown in the margin in both cases.

            Re #2: Wouldn't it be simpler to type any other type of comment? Why not the simple "*" or "**" if you don't care about having a bookmark for that level?


            • Re #618. -lincom- already does this. Just use -lincom- instead of -test- to get full output:
              . sysuse auto, clear
              (1978 automobile data)
              . regress price mpg headroom
                    Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        74
              -------------+----------------------------------   F(2, 71)        =     10.44
                     Model |   144280501         2  72140250.4   Prob > F        =    0.0001
                  Residual |   490784895        71  6912463.32   R-squared       =    0.2272
              -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2054
                     Total |   635065396        73  8699525.97   Root MSE        =    2629.2
                     price | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       mpg |  -259.1057   58.42485    -4.43   0.000    -375.6015   -142.6098
                  headroom |  -334.0215   399.5499    -0.84   0.406    -1130.701    462.6585
                     _cons |   12683.31   2074.497     6.11   0.000     8546.885    16819.74
              . lincom headroom - 1.5*mpg
               ( 1)  - 1.5*mpg + headroom = 0
                     price | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                       (1) |   54.63702   371.9428     0.15   0.884    -686.9958    796.2699
              . return list
                               r(df) =  71
                               r(ub) =  796.2698594816296
                               r(lb) =  -686.9958274649326
                                r(p) =  .8836301988856576
                                r(t) =  .1468962933174717
                            r(level) =  95
                               r(se) =  371.9427820432963
                         r(estimate) =  54.6370160083485


              • I'll add a vote for native support for parquet files mentioned earlier.


                • Currently, these "methods" are available for -pwcompare-:

                   method                    Description
                        noadjust                do not adjust for multiple comparisons; the default
                        bonferroni [adjustall]  Bonferroni's method; adjust across all terms
                        sidak [adjustall]       Sidak's method; adjust across all terms
                        scheffe                 Scheffe's method
                      + tukey                   Tukey's method
                      + snk                     Student-Newman-Keuls's method
                      + duncan                  Duncan's method
                      + dunnett                 Dunnett's method

                  Please consider adding Bonferroni-Holm. And yes, I do know there is another way to get this as shown in this thread. But it should be much easier than that, IMO. YMMV.
                  Bruce Weaver
                  Email: [email protected]
                  Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


                  • Stata should add a function to plot graphs that are common in research more easily. Graphs of hazard ratios with CI, forest plots etc should be given. Stata also needs to improve the process of adding curves to a single graph. For example, adding curves from multiple different regressions is quite challenging. It would be nice if you could run 4-5 regressions and stata would have a single command that would combine all these regressions on a single graph


                    • Include the undocumented _dots command in the output of
                      help undocumented
                      with a link to documentation.



                      • Please could we have a program to show the progress bar a programme that includes loops? There is one available (i.e., _dots) but it is undocumented and it would be nice to be able to change the layout (e.g., the number of dots on each row is currently defined as 75 but it would be nice to be able to change that).


                        • ı hope stata 18 include more panel second generation unit root tests, structural break unit root tests and cointegration tests.


                          • It would be nice to add an option to collapse to make it keep variable labels. (Further discussion is available in this FAQ.)
                            Associate Professor of Finance and Economics
                            University of Illinois


                            • I wish for a couple of things. One is the option to have fill patterns in bar graphs so that it's friendly for color-blind users, and the other is in the tabplot/catplot, mute the very small fraction number so that it's more readable (now we have to work around by using twoway bar/scatter).


                              • An option to reset -putexcel- so that, should an error be encountered while developing code to write Excel files that clears the file handle, one doesn't need to close and re-open Stata to re-run the code again.

