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  • Identify backward time span from an event date

    Dear Stata Users,
    Please help me with the following issue.
    I have a firm identifier (gvkey), year-month (fdate), shock (shock), production level (production) and identifier of a firm that experienced a shock (shock_firm). I need to study how the production was changing 10, 9, 8,… 1 months before the shock. Basically, I wanted to create a variable specifying the backward date, something like in the example below:
    Firm Shock Back_date
    A 0 -6
    A 0 -5
    A 0 -4
    A 0 -3
    A 0 -2
    A 0 -1
    A 1 0
    A 0 1
    A 0 2
    A 0 3
    A 0 4
    But the problem is that I have some firms that more than one shock year and they overlap. For instance:
    Firm Shock Back_date
    A 0 -6
    A 0 -5
    A 0 -4
    A 0 -3
    A 0 -2
    A 0 -1
    A 1 0
    A 0 1
    A 1 2
    A 0 3
    A 0 4
    I thought to introduce Back_date_1 and Back_date_2 for two different shock events (example below), but I have a maximum of 41 shock events that will complicate further use of these variables. Is there any other way I can create a back_date variable accounting for this circumstance?
    Firm Shock Back_date_1 Back_date_2
    A 0 -6 -8
    A 0 -5 -7
    A 0 -4 -6
    A 0 -3 -5
    A 0 -2 -4
    A 0 -1 -3
    A 1 0 -2
    A 0 1 -1
    A 1 2 0
    A 0 3 1
    A 0 4 2
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str24 gvkey float(fdate shock shock_firm production)
    "025279" 420 0 1   .3488717
    "025279" 421 0 1   .2668857
    "025279" 422 1 1   .1366463
    "025279" 423 0 1 .028556867
    "025279" 424 0 1   .8689333
    "025279" 425 0 1   .3508549
    "025279" 426 0 1  .07110509
    "025279" 427 0 1  .32336795
    "025279" 428 0 1   .5551032
    "025279" 429 0 1    .875991
    "025279" 430 0 1  .20470947
    "025279" 431 1 1   .8927587
    "025279" 432 0 1   .5844658
    "025279" 433 0 1   .3697791
    "025279" 434 1 1   .8506309
    "025279" 435 0 1   .3913819
    "025279" 436 0 1  .11966132
    "025279" 437 1 1   .7542434
    "025279" 438 0 1   .6950234
    "025279" 439 0 1   .6866152
    "102324" 423 0 1   .9319346
    "102324" 424 0 1   .4548882
    "102324" 425 0 1   .0674011
    "102324" 426 0 1   .3379889
    "102324" 427 0 1   .9748848
    "102324" 428 0 1   .7264384
    "102324" 429 0 1  .04541512
    "102324" 430 0 1   .7459667
    "102324" 431 1 1   .4961259
    "102324" 432 0 1   .7167162
    "102324" 433 0 1    .859742

  • #2
    I answered a similar question a few weeks ago, but I can't find it. Consider

    1. Short answer: To count backwards, reverse time first.

    2. Longer answer:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str24 gvkey float(fdate shock shock_firm production)
    "025279" 420 0 1   .3488717
    "025279" 421 0 1   .2668857
    "025279" 422 1 1   .1366463
    "025279" 423 0 1 .028556867
    "025279" 424 0 1   .8689333
    "025279" 425 0 1   .3508549
    "025279" 426 0 1  .07110509
    "025279" 427 0 1  .32336795
    "025279" 428 0 1   .5551032
    "025279" 429 0 1    .875991
    "025279" 430 0 1  .20470947
    "025279" 431 1 1   .8927587
    "025279" 432 0 1   .5844658
    "025279" 433 0 1   .3697791
    "025279" 434 1 1   .8506309
    "025279" 435 0 1   .3913819
    "025279" 436 0 1  .11966132
    "025279" 437 1 1   .7542434
    "025279" 438 0 1   .6950234
    "025279" 439 0 1   .6866152
    "102324" 423 0 1   .9319346
    "102324" 424 0 1   .4548882
    "102324" 425 0 1   .0674011
    "102324" 426 0 1   .3379889
    "102324" 427 0 1   .9748848
    "102324" 428 0 1   .7264384
    "102324" 429 0 1  .04541512
    "102324" 430 0 1   .7459667
    "102324" 431 1 1   .4961259
    "102324" 432 0 1   .7167162
    "102324" 433 0 1    .859742
    bysort gvkey (fdate): gen counter = sum(shock==1) if shock==1
    gsort gvkey -fdate
    su counter, meanonly
    local smax = r(max)
    quietly forval s = 1/`smax' {
        gen wanted`s' = 0 if counter == `s'
        by gvkey: replace wanted`s' = wanted`s'[_n-1] - 1 if missing(wanted`s')
    sort gvkey fdate
    quietly forval s = 1/`smax' {
        by gvkey: replace wanted`s' = wanted`s'[_n-1] + 1 if missing(wanted`s')
    list gvkey counter wanted*, sepby(gvkey)
         |  gvkey   counter   wanted1   wanted2   wanted3   wanted4 |
      1. | 025279         .        -2       -11       -14       -17 |
      2. | 025279         .        -1       -10       -13       -16 |
      3. | 025279         1         0        -9       -12       -15 |
      4. | 025279         .         1        -8       -11       -14 |
      5. | 025279         .         2        -7       -10       -13 |
      6. | 025279         .         3        -6        -9       -12 |
      7. | 025279         .         4        -5        -8       -11 |
      8. | 025279         .         5        -4        -7       -10 |
      9. | 025279         .         6        -3        -6        -9 |
     10. | 025279         .         7        -2        -5        -8 |
     11. | 025279         .         8        -1        -4        -7 |
     12. | 025279         2         9         0        -3        -6 |
     13. | 025279         .        10         1        -2        -5 |
     14. | 025279         .        11         2        -1        -4 |
     15. | 025279         3        12         3         0        -3 |
     16. | 025279         .        13         4         1        -2 |
     17. | 025279         .        14         5         2        -1 |
     18. | 025279         4        15         6         3         0 |
     19. | 025279         .        16         7         4         1 |
     20. | 025279         .        17         8         5         2 |
     21. | 102324         .        -8         .         .         . |
     22. | 102324         .        -7         .         .         . |
     23. | 102324         .        -6         .         .         . |
     24. | 102324         .        -5         .         .         . |
     25. | 102324         .        -4         .         .         . |
     26. | 102324         .        -3         .         .         . |
     27. | 102324         .        -2         .         .         . |
     28. | 102324         .        -1         .         .         . |
     29. | 102324         1         0         .         .         . |
     30. | 102324         .         1         .         .         . |
     31. | 102324         .         2         .         .         . |

    .There's a more general answer if there are gaps in any panel.


    • #3
      Thank you very much for your reply! I made something similar, but just for a few cases (max "counter" == 3) did not know how to generate (wanted`s') automatically. I was wandering if there is a way to ttest production=0 if wanted`s'==-1

      ttest production=0 if wanted`s'==-1
      Like to ttest production for all the values of wanted`s' that are equal to "-1".

      Thank you for your help!


      • #4
        I don't see a question in #3. The syntax looks legal. I don't know how interesting or useful the test would be.


        • #5
          Dear Nick,

          Thank you for your reply. I am just trying to estimate t-test to get an idea whether the means of production for pre-shock window are statistically different from zero. Say, if I have something like in above dataset and what to t-test production for “wanted`s’==-1” I will take all the observations that are highlighted below. I can do something like this:
          ttest production=0 if wanted1==-1| wanted2==-1| wanted3==-1| wanted4==-1
          But if there are many wanted`s’, say max `s’ == 40, this might be tedious to type all wanted`s’. Is there is a way to estimate ttest using a short-cut?

          | gvkey counter wanted1 wanted2 wanted3 wanted4 |
          1. | 025279 . -2 -11 -14 -17 |
          2. | 025279 . -1 -10 -13 -16 |
          3. | 025279 1 0 -9 -12 -15 |
          4. | 025279 . 1 -8 -11 -14 |
          5. | 025279 . 2 -7 -10 -13 |
          6. | 025279 . 3 -6 -9 -12 |
          7. | 025279 . 4 -5 -8 -11 |
          8. | 025279 . 5 -4 -7 -10 |
          9. | 025279 . 6 -3 -6 -9 |
          10. | 025279 . 7 -2 -5 -8 |
          11. | 025279 . 8 -1 -4 -7 |
          12. | 025279 2 9 0 -3 -6 |
          13. | 025279 . 10 1 -2 -5 |
          14. | 025279 . 11 2 -1 -4 |
          15. | 025279 3 12 3 0 -3 |
          16. | 025279 . 13 4 1 -2 |
          17. | 025279 . 14 5 2 -1 |
          18. | 025279 4 15 6 3 0 |
          19. | 025279 . 16 7 4 1 |
          20. | 025279 . 17 8 5 2 |
          21. | 102324 . -8 . . . |
          22. | 102324 . -7 . . . |
          23. | 102324 . -6 . . . |
          24. | 102324 . -5 . . . |
          25. | 102324 . -4 . . . |
          26. | 102324 . -3 . . . |
          27. | 102324 . -2 . . . |
          28. | 102324 . -1 . . . |
          29. | 102324 1 0 . . . |
          30. | 102324 . 1 . . . |
          31. | 102324 . 2 . . . |


          • #6
            Use egen‘s anyvalue() function to identify the observations you want.


            • #7
              Thank you for your reply! I generated the code, but I do not know how to replace "my_observation" after "wanted`s' " == 1. It just generates "wanted" for `s'==1. So I need to tell STATA replace "my_observation" after it finishes with `s'==1 and turns to `s'==2,3,etc. Can you please elaborate a bit on this issue?

              forval s = 1/`smax' {
                  replace egen my_observation = anyvalue(wanted`s'), v(-1)


              • #8
                Sorry, I was replying by phone. This was the kind of thing I had in mind

                egen mysample = anymatch(wanted*), value(-1)
                ttest production=0 if mysample


                • #9
                  egen my_observation=anymatch(wanted*), values(-1)
                  ttest production = 0 if my_observation == 1


                  • #10
                    Thank you! It worked perfectly.

