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  • #16
    The important question is if it is a proportion, so it is impossible for your dependent variable to take values outside the range 0 till 1. The fact that in your data the range is smaller does not matter. In practice, if your variable stays well away from the theoretical bound you can often do well enough with just linear regression. In your case you are very close to the lower bound, so a fractional logit might make sense.
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maarten Buis View Post
      The important question is if it is a proportion, so it is impossible for your dependent variable to take values outside the range 0 till 1. The fact that in your data the range is smaller does not matter. In practice, if your variable stays well away from the theoretical bound you can often do well enough with just linear regression. In your case you are very close to the lower bound, so a fractional logit might make sense.
      Thank you for your detailed explanation as well as useful suggestions.


      • #18
        Dear all, I have a similar model @Cobby Stoneson, a panel data where I aim to predict insurance coverage (0 to 1 "Insured") given firm's characteristics (most independent variables are categorical 4 values scores)
        I fitted a model following @Jeff Wooldridge comment.

        However, I still have some doubts:
        - Given my independent variables have very low/none variation within time (2016-2020) I would use random effects. In this case

         glm y x1 ... xK i.year, fam(bin) link(logit) vce(cluster id)
        Is the right way to go? or should I use xtgee ?

        -What is the impact in my models if I cluster by a broad category (e.g. income group "WBgroup" in my case) rather than by id ("country" in my case) as suggested?
        -Finally, how should I interpret the stat sig categorical coefficients below? I know that I should compare to the reference category (in this case scores=0 and High income) but I would like to coefplot the results by showing how moving from the reference category predicts the dependent variable (e.g., at categorical score=25 predicted insurance coverage = 0.82 or 82%)

        . glm Insured  i.Year i.SecuritySafetyManagement i.Staffcompensation i.Evaluati
        > ons i.Workingconditions i.Consolidation i.ContractManagement i.Externalcommunication i.WBgroup, fam(bin) link(logit) vce(cluster count
        > ry)
        note: Staff_coverage_share has noninteger values
        Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -112.60749  
        Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -102.05694  
        Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -101.39184  
        Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood =  -101.3769  
        Iteration 4:   log pseudolikelihood = -101.37687  
        Iteration 5:   log pseudolikelihood = -101.37687  
        Generalized linear models                         No. of obs      =        293
        Optimization     : ML                                   Residual df     =        253
        Scale parameter =          1
        Deviance         =  164.0105826                   (1/df) Deviance =   .6482632
        Pearson          =  773.2649388                   (1/df) Pearson  =   3.056383
        Variance function: V(u) = u*(1-u/1)               [Binomial]
        Link function    : g(u) = ln(u/(1-u))             [Logit]
        AIC             =   .9650298
        Log pseudolikelihood =  -101.376866               BIC             =  -1273.073
        (Std. Err. adjusted for 78 clusters in country)
        Insured    Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>z     [95% Conf. Interval]
        2017     .3752829   .4379478     0.86   0.391    -.4830791    1.233645
        2018    -.1284952   .3884886    -0.33   0.741    -.8899189    .6329286
        2019     .8366072   .5614112     1.49   0.136    -.2637386    1.936953
        2020     .5509881   .5001903     1.10   0.271    -.4293668    1.531343
        25     .6714186   .8109636     0.83   0.408     -.918041    2.260878
        50     .9417401   .7686742     1.23   0.221    -.5648336    2.448314
        75     5.194233    1.63797     3.17   0.002     1.983871    8.404595
        100    4.528353   1.621149     2.79   0.005     1.350961    7.705746
        25     .9368008    .676159     1.39   0.166    -.3884465    2.262048
        50     1.851745   .9526104     1.94   0.052     -.015337    3.718827
        75     3.058302   .8950427     3.42   0.001     1.304051    4.812554
        100    5.211366   1.348813     3.86   0.000     2.567741    7.854991
        25     1.814725   .9971982     1.82   0.069    -.1397473    3.769198
        50     2.001574   1.520881     1.32   0.188    -.9792982    4.982447
        75     8.827222   2.072321     4.26   0.000     4.765548     12.8889
        100    2.936993   1.538774     1.91   0.056    -.0789494    5.952935
        25     .4507334   1.206791     0.37   0.709    -1.914534    2.816001
        50    -.0178945   .6780119    -0.03   0.979    -1.346773    1.310984
        75    -1.113652   .8146434    -1.37   0.172    -2.710324    .4830193
        100   -2.179146   .8427093    -2.59   0.010    -3.830826   -.5274662
        25    -1.741903   .7442857    -2.34   0.019    -3.200676   -.2831295
        50    -.3348438   .7559569    -0.44   0.658    -1.816492    1.146804
        75     -2.07697   .6755459    -3.07   0.002    -3.401015   -.7529241
        100   -3.918926   1.306528    -3.00   0.003    -6.479674   -1.358177
        25     1.179157   .8418517     1.40   0.161    -.4708421    2.829156
        50    -.1221769   .7452884    -0.16   0.870    -1.582915    1.338562
        75     -.505604   .9461254    -0.53   0.593    -2.359976    1.348768
        100   -.2611218   .9323608    -0.28   0.779    -2.088515    1.566272
        25     2.122452   1.057295     2.01   0.045     .0501916    4.194712
        50     .8321507   1.230313     0.68   0.499    -1.579219    3.243521
        75    -2.333216   1.938686    -1.20   0.229    -6.132971    1.466539
        100   -.5520793   1.214314    -0.45   0.649     -2.93209    1.827932
        Low    -.8567159   .9321464    -0.92   0.358    -2.683689    .9702574
        Lower  -2.761034    1.09197    -2.53   0.011    -4.901255   -.6208129
        Upper  -1.368545   .9931289    -1.38   0.168    -3.315042    .5779516
        _cons  -3.539871   2.387355    -1.48   0.138    -8.219002     1.13926
        Last edited by marcelo ribeiro; 19 Nov 2021, 04:38.


        • #19
          Dear All

          I need help locating the stata do.file for Paplke&Wooldridge (2008). is no longer available. I have an error message: "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed. or is temporarily unavailable".



          • #20
            Three suggestions that will increase your chances of getting a timely and helpful response:
            1. Provide a complete reference for Paplke&Wooldridge (2008), or if possible, a link to a publicly available copy. People in your field or niche may recognize instantly what you are talking about, but this is a multi-national, interdisciplinary forum and many will have no idea.
            2. Start a new thread for this question. It is, at best, tangentially related to the topic of this thread, and it is unlikely that the people who are most able to help you are going to look here.
            3. I am skeptical that Nefer Titi is your real name. It is the norm in this community to use our real given and surnames as our user names, to promote collegiality and professionalism. So, unless I am wrong about your name, please click on CONTACT US at the bottom right corner of this page and message the system administrator requesting a change of your user name. (You cannot make this change in your profile yourself.)

