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  • How to report t-stat of sum of coefficient in journal/thesis

    Dear all, I would like to report the sum of coefficient of interaction term and normal variables, in my regression (capex roa mv emp lev cov sale are just normal variables) and fin is dummy variable as following code
    reg co3t capex roa mv emp lev cov sale fin fincap finmv finroa finemp finlev fincov finsale
    and after that I use
    test capex + fincap = 0
    estore c1
    test cov + fincov = 0
    estore c2
    . . . until c7
    However after I use
    outreg2 [c*] using testb1b3.xls, append ctitle(OLS)
    The result have 14 OLS regression which confused me. So my question is How can I report the t-stat of sum of coefficient in journal.
    The result of 14 OLS regression is attached as the following.

    Thank you in advance
    Click image for larger version

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Size:	87.8 KB
ID:	1517343

  • #2
    Stata is seeing each of your c* as replicating the results. est store appears to be picking up regression - the t test may not be suitable for estimates store.

    I don't post tests of sums of parameters in the tables. I just include them in the text. See what the norm is in your field. If you must put them in the table, then you may be able to save them as something then put them in as added parameter values. Or, save then as scalars and the list them and cut and paste them into the outreg2 tables.


    • #3
      Thank you so much, phil bromiley

