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  • Perform Controlling and questions to workbook

    Hello, there.
    I'm trying to teach a manual autodidactically Stata, but unfortunately I get stuck with the following exercises.

    1) Controlling for gender, regress years of education (yedu) and age on addwor. Note: To interpret the intercept in a meaningful manner, you need to center metric independent variables.

     2) Does the effect of years of education or age have a stronger effect on addwor controlling for age?

    Here you can find the dataset I use:

    And I could already achieve the following results:
    __________________________________________________ ___
    //Part 1//
    use data1

    //Part 2//
    egen addwor=anycount (wor*), values (1)
    tab addwor, mis

    //Part 3//
    egen addwor_m = rowmiss(wor*)
    tabulate addwor if addwor_m == 0

    mean addwor //The mean for the Addwor variable is 3.356866//

    recode addwor (0/4 = 1) (5/8 = 2) (9/12 = 3), gen (addwor_r)
    tab addwor_r

    //Part 6//
    tab addwor sex
    *The highest value on overall worries corresponds to female respondents; they are as such more worried about the future*

    //Part 7//
    reg addwor sex
    replace addwor = 0 if sex == 1
    replace addwor = 1 if sex == 2
    reg addwor sex
    __________________________________________________ __

    Could someone help me answer the questions?
    Thank you very much!
