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  • #16
    sort list_unlist co_code
    gen wanted= sum(co_code!=co_code[_n-1])
    I first sort the data starting from observations where the variable list_unlist=0. Then I specify a condition: if the previous value of co_code does not match the current value, add 1 to the running sum of wanted. Otherwise, add 0. As the observation before the first observation is missing, the sum will start at 1. The sorting ensures that the sum changes only when order of firm changes.


    • #17
      Thanks a lot Andrew Musau. Those codes and explanations are life savers


      • #18
        Dear Andrew Musau
        Revisiting this thread again, I have some doubts. In your post #7, based on the data ex, your code
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp if list_unlist==0, a(co_code year) vce(robust)
        shows that epu is collinear with fixed effects and hence it is dropped.
        However, I tried this with the below code by not absorbing the years but putting it as an indep-variable as i.year
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp i.year if list_unlist==0, a(co_code ) vce(robust)
        Based on the above code (where years are not absorbed) the coefficient of epu can be estimated. Let me reproduce it here again with the same dataex in my post #6

         Model 1
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp  if list_unlist==0, a (co_code year) vce (robust)      // years along with firm fixed effects are absorbed
         Model 2
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp i.year if list_unlist==0, a (co_code) vce (robust) // years are not absorbed
        (1) (2)
        VARIABLES yrs_absorbed yrs_NOT_absorbed
        epu -27.97
        totexp 0.989*** 0.989***
        (0.0520) (0.0520)
        2013.year -85.43
        2014.year -107.3**
        2015.year -98.96
        2016.year -117.0
        2017.year -44.70
        2018.year -53.29
        2019o.year -
        o.epu -
        Constant 53.75 246.6
        (131.0) (372.9)
        Observations 38 38
        R-squared 0.999 0.999
        Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
        Qn.1 Why does absorbing (or non-absorbing) years matter in the above results? Also, what is the correct way to communicate to Stata (absorbing years or non-absorbing years).

        I usually stick to xtreg with two way fixed effects, however, in post #7, I didn't understand what you meant or how to check
        In xtreg, fe, you need to change the base level(s) of the FE indicator(s) and check whether the coefficients of any of your variables change to determine if they are collinear with the fixed effects.
        Hence I thought of using -reghdfe-.

        Based on some iterations with sample data (#6), I realized that

        Model 1
        xtreg nsales epu totexp i.year if list_unlist==0, fe vce (robust)
        Model 2
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp i.year if list_unlist==0, a (co_code) cluster (co_code)
        are exactly the same
        but  Model 3, due to absorbing years is different
        reghdfe nsales epu totexp  if list_unlist==0, a (co_code year) cluster (co_code)
        Am I correct?


        • #19
          If reghdfe is telling you that the variable epu is collinear with the time effects, then that is the truth. You cannot identify its coefficient in the presence of time effects. If you include both time dummies and the variable epu, then the collinearity may not be apparent. The way you can tell is to change the base level of the time dummies and note that the coefficient of epu also changes.

          reghdfe nsales epu totexp i.year if list_unlist==0, a (co_code) cluster (co_code)
          reghdfe nsales epu totexp ib2017.year if list_unlist==0, a (co_code) cluster (co_code)


          • #20
            Dear Stata Members
            I would like to compare the betas of the main variable of interest (epu) in two samples and following the excellent post #2 by Andrew Musau (, I ran the following regressions

            1. Full Sample
             xtreg nfa_tass_w  epu  ///
            > wcap_w ///
            > size_w lever_w nw_ta_w ///
            > ncfo_ta_w sgrowth_w pbitnet_ta_w fcfvol age ///
            > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
            > gdpgrowthannual realinterestrate, ///
            > fe vce (robust)
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     83,176
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =     13,966
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0980                                         min =          1
                 between = 0.1178                                         avg =        6.0
                 overall = 0.1023                                         max =         15
                                                            F(14,13965)       =     137.42
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0224                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                (Std. Err. adjusted for 13,966 clusters in id)
                             |               Robust
                  nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                         epu |  -.0061424   .0014532    -4.23   0.000    -.0089908    -.003294
                      wcap_w |   -.129883   .0060629   -21.42   0.000    -.1417671   -.1179989
                      size_w |  -.0100739   .0022158    -4.55   0.000    -.0144172   -.0057306
                     lever_w |   .1586407   .0088661    17.89   0.000      .141262    .1760194
                     nw_ta_w |   .0857368    .010008     8.57   0.000     .0661197    .1053539
                   ncfo_ta_w |   .1175199   .0044078    26.66   0.000       .10888    .1261598
                   sgrowth_w |   .0014055   .0005938     2.37   0.018     .0002417    .0025694
                pbitnet_ta_w |  -.0685863   .0098594    -6.96   0.000    -.0879121   -.0492605
                      fcfvol |  -.0609987   .0106514    -5.73   0.000    -.0818769   -.0401205
                         age |  -.0911009   .0057229   -15.92   0.000    -.1023185   -.0798833
                    1.rd_dum |   .0095375    .002881     3.31   0.001     .0038903    .0151846
                 1.divid_dum |  -.0019662   .0017189    -1.14   0.253    -.0053356    .0014031
             gdpgrowthannual |   .0016665   .0002305     7.23   0.000     .0012147    .0021183
            realinterestrate |  -.0012317    .000185    -6.66   0.000    -.0015943   -.0008692
                       _cons |   .6016653   .0172367    34.91   0.000     .5678792    .6354515
                     sigma_u |   .2059355
                     sigma_e |   .0912116
                         rho |  .83599994   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            2. Public firms
            . xtreg nfa_tass_w  epu  ///
            > wcap_w ///
            > size_w lever_w nw_ta_w ///
            > ncfo_ta_w sgrowth_w pbitnet_ta_w fcfvol age ///
            > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
            > gdpgrowthannual realinterestrate  if inrange(wanted,20691,25179), ///
            > fe vce (robust)
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     31,678
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =      3,702
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0994                                         min =          1
                 between = 0.0410                                         avg =        8.6
                 overall = 0.0521                                         max =         15
                                                            F(14,3701)        =      56.19
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.1401                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                 (Std. Err. adjusted for 3,702 clusters in id)
                             |               Robust
                  nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                         epu |  -.0069392   .0020802    -3.34   0.001    -.0110177   -.0028606
                      wcap_w |  -.1325428   .0093545   -14.17   0.000    -.1508833   -.1142023
                      size_w |  -.0107517   .0033258    -3.23   0.001    -.0172722   -.0042311
                     lever_w |   .1418479    .015116     9.38   0.000     .1122114    .1714843
                     nw_ta_w |   .0608775   .0160633     3.79   0.000     .0293838    .0923713
                   ncfo_ta_w |   .1315846    .007731    17.02   0.000     .1164272    .1467421
                   sgrowth_w |   .0002029   .0008345     0.24   0.808    -.0014333    .0018391
                pbitnet_ta_w |  -.0868343   .0165037    -5.26   0.000    -.1191916    -.054477
                      fcfvol |  -.0745162   .0185201    -4.02   0.000    -.1108268   -.0382056
                         age |  -.1060108   .0093179   -11.38   0.000    -.1242796    -.087742
                    1.rd_dum |   .0170844   .0045316     3.77   0.000     .0081998     .025969
                 1.divid_dum |   .0016121   .0024249     0.66   0.506    -.0031421    .0063664
             gdpgrowthannual |   .0017148   .0003114     5.51   0.000     .0011043    .0023252
            realinterestrate |  -.0013304   .0002598    -5.12   0.000    -.0018397    -.000821
                       _cons |   .6949004   .0281028    24.73   0.000     .6398019    .7499989
                     sigma_u |  .18927949
                     sigma_e |  .09098976
                         rho |  .81228941   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            3. Private firms
            xtreg nfa_tass_w  epu  ///
            > wcap_w ///
            > size_w lever_w nw_ta_w ///
            > ncfo_ta_w sgrowth_w pbitnet_ta_w fcfvol age ///
            > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
            > gdpgrowthannual realinterestrate  if inrange(wanted,1,20690), ///
            > fe vce (robust)
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     51,498
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =     10,865
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0946                                         min =          1
                 between = 0.1511                                         avg =        4.7
                 overall = 0.1441                                         max =         15
                                                            F(14,10864)       =      81.32
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0732                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                (Std. Err. adjusted for 10,865 clusters in id)
                             |               Robust
                  nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                         epu |  -.0038526   .0020182    -1.91   0.056    -.0078086    .0001034
                      wcap_w |  -.1289886    .008043   -16.04   0.000    -.1447543   -.1132229
                      size_w |  -.0082741   .0030447    -2.72   0.007    -.0142423    -.002306
                     lever_w |   .1693187   .0108317    15.63   0.000     .1480866    .1905508
                     nw_ta_w |   .1060043   .0125875     8.42   0.000     .0813304    .1306781
                   ncfo_ta_w |   .1071755   .0053306    20.11   0.000     .0967265    .1176246
                   sgrowth_w |   .0023622   .0008051     2.93   0.003     .0007841    .0039403
                pbitnet_ta_w |  -.0561646   .0122278    -4.59   0.000    -.0801333   -.0321959
                      fcfvol |  -.0436219   .0127874    -3.41   0.001    -.0686874   -.0185564
                         age |  -.0827393   .0073675   -11.23   0.000     -.097181   -.0682976
                    1.rd_dum |   .0021617   .0036503     0.59   0.554    -.0049935    .0093169
                 1.divid_dum |  -.0048677   .0023816    -2.04   0.041    -.0095359   -.0001994
             gdpgrowthannual |   .0016891   .0003327     5.08   0.000     .0010369    .0023413
            realinterestrate |  -.0010082   .0002591    -3.89   0.000    -.0015162   -.0005003
                       _cons |   .5277511   .0230285    22.92   0.000      .482611    .5728911
                     sigma_u |  .21018445
                     sigma_e |  .08997714
                         rho |  .84512415   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
            4. For comparing the impact of EPU on dependent variable between public and private firms
            . xtreg nfa_tass_w ///
            > c.wcap_w ///
            > c.size_w c.lever_w c.nw_ta_w ///
            > c.ncfo_ta_w c.sgrowth_w c.pbitnet_ta_w c.fcfvol c.age ///
            > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
            > c.gdpgrowthannual c.realinterestrate) , ///
            > fe vce (robust)
            note: omitted because of collinearity
            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     83,176
            Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =     13,966
            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                 within  = 0.0995                                         min =          1
                 between = 0.1211                                         avg =        6.0
                 overall = 0.1035                                         max =         15
                                                            F(29,13965)       =      67.78
            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0241                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                        (Std. Err. adjusted for 13,966 clusters in id)
                                     |               Robust
                          nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                         group#c.epu |
                                  0  |  -.0045214   .0020057    -2.25   0.024    -.0084529   -.0005899
                                  1  |  -.0072298   .0020663    -3.50   0.000    -.0112801   -.0031795
                      group#c.wcap_w |
                                  0  |  -.1329142   .0077816   -17.08   0.000    -.1481673   -.1176612
                                  1  |  -.1282711   .0090319   -14.20   0.000    -.1459749   -.1105674
                      group#c.size_w |
                                  0  |  -.0085349   .0027108    -3.15   0.002    -.0138484   -.0032214
                                  1  |  -.0107055   .0026186    -4.09   0.000    -.0158383   -.0055726
                     group#c.lever_w |
                                  0  |   .1663109   .0105582    15.75   0.000     .1456154    .1870064
                                  1  |    .147942   .0145136    10.19   0.000     .1194935    .1763905
                     group#c.nw_ta_w |
                                  0  |   .1095518   .0120286     9.11   0.000     .0859742    .1331295
                                  1  |   .0593189   .0153008     3.88   0.000     .0293272    .0893106
                   group#c.ncfo_ta_w |
                                  0  |   .1064067   .0053061    20.05   0.000      .096006    .1168074
                                  1  |   .1359096   .0077406    17.56   0.000      .120737    .1510822
                   group#c.sgrowth_w |
                                  0  |   .0023495   .0008009     2.93   0.003     .0007797    .0039194
                                  1  |   .0000162   .0008481     0.02   0.985    -.0016462    .0016787
                group#c.pbitnet_ta_w |
                                  0  |  -.0570506   .0121774    -4.68   0.000    -.0809199   -.0331813
                                  1  |  -.0849207   .0162361    -5.23   0.000    -.1167455   -.0530958
                      group#c.fcfvol |
                                  0  |  -.0526131   .0127081    -4.14   0.000    -.0775226   -.0277036
                                  1  |  -.0745858   .0183586    -4.06   0.000    -.1105712   -.0386004
                         group#c.age |
                                  0  |  -.0883176   .0063378   -13.94   0.000    -.1007405   -.0758947
                                  1  |  -.0994264   .0075975   -13.09   0.000    -.1143186   -.0845342
                        group#rd_dum |
                                0 1  |   .0044991    .003565     1.26   0.207    -.0024887    .0114869
                                1 0  |   .0870297   .0328445     2.65   0.008     .0226501    .1514092
                                1 1  |   .1027574   .0334029     3.08   0.002     .0372832    .1682316
                     group#divid_dum |
                                0 1  |  -.0049005   .0023522    -2.08   0.037    -.0095111   -.0002899
                                1 0  |  -.0013391   .0023965    -0.56   0.576    -.0060366    .0033584
                                1 1  |          0  (omitted)
             group#c.gdpgrowthannual |
                                  0  |   .0016324    .000333     4.90   0.000     .0009797    .0022851
                                  1  |   .0016528   .0003112     5.31   0.000     .0010428    .0022628
            group#c.realinterestrate |
                                  0  |  -.0010018   .0002597    -3.86   0.000    -.0015109   -.0004927
                                  1  |   -.001505   .0002668    -5.64   0.000    -.0020279   -.0009821
                               _cons |   .5647025   .0220527    25.61   0.000     .5214762    .6079287
                             sigma_u |  .20556076
                             sigma_e |  .09114323
                                 rho |  .83570594   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
             test = 
             ( 1)  - + = 0
                   F(  1, 13965) =    0.89
                        Prob > F =    0.3448
            My doubts
            1. How come the point estimates of model 4 is different from 3 & 2? In the example illustrated in the post 2, this was not the case. Is there anything wrong in my design/codes?
            2. Based on model 4, the impact of EPU on investments is more severe for group1 ( t stat is -3.50) than group 0 (t stat is 2.25). However my F test fails to reject that there exists siginificant difference between group 0 and group 1 in terms of EPU on the dependent variable. Does this F statistic (very low figure) makes senses given the difference in t stats of EPU for two groups.

            Any help/suggestions in this regard will extremely helpful to me


            • #21
              1. How come the point estimates of model 4 is different from 3 & 2? In the example illustrated in the post 2, this was not the case. Is there anything wrong in my design/codes?
              You have some 0/1 indicators. Enter them as continuous in the interaction.


              2. Based on model 4, the impact of EPU on investments is more severe for group1 ( t stat is -3.50) than group 0 (t stat is 2.25). However my F test fails to reject that there exists siginificant difference between group 0 and group 1 in terms of EPU on the dependent variable. Does this F statistic (very low figure) makes senses given the difference in t stats of EPU for two groups.
              After constraining the variances to be equal across the groups, the coefficients do not differ. That does not mean that the variable has no discernible effect on the outcome. To determine that, look at the individual coefficients and their accompanying standard errors.


              • #22
                Thanks Andrew Musau for the instant help. However, it seems that still I have the same issues while running the commands which give different coefficients for subsample compared to group-wise interaction. For easiness, I dropped indicator variables and run the following commands. I am also not showing complete variables in the results for the purpose of brevity

                1. Listed
                 xtreg nfa_tass_w  epu  ///
                > wcap_w ///
                > size_w lever_w nw_ta_w ///
                > ncfo_ta_w sgrowth_w pbitnet_ta_w fcfvol age ///
                > gdpgrowthannual realinterestrate  if inrange(wanted,20691,25179), ///
                > fe vce (robust)
                Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     31,678
                Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =      3,702
                R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                     within  = 0.0981                                         min =          1
                     between = 0.0350                                         avg =        8.6
                     overall = 0.0457                                         max =         15
                                                                F(12,3701)        =      64.79
                corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.1642                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                     (Std. Err. adjusted for 3,702 clusters in id)
                                 |               Robust
                      nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             epu |  -.0068699   .0020765    -3.31   0.001    -.0109411   -.0027986
                          wcap_w |  -.1320722   .0093663   -14.10   0.000    -.1504358   -.1137086
                          size_w |  -.0099582   .0033017    -3.02   0.003    -.0164316   -.0034848
                         sigma_u |  .19054013
                         sigma_e |  .09104759
                             rho |   .8141131   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                xtreg nfa_tass_w  epu  ///
                > wcap_w ///
                > size_w lever_w nw_ta_w ///
                > ncfo_ta_w sgrowth_w pbitnet_ta_w fcfvol age ///
                > gdpgrowthannual realinterestrate  if inrange(wanted,1,20690), ///
                > fe vce (robust)
                Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     51,498
                Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =     10,865
                R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                     within  = 0.0945                                         min =          1
                     between = 0.1515                                         avg =        4.7
                     overall = 0.1445                                         max =         15
                                                                F(12,10864)       =      94.60
                corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0743                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 10,865 clusters in id)
                                 |               Robust
                      nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             epu |  -.0038325   .0020185    -1.90   0.058    -.0077892    .0001242
                          wcap_w |  -.1293126   .0080474   -16.07   0.000    -.1450871   -.1135382
                          size_w |  -.0082774   .0030462    -2.72   0.007    -.0142484   -.0023063
                         sigma_u |  .21015046
                         sigma_e |  .08998242
                             rho |  .84506645   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                . xtreg nfa_tass_w ///
                > c.wcap_w ///
                > c.size_w c.lever_w c.nw_ta_w ///
                > c.ncfo_ta_w c.sgrowth_w c.pbitnet_ta_w c.fcfvol c.age ///
                > c.gdpgrowthannual c.realinterestrate) , ///
                > fe vce (robust)
                Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     83,176
                Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =     13,966
                R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                     within  = 0.0986                                         min =          1
                     between = 0.1169                                         avg =        6.0
                     overall = 0.0998                                         max =         15
                                                                F(24,13965)       =      81.18
                corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0349                        Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                            (Std. Err. adjusted for 13,966 clusters in id)
                                         |               Robust
                              nfa_tass_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             group#c.epu |
                                      0  |  -.0070252   .0019884    -3.53   0.000    -.0109227   -.0031277
                                      1  |  -.0048869   .0020196    -2.42   0.016    -.0088457   -.0009282
                          group#c.wcap_w |
                                      0  |  -.1356046   .0077434   -17.51   0.000    -.1507827   -.1204265
                                      1  |  -.1228751   .0087487   -14.04   0.000    -.1400237   -.1057264
                          group#c.size_w |
                                      0  |  -.0098321   .0026062    -3.77   0.000    -.0149406   -.0047237
                                      1  |  -.0091169   .0025275    -3.61   0.000    -.0140711   -.0041627
                                 sigma_u |  .20602196
                                 sigma_e |  .09118434
                                     rho |  .83619693   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                ( 1)  - + = 0
                       F(  1, 13965) =    0.59
                            Prob > F =    0.4407

                I am really puzzled why this happens and I suspect in my sample there might be some firms that may not remain continuously listed/unlisted during the sample period and such transition might be driving these results. I don't know how to pick only those firms that remained within that particular status during the sample period.

                I have another question too,
                After constraining the variances to be equal across the groups, the coefficients do not differ. That does not mean that the variable has no discernible effect on the outcome. To determine that, look at the individual coefficients and their accompanying standard errors.
                I am sorry I couldn't understand this.
                Can I say that
                The impact of epu on the dependent variables is more stronger in group 0 vis-a-vis with group 1, however, assuming equal variance, the difference between groups is not significant. Or what is the most appropriate way of describing the above results?


                • #23
                  I am really puzzled why this happens and I suspect in my sample there might be some firms that may not remain continuously listed/unlisted during the sample period and such transition might be driving these results. I don't know how to pick only those firms that remained within that particular status during the sample period.
                  Your problem is specific to your data. Present a subsample using dataex that replicates the problem.

                  I am sorry I couldn't understand this.
                  Can I say that
                  The impact of epu on the dependent variables is more stronger in group 0 vis-a-vis with group 1, however, assuming equal variance, the difference between groups is not significant. Or what is the most appropriate way of describing the above results?
                  Clearly, both coefficients are significant in their respective regressions. Whether one has a larger effect than the other, the Wald test says no.


                  • #24
                    Dear Prof Andrew Musau
                    Thank you for your assistance with this matter. I am attaching a sample dataset
                    input long co_code byte list_unlist int year float(epu casheq_ta_w inven_ta_w tcred_ta_w size_w lever_w) byte(divid_dum rd_dum)
                         3 0 2004 4.08252 .2525478        .  .0152866 5.749393 .0111465 0 0
                         3 0 2011 4.73533 .5405542        .  .0508816 6.389401        . 0 0
                         3 0 2012 5.20827 .3330311        .  .0486552 6.494963        . 0 0
                         3 0 2013 5.14044 .2445839        .   .027342 6.506232        . 0 0
                         3 0 2014 4.76683 .3417237        .  .0426813 6.594413        . 0 0
                         3 0 2015 4.59869  .327371        .  .0321709 6.655569        . 0 0
                         3 0 2016 4.24885 .0841933        .  .0723635 6.677839 .0067959 0 0
                         3 0 2018 4.13127 .0563302        .  .0080312 6.798498 .0131623 0 0
                         3 0 2019 4.03485 .0432306        .  .0101653 6.797047 .0332887 0 0
                        15 0 2004 4.08252 .0333333        .  .2714286 3.044523        . 0 0
                       289 1 2004 4.08252 .0320513 .0106838  .3600427 6.484941 .3719475 0 0
                       289 1 2005 4.27638 .0451751 .0090064  .3359542 6.550366 .4125804 0 0
                       289 1 2006 3.86614 .0246069 .0027665  .3510484 6.532043 .4123471 0 0
                       289 1 2009 4.95791 .0670172 .0025682   .332518 6.706496 .3393665 0 0
                       289 1 2010 4.61611 .0462537 .0034218  .3776991 6.742291 .4081416 0 0
                       289 1 2011 4.73533 .1056295 .0021557  .3394925 7.392401 .5474871 0 0
                       289 1 2012 5.20827 .0842635 .0041788  .2835308 7.465598 .5553838 0 0
                       289 1 2013 5.14044 .0311432  .003088  .3884363 7.327781  .513272 1 0
                       289 1 2014 4.76683 .0305276 .0034084  .4097511 7.207563 .4856995 1 0
                       289 1 2015 4.59869 .0451696  .005531  .4080936 6.989151 .3811762 0 0
                       289 1 2016 4.24885  .029749 .0052681  .4293978 6.875335 .3408739 0 0
                       289 1 2017 4.33206 .0407987 .0082584  .3914705 6.698638 .4061383 0 0
                       289 1 2018 4.13127  .101127 .0084147  .3543201 6.500539 .3511645 0 0
                       289 1 2019 4.03485 .1299251  .006889  .2592458 6.718288 .2104182 0 0
                       328 0 2005 4.27638 .0034722 .6319445    -.0625 3.360375 .2430556 0 0
                       328 0 2006 3.86614 .0607903 .6504559  -.112462 3.493473 .3617021 0 0
                       328 0 2007 4.00362 .0314286 .4828571  .2342857 3.555348 .4314286 0 0
                       328 0 2008 4.27017 .0223124 .3914807  .1825558 3.897924 .4604463 0 0
                       328 0 2009 4.95791  .026506 .6337349 -.0216867 3.725693 .4313253 0 0
                       328 0 2010 4.61611 .1296296 .4938271 -.1049383 3.478158 .3055555 0 0
                       337 0 2004 4.08252 .1580863 .1182318  .4977809 7.026959 .0740281 0 0
                       337 0 2005 4.27638 .1217654 .0324181  .3804629 7.237922 .0593013 0 0
                       337 0 2006 3.86614 .2424669 .1342192  .1804577 7.306599 .0548956 0 0
                       337 0 2007 4.00362 .3100333 .0868144  .1647873 7.352954 .0028191 1 0
                       337 0 2008 4.27017 .3022244 .0834139  .1543158 7.411194 .0113032 0 0
                       337 0 2009 4.95791 .2498114  .189288  .1221494 7.451996 .0067893 1 0
                       337 0 2010 4.61611  .210795 .1739722  .1107405 7.292473 .0085761 1 0
                       337 0 2011 4.73533 .2007643 .1634366  .1244029 7.289884 .0037532 1 0
                       337 0 2012 5.20827 .1441376 .1040914  .0910077 7.232299 .0010929 0 0
                       337 0 2013 5.14044 .1331963  .064063  .1009935 7.285849  .038986 0 0
                    136909 0 2005 4.27638        . .1677852         . 2.701361 .9194631 0 0
                    136909 0 2006 3.86614        . .1904762  .0357143 3.226844 .9444444 0 0
                    136909 0 2010 4.61611 .0192308  .923077         . 2.341806 .8365385 0 0
                    136909 0 2011 4.73533 .0078125 .9453125         . 2.549445  .859375 0 0
                    136909 0 2012 5.20827 .2899408 .6804734         . 2.827314 .6686391 0 0
                    136911 0 2005 4.27638 .0181818        .         . 1.902107        . 0 0
                    136911 0 2006 3.86614 .0064935        .         . 2.734367        . 0 0
                    136911 0 2007 4.00362        .        .         . 2.901422        . 0 0
                    136911 0 2008 4.27017 .0055556 .0333333 -.4340241 2.890372        . 0 0
                    137490 0 2004 4.08252 .0117854 .0728232   .096394 6.343001 .5261214 0 0
                    137490 0 2005 4.27638  .008985 .1384359   .030782 6.398595 .4767055 0 0
                    137490 0 2006 3.86614 .0145053 .1788983 -.0024175 6.361475 .4607149 0 0
                    137490 0 2007 4.00362 .0130124 .2205596  -.094177 6.421297 .4032206 0 0
                    137490 0 2008 4.27017 .0137183 .2362418 -.0572659 6.440787 .3431169 0 0
                    137490 0 2011 4.73533 .0203025 .0839172 -.0852707 7.135687 .4697452 0 0
                    137490 0 2012 5.20827  .022829 .0574763  .0508698  7.21693 .5545768 0 0
                    137490 0 2013 5.14044 .0452331 .0545117  .0049872 7.452634 .4812689 0 0
                    137490 0 2014 4.76683 .0223632 .0795613 -.1126761 6.835292 .1595527 0 0
                    137490 0 2015 4.59869 .0072129  .057365 -.1049251 6.788183 .2066945 0 0
                    137490 0 2016 4.24885 .0080388 .0333036 -.1369146 6.664026 .2155161 0 0
                    137490 0 2017 4.33206   .00547 .0866302 -.2054446 6.667084 .2135861 0 0
                    137490 0 2018 4.13127 .0097522 .0276753 -.1295467 6.631738 .2028202 0 0
                    137490 0 2019 4.03485 .0046757 .0585062 -.2040523 6.726353 .2126843 0 0
                    137495 0 2004 4.08252 .0025974        .  .1454545 4.343805 .4623376 0 0
                    137495 0 2005 4.27638 .0027933        .  .1522346 4.271095 .5572626 0 0
                    137495 0 2012 5.20827 .0364026 .1648822  .2633833 3.843744 .0107066 1 0
                    137495 0 2013 5.14044 .0566728 .1736746  .2687386 4.001864        . 1 0
                    137495 0 2014 4.76683 .0105448 .1511424  .3198594 4.041296 .0105448 1 0
                    137495 0 2015 4.59869 .3700787 .1133858   .015748  4.15104 .0062992 1 0
                    137495 0 2016 4.24885 .3487738 .0967302  .0803815 4.295924 .0027248 0 0
                    137495 0 2017 4.33206 .3374384 .0862069   .046798 4.396915        . 1 0
                    137495 0 2018 4.13127 .4354322 .1707577 -.0373533 4.540098        . 1 0
                    137495 0 2019 4.03485 .4565425 .1671442  .0659026 4.651099        . 1 0
                    137511 0 2004 4.08252 .0253749 .1280277  .0868897 5.561066  .509804 0 0
                    137511 0 2005 4.27638 .0297641  .184029  .1150635 5.618587 .4533575 0 0
                    137511 1 2006 3.86614 .3732809 .1366315  .0430434 6.327758 .2239686 0 0
                    137511 1 2007 4.00362 .0207645 .0900189  .0646531 6.742409 .4567013 0 0
                    137511 1 2008 4.27017 .0115067  .109712 -.0093357 7.231143  .561514 0 0
                    137511 1 2009 4.95791 .0212587 .1085552  .0113078  7.34446 .5434867 0 0
                    137511 1 2010 4.61611 .0224693 .1100539 -.0135848 7.464281 .5219535 0 0
                    137511 1 2011 4.73533 .0241471 .0934186  .0454126 7.458878 .5746312 0 0
                    137511 1 2012 5.20827 .0146461 .0735892  .0490794 7.422254 .7055835 0 0
                    137511 1 2013 5.14044 .0168799 .0692717 -.0021027 7.445476 .7257754 0 0
                    137511 1 2014 4.76683 .0112241 .0759383  .0345493   7.4446 .7383375 0 0
                    137511 1 2015 4.59869 .0119061 .1065854  .0266036 7.470452 .7245073 0 0
                    137511 1 2016 4.24885 .0127246  .104445  .0433556   7.4598 .7176417 0 0
                    137511 1 2017 4.33206 .0123777  .134858  .0396086 7.436381 .6459389 0 0
                    137511 1 2018 4.13127  .011786 .1779805 -.0253853 7.475793 .5715095 0 0
                    137511 1 2019 4.03485 .0082707   .16698  .0300125 7.375256 .5567043 0 0
                    137512 0 2004 4.08252 .0310078 .4573644         . 2.557227        . 0 0
                    137512 0 2005 4.27638 .0337838 .4256757         . 2.694627 .0067568 0 0
                    137512 0 2006 3.86614 .0807692 .4269231         . 3.258096      .35 0 0
                    137512 0 2007 4.00362  .084375  .434375         . 3.465736    .4125 0 0
                    137512 0 2008 4.27017  .042042 .4294294         . 3.505557 .4174174 0 0
                    137512 0 2009 4.95791 .0233236 .4460641         . 3.535145  .393586 0 0
                    137512 0 2010 4.61611  .014881 .4702381         . 3.514526     .375 0 0
                    137512 0 2011 4.73533 .0426829 .4969512         . 3.490428 .3048781 0 0
                    137512 0 2012 5.20827 .0560748 .5264798         . 3.468856 .2647975 0 0
                    137554 1 2004 4.08252  .019474 .2094363  .1571967 8.177122 .6529253 0 1
                    137554 1 2005 4.27638  .014494 .2259364  .1912448 8.131943 .6735756 0 1
                    137554 1 2006 3.86614 .0201355 .2490515   .191897 8.213382 .6230353 0 1
                    137554 1 2007 4.00362 .0174285 .3084341   .152089 8.219407 .5664413 0 1
                    137554 1 2008 4.27017 .0115084 .3440711  .1157413 8.244308 .5322526 0 1
                    137554 1 2009 4.95791 .0115957 .3054113  .1534268 8.150988   .63961 0 1
                    137554 1 2010 4.61611 .0091312 .3328857   .166322  8.22242 .6813482 0 1
                    137554 1 2011 4.73533 .0081061 .3883488  .1483211 8.268296 .6800657 0 1
                    137564 0 2005 4.27638  .071441 .2223767  .0097341 7.453504 .4957993 0 1
                    137564 0 2006 3.86614 .0052349 .2058928   .006013 7.947042 .6089063 0 1
                    137564 0 2007 4.00362 .0023244  .234267  .0677552  8.14375 .5736533 0 1
                    137564 0 2008 4.27017 .0079166 .2181533  .1828773 8.298265 .6168936 0 0
                    137564 0 2009 4.95791 .0017811 .2263751  .1780284 8.262069 .7000594 0 1
                    137564 0 2010 4.61611 .0029549 .2357492   .183071 8.222178  .738731 0 1
                    137564 0 2011 4.73533 .0011595 .2398541  .1043299 8.170723  .748692 0 1
                    137564 0 2012 5.20827 .0039178 .2607522  .1397063 8.144912 .8447095 0 1
                    137564 0 2013 5.14044 .0031313 .2910943  .1394398 8.173265 .8904624 0 1
                    137632 0 2004 4.08252        .        .  .2100841 2.476538 .1932773 0 0
                    137632 0 2005 4.27638        .        .  .2173913 2.442347 .1652174 0 0
                    137632 0 2006 3.86614        .        .  .2232143 2.415914    .1875 0 0
                    137632 0 2007 4.00362 .0091743        .  .2293578 2.388763 .2018349 0 0
                    137632 0 2008 4.27017        .        .  .2336448 2.370244 .1214953 0 0
                    137632 0 2009 4.95791 .0095238        .  .2380952 2.351375 .1142857 0 0
                    137632 0 2010 4.61611 .0377358        .  .2358491 2.360854 .0943396 0 0
                    137632 0 2011 4.73533      .01        .       .29 2.302585      .09 0 0
                    137688 1 2004 4.08252 .0236771 .0669567  .2840152 7.504447 .3241562 0 0
                    137688 1 2005 4.27638  .064801 .1407961 -.0558368 8.408382 .3630951 0 0
                    137688 1 2006 3.86614 .2110976 .1554613  .0351111 8.912608 .3379933 0 0
                    137688 1 2007 4.00362 .0145976 .1800503  .1102484 9.208448 .2477082 0 0
                    137688 1 2008 4.27017 .0893457 .2139546 -.1521998 9.473312   .23794 0 0
                    137688 1 2009 4.95791 .1103242 .1362044 -.1699994 9.751676 .2121108 0 0
                    137688 1 2010 4.61611 .2361807 .1803601 -.2776453 9.622106  .204322 0 0
                    137688 1 2011 4.73533 .2018211 .2766977  .1462187 9.857344 .5776177 1 0
                    137688 1 2012 5.20827 .2263127 .1066368  .0128528 9.617397 .2724193 1 0
                    137688 1 2013 5.14044 .1102415 .1060889  .0832924 9.697618 .3294039 1 0
                    137688 1 2014 4.76683 .1140883 .0731478 -.0167311 9.666435 .2777426 1 0
                    137688 1 2015 4.59869 .1030259  .093911  .0731746 9.580648 .3056733 1 0
                    137688 1 2016 4.24885 .1370512 .1020521  .0710067 9.433052 .2759592 1 0
                    137688 1 2017 4.33206 .1151797 .0800547  .0933726 9.518244 .3234453 1 0
                    137688 1 2018 4.13127 .0407301 .2451776 -.1045302 9.744556 .2153671 1 0
                    137688 1 2019 4.03485 .0314578 .1357509  .0164746  9.67771 .1530465 1 0
                    sort list_unlist co_code    //sorting on the basis of list_unlist for co_code
                    gen wanted= sum(co_code!=co_code[_n-1])
                    xtset co_code year
                    gen group= cond(inrange(wanted, 13, 16), 1, 0)
                    xtreg casheq_ta_w epu  ///
                    > tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w ///
                    > size_w lever_w  ///
                    > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
                    > if inrange(wanted,13,16) , ///
                    > fe vce (robust)
                    note: 1.rd_dum omitted because of collinearity
                    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         52
                    Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          4
                    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                         within  = 0.1636                                         min =          8
                         between = 0.8109                                         avg =       13.0
                         overall = 0.2686                                         max =         16
                                                                    F(3,3)            =          .
                    corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.3543                         Prob > F          =          .
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 4 clusters in co_code)
                                 |               Robust
                     casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             epu |    .033932   .0243563     1.39   0.258    -.0435805    .1114445
                      tcred_ta_w |   -.120362   .0194953    -6.17   0.009    -.1824049   -.0583191
                      inven_ta_w |   .1798747   .2523492     0.71   0.527    -.6232131    .9829626
                          size_w |  -.0350561   .0462898    -0.76   0.504    -.1823708    .1122586
                         lever_w |  -.2141343   .2045716    -1.05   0.372    -.8651724    .4369037
                        1.rd_dum |          0  (omitted)
                     1.divid_dum |   .0295571   .0387905     0.76   0.502    -.0938915    .1530057
                           _cons |   .2767882   .3680514     0.75   0.507    -.8945156    1.448092
                         sigma_u |   .0273194
                         sigma_e |  .06511714
                             rho |  .14967128   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                    xtreg casheq_ta_w epu  ///
                    > tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w ///
                    > size_w lever_w  ///
                    > i.rd_dum i.divid_dum ///
                    > if inrange(wanted,1,12) , ///
                    > fe vce (robust)
                    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         45
                    Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          6
                    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                         within  = 0.4610                                         min =          2
                         between = 0.3840                                         avg =        7.5
                         overall = 0.1432                                         max =         14
                                                                    F(5,5)            =          .
                    corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.9171                        Prob > F          =          .
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 6 clusters in co_code)
                                 |               Robust
                     casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             epu |  -.0732682   .0467978    -1.57   0.178    -.1935659    .0470295
                      tcred_ta_w |  -.4202257   .2351037    -1.79   0.134    -1.024579    .1841275
                      inven_ta_w |  -.1735467   .2077867    -0.84   0.442    -.7076794    .3605861
                          size_w |   .0679587   .0667781     1.02   0.356    -.1036997    .2396172
                         lever_w |   .2651931   .1577577     1.68   0.154    -.1403359    .6707221
                        1.rd_dum |  -.0080575   .0350722    -0.23   0.827    -.0982133    .0820983
                     1.divid_dum |   .0068749   .0377037     0.18   0.862    -.0900455    .1037952
                           _cons |  -.0555718   .2916448    -0.19   0.856    -.8052687    .6941252
                         sigma_u |  .24453733
                         sigma_e |  .05367831
                             rho |  .95403051   (fraction of variance due to u_i)

                    . xtreg casheq_ta_w ///
                    > c.tcred_ta_w c.inven_ta_w ///
                    > c.size_w c.lever_w  ///
                    > c.rd_dum c.divid_dum), ///
                    > fe vce (robust)
                    note: omitted because of collinearity
                    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         97
                    Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          9
                    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                         within  = 0.2866                                         min =          4
                         between = 0.4398                                         avg =       10.8
                         overall = 0.0704                                         max =         16
                                                                    F(8,8)            =          .
                    corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.8664                        Prob > F          =          .
                                                          (Std. Err. adjusted for 9 clusters in co_code)
                                       |               Robust
                           casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                           group#c.epu |
                                    0  |   -.071472   .0463292    -1.54   0.161    -.1783072    .0353632
                                    1  |   .0376723   .0250073     1.51   0.170    -.0199947    .0953392
                    group#c.tcred_ta_w |
                                    0  |  -.4437077   .2259444    -1.96   0.085    -.9647365     .077321
                                    1  |  -.0492362   .1155007    -0.43   0.681    -.3155813     .217109
                    group#c.inven_ta_w |
                                    0  |  -.2534783   .1708262    -1.48   0.176    -.6474042    .1404475
                                    1  |   .1809025   .2391912     0.76   0.471    -.3706735    .7324784
                        group#c.size_w |
                                    0  |   .0314085   .0527345     0.60   0.568    -.0901974    .1530143
                                    1  |   -.014071   .0298998    -0.47   0.650    -.0830202    .0548781
                       group#c.lever_w |
                                    0  |   .2962538   .1537658     1.93   0.090    -.0583308    .6508384
                                    1  |  -.2425007   .2381043    -1.02   0.338    -.7915701    .3065687
                        group#c.rd_dum |
                                    0  |  -.0199276   .0299244    -0.67   0.524    -.0889333    .0490781
                                    1  |          0  (omitted)
                     group#c.divid_dum |
                                    0  |   .0110528   .0402867     0.27   0.791    -.0818485    .1039541
                                    1  |   .0124014   .0252841     0.49   0.637    -.0459039    .0707066
                                 _cons |   .1370795   .2178799     0.63   0.547    -.3653525    .6395115
                               sigma_u |  .17633983
                               sigma_e |  .06045877
                                   rho |  .89481559   (fraction of variance due to u_i)

                    As an aside, co_code "137511" is 0 during 2004,2005 & 1 during 2007-2016. There are many such companies in my original dataset.

                    Can I ask one more more question?
                    Clearly, both coefficients are significant in their respective regressions. Whether one has a larger effect than the other, the Wald test says no.
                    In my example, two groups are Public (Listed) and Private (Unlisted). So how do I put it? Can I say that impact of epu on dependent variable is significant across both groups (based on post#22), however, there is no significant difference between public and private firms in terms of the effect! Am I correct?


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the data example. An assumption that underlies this procedure is that you have disjoint groups.

                      . tab co_code group
                                 |         group
                         co_code |         0          1 |     Total
                               3 |         9          0 |         9
                              15 |         1          0 |         1
                             289 |         0         14 |        14
                             328 |         6          0 |         6
                             337 |        10          0 |        10
                          136909 |         5          0 |         5
                          136911 |         4          0 |         4
                          137490 |        14          0 |        14
                          137495 |        10          0 |        10
                          137511 |         2         14 |        16 
                          137512 |         9          0 |         9
                          137554 |         0          8 |         8
                          137564 |         9          0 |         9
                          137632 |         8          0 |         8
                          137688 |         0         16 |        16
                           Total |        87         52 |       139
                      As this is not the case with your example, you have to include an interaction between your panel identifier and the group variable to net out the effect of the non-disjoint groups and thus get the same coefficients.

                      xtreg casheq_ta_w epu tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w size_w lever_w  i.rd_dum i.divid_dum if inrange(wanted,1,12) , fe
                      xtreg casheq_ta_w epu tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w size_w lever_w  i.rd_dum i.divid_dum if inrange(wanted,13,16) , fe
                      xtreg casheq_ta_w c.tcred_ta_w c.inven_ta_w c.size_w c.lever_w c.rd_dum c.divid_dum c.co_code), fe


                      . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w size_w lever_w  i.rd_dum i.divid_dum if inra
                      > nge(wanted,1,12) , fe
                      Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         45
                      Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          6
                      R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                           within  = 0.4610                                         min =          2
                           between = 0.3840                                         avg =        7.5
                           overall = 0.1432                                         max =         14
                                                                      F(7,32)           =       3.91
                      corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.9171                        Prob > F          =     0.0035
                       casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                               epu |  -.0732682   .0234109    -3.13   0.004    -.1209546   -.0255818
                        tcred_ta_w |  -.4202257   .1045732    -4.02   0.000    -.6332344   -.2072171
                        inven_ta_w |  -.1735467   .1745541    -0.99   0.328    -.5291017    .1820084
                            size_w |   .0679587   .0460832     1.47   0.150    -.0259098    .1618273
                           lever_w |   .2651931   .1185477     2.24   0.032     .0237194    .5066668
                          1.rd_dum |  -.0080575   .0613975    -0.13   0.896    -.1331202    .1170052
                       1.divid_dum |   .0068749   .0322904     0.21   0.833    -.0588986    .0726483
                             _cons |  -.0555718   .2758036    -0.20   0.842    -.6173653    .5062218
                           sigma_u |  .24453733
                           sigma_e |  .05367831
                               rho |  .95403051   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                      F test that all u_i=0: F(5, 32) = 9.60                       Prob > F = 0.0000
                      . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu tcred_ta_w inven_ta_w size_w lever_w  i.rd_dum i.divid_dum if inra
                      > nge(wanted,13,16) , fe
                      note: 1.rd_dum omitted because of collinearity
                      Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         52
                      Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          4
                      R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                           within  = 0.1636                                         min =          8
                           between = 0.8109                                         avg =       13.0
                           overall = 0.2686                                         max =         16
                                                                      F(6,42)           =       1.37
                      corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.3543                         Prob > F          =     0.2494
                       casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                               epu |    .033932   .0293532     1.16   0.254    -.0253052    .0931691
                        tcred_ta_w |   -.120362   .1739219    -0.69   0.493    -.4713505    .2306265
                        inven_ta_w |   .1798747   .2259386     0.80   0.430    -.2760878    .6358372
                            size_w |  -.0350561   .0379964    -0.92   0.361     -.111736    .0416238
                           lever_w |  -.2141343   .1205371    -1.78   0.083    -.4573881    .0291195
                          1.rd_dum |          0  (omitted)
                       1.divid_dum |   .0295571   .0397218     0.74   0.461    -.0506048     .109719
                             _cons |   .2767882   .2828789     0.98   0.333    -.2940845    .8476608
                           sigma_u |   .0273194
                           sigma_e |  .06511714
                               rho |  .14967128   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                      F test that all u_i=0: F(3, 42) = 0.23                       Prob > F = 0.8721
                      . xtreg casheq_ta_w c.tcred_ta_w c.inven_ta_w c.size_w c.lever_w c.rd_dum c
                      > .divid_dum c.co_code), fe
                      note: omitted because of collinearity
                      note: omitted because of collinearity
                      Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         97
                      Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =          9
                      R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                           within  = 0.2967                                         min =          4
                           between = 0.0238                                         avg =       10.8
                           overall = 0.0375                                         max =         16
                                                                      F(14,74)          =       2.23
                      corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.8322                        Prob > F          =     0.0140
                             casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             group#c.epu |
                                      0  |  -.0732682   .0263585    -2.78   0.007    -.1257887   -.0207477
                                      1  |    .033932   .0272435     1.25   0.217    -.0203518    .0882158
                      group#c.tcred_ta_w |
                                      0  |  -.4202257   .1177399    -3.57   0.001    -.6548276   -.1856238
                                      1  |   -.120362   .1614214    -0.75   0.458    -.4420011    .2012771
                      group#c.inven_ta_w |
                                      0  |  -.1735467    .196532    -0.88   0.380    -.5651452    .2180519
                                      1  |   .1798747   .2096994     0.86   0.394    -.2379605    .5977099
                          group#c.size_w |
                                      0  |   .0679587   .0518855     1.31   0.194    -.0354255    .1713429
                                      1  |  -.0350561   .0352655    -0.99   0.323    -.1053241    .0352119
                         group#c.lever_w |
                                      0  |   .2651931   .1334739     1.99   0.051    -.0007594    .5311456
                                      1  |  -.2141343   .1118736    -1.91   0.059    -.4370474    .0087787
                          group#c.rd_dum |
                                      0  |  -.0080575    .069128    -0.12   0.908    -.1457981    .1296831
                                      1  |          0  (omitted)
                       group#c.divid_dum |
                                      0  |   .0068749   .0363561     0.19   0.851    -.0655663     .079316
                                      1  |   .0295571   .0368668     0.80   0.425    -.0439017    .1030159
                         group#c.co_code |
                                      0  |  -2.60e-06   2.53e-06    -1.03   0.308    -7.65e-06    2.45e-06
                                      1  |          0  (omitted)
                                   _cons |    .229706   .2202313     1.04   0.300    -.2091145    .6685265
                                 sigma_u |  .18919137
                                 sigma_e |  .06043689
                                     rho |  .90740206   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                      F test that all u_i=0: F(8, 74) = 4.10                       Prob > F = 0.0004

                      In my example, two groups are Public (Listed) and Private (Unlisted). So how do I put it? Can I say that impact of epu on dependent variable is significant across both groups (based on post#22), however, there is no significant difference between public and private firms in terms of the effect! Am I correct?
                      The first part is fine. For the second, just keep it simple and state that "... however, we cannot reject the equality of the coefficient on epu across the two groups".


                      • #26
                        Dear Professor Andrew Musau
                        Thanks for the wonderful assistance. The term "disjoint group" was almost erased from memory and hence I had to use a long sentence to describe that there certain firms that are in both groups listed and unlisted. I tried that code in my dataset, however, still that problem persists. This time I tried to closely observe what really happens.

                        1. I tried to pull non-disjoint groups by tab, but -tab-is not working in my data set
                         tab co_code group
                        too many values
                        I tried the following codes, this time with the variable of interest only

                        ***Estimation 1
                         xtreg casheq_ta_w epu if inrange(wanted,1,20690), fe vce (robust)
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =    138,748
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =     20,042
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0000                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0001                                         avg =        6.9
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,20041)        =       1.72
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0095                        Prob > F          =     0.1895
                                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 20,042 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0010818   .0008244     1.31   0.189    -.0005341    .0026976
                               _cons |   .0767093   .0037051    20.70   0.000      .069447    .0839716
                             sigma_u |  .10983069
                             sigma_e |  .07844014
                                 rho |   .6622212   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu  if list_unlist==0, fe vce (robust)
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =    138,748
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =     20,042
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0000                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0001                                         avg =        6.9
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,20041)        =       1.72
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0095                        Prob > F          =     0.1895
                                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 20,042 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0010818   .0008244     1.31   0.189    -.0005341    .0026976
                               _cons |   .0767093   .0037051    20.70   0.000      .069447    .0839716
                             sigma_u |  .10983069
                             sigma_e |  .07844014
                                 rho |   .6622212   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu if group==0, fe vce (robust) 
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =    138,748
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =     20,042
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0000                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0001                                         avg =        6.9
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,20041)        =       1.72
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0095                        Prob > F          =     0.1895
                                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 20,042 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0010818   .0008244     1.31   0.189    -.0005341    .0026976
                               _cons |   .0767093   .0037051    20.70   0.000      .069447    .0839716
                             sigma_u |  .10983069
                             sigma_e |  .07844014
                                 rho |   .6622212   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        Estimation 2

                         xtreg casheq_ta_w epu if inrange(wanted,20691,25179), fe vce (robust)
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     43,447
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =      4,435
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0004                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0000                                         avg =        9.8
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,4434)         =       7.36
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0099                        Prob > F          =     0.0067
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 4,435 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0037048    .001366     2.71   0.007     .0010266    .0063829
                               _cons |   .0492643   .0061085     8.06   0.000     .0372887      .06124
                             sigma_u |  .08524947
                             sigma_e |  .07510055
                                 rho |  .56303976   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu  if list_unlist==1, fe vce (robust)
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     43,447
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =      4,435
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0004                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0000                                         avg =        9.8
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,4434)         =       7.36
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0099                        Prob > F          =     0.0067
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 4,435 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0037048    .001366     2.71   0.007     .0010266    .0063829
                               _cons |   .0492643   .0061085     8.06   0.000     .0372887      .06124
                             sigma_u |  .08524947
                             sigma_e |  .07510055
                                 rho |  .56303976   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        . xtreg casheq_ta_w epu if group==1, fe vce (robust) 
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     43,447
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =      4,435
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0004                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0000                                         avg =        9.8
                             overall = 0.0000                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(1,4434)         =       7.36
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0099                        Prob > F          =     0.0067
                                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 4,435 clusters in co_code)
                                     |               Robust
                         casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 epu |   .0037048    .001366     2.71   0.007     .0010266    .0063829
                               _cons |   .0492643   .0061085     8.06   0.000     .0372887      .06124
                             sigma_u |  .08524947
                             sigma_e |  .07510055
                                 rho |  .56303976   (fraction of variance due to u_i)

                        xtreg casheq_ta_w c.co_code) ,fe vce (robust)
                        note: omitted because of collinearity
                        Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =    182,195
                        Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =     23,364
                        R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                             within  = 0.0001                                         min =          1
                             between = 0.0047                                         avg =        7.8
                             overall = 0.0030                                         max =         16
                                                                        F(3,23363)        =       2.56
                        corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0846                        Prob > F          =     0.0533
                                                      (Std. Err. adjusted for 23,364 clusters in co_code)
                                        |               Robust
                            casheq_ta_w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            group#c.epu |
                                     0  |   .0015101   .0007559     2.00   0.046     .0000286    .0029917
                                     1  |   .0024331   .0010371     2.35   0.019     .0004002    .0044659
                        group#c.co_code |
                                     0  |   6.02e-09   2.41e-08     0.25   0.803    -4.12e-08    5.32e-08
                                     1  |          0  (omitted)
                                  _cons |   .0690409   .0050668    13.63   0.000     .0591096    .0789722
                                sigma_u |  .10592567
                                sigma_e |  .07811117
                                    rho |  .64776034   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                        I know you and others in the forum have helped me already a lot and there is nothing wrong in those codes you posted, however, if I could ask, could you please tell me what really goes here? As you suggested, I interacted group with co_code but still, some unknown issues are creating troubles here. I know I have asked a lot with regard to the same problem but as this is an important piece of work I thought to be as clear and accurate as possible.


                        • #27
                          Dear Andrew Musau
                          I tried to extract a sample dataset from my original data to illustrate my problem
                          input long co_code byte list_unlist int year float(epu casheq_nta size_w lever_w nfa_tass_w)
                             3 0 2004 4.08252 .3378782 5.749393 .0111465 .1079618
                             3 0 2011 4.73533 1.176535 6.389401        . .1892527
                             3 0 2012 5.20827 .4993203 6.494963        . .1444545
                             3 0 2013 5.14044 .3237737 6.506232        .  .173913
                             3 0 2014 4.76683 .5191189 6.594413        . .1216142
                             3 0 2015 4.59869 .4867037 6.655569        . .3622442
                             3 0 2016 4.24885 .0919335 6.677839 .0067959 .1492575
                             3 0 2018 4.13127 .0596927 6.798498 .0131623 .0965979
                             3 0 2019 4.03485 .0451839 6.797047 .0332887 .0740617
                            11 0 2004 4.08252 .0218056 6.644441   .50527 .6019518
                            11 0 2005 4.27638  .022245 6.548935 .5570508 .7297065
                            11 0 2006 3.86614 .0246897 6.610561  .537892 .6624041
                            11 0 2007 4.00362 .0232474 6.739455 .5012425 .5791031
                            11 1 2008 4.27017 .0323942 6.885919 .4762878 .5133892
                            11 1 2009 4.95791 .0429088 7.098706 .4842201 .4252313
                            11 1 2010 4.61611 .0423193 7.367519 .5324872 .3870052
                            11 1 2011 4.73533 .0380873 7.592971 .5286261 .3545006
                            11 1 2012 5.20827 .0315372 7.843064 .5681711 .2904631
                            11 1 2013 5.14044 .0143518 7.939479 .5295627 .4968459
                            11 1 2014 4.76683 .0209427  8.07331 .5053154 .4579294
                            11 1 2015 4.59869 .0533765 8.098582 .4703021 .4340689
                            11 1 2016 4.24885 .0264103 8.114414 .4645005 .4190527
                            11 1 2017 4.33206 .0273288 8.205601 .3970613 .4261485
                            11 1 2018 4.13127 .0192138 8.245043  .339801 .4307769
                            11 1 2019 4.03485 .0131579 8.293124  .291845 .4369041
                            15 0 2004 4.08252 .0344828 3.044523        .        .
                            16 0 2004 4.08252 .5438596 2.174752 .1931818        .
                            16 0 2005 4.27638 .6949152 2.302585      .17        .
                            16 0 2006 3.86614 .9032257   2.4681 .1440678 .4576271
                            16 0 2007 4.00362 1.266667  2.61007     .125 .3970588
                            16 0 2009 4.95791 1.935484 2.901422 .0934066 .2967033
                            16 0 2010 4.61611 .8495576 3.039749 .0813397 .2583732
                            16 0 2011 4.73533  .008547 3.161247 .0720339 .2288136
                            16 0 2012 5.20827   .03125 3.273364 .0643939 .2045455
                            16 0 2015 4.59869 .9105263 3.591818  .046832 .1487603
                           286 0 2004 4.08252        . 2.484907        . .0333333
                           286 0 2005 4.27638 .0173913 2.459589        .  .025641
                           286 0 2006 3.86614 .0173913 2.459589        .  .017094
                           286 0 2007 4.00362 .0263158 2.459589        .  .008547
                           286 0 2008 4.27017  .026087   2.4681        . .0084746
                           286 0 2009 4.95791 .4390244   2.4681        .        0
                           286 0 2010 4.61611     .245 3.214868 .2449799 .4819277
                           286 0 2011 4.73533 .4192547 4.515245 .3391685 .2713348
                           286 0 2012 5.20827 .5595855 4.503138 .2115172 .3499446
                           286 0 2013 5.14044 .0901328 4.744062 .2367276 .2872063
                           289 1 2004 4.08252 .0331126 6.484941 .3719475 .3597375
                           289 1 2005 4.27638 .0473125 6.550366 .4125804 .3428163
                           289 1 2006 3.86614 .0252276 6.532043 .4123471 .3705591
                           289 1 2009 4.95791 .0718312 6.706496 .3393665 .3442583
                           289 1 2010 4.61611 .0484968 6.742291 .4081416  .359056
                           289 1 2011 4.73533 .1181048 7.392401 .5474871  .316642
                           289 1 2012 5.20827 .0920172 7.465598 .5553838 .4263552
                           289 1 2013 5.14044 .0321443 7.327781  .513272 .4315374
                           289 1 2014 4.76683 .0314888 7.207563 .4856995 .3901897
                           289 1 2015 4.59869 .0473064 6.989151 .3811762  .328632
                           289 1 2016 4.24885 .0306611 6.875335 .3408739 .2756947
                           289 1 2017 4.33206 .0425341 6.698638 .4061383   .29841
                           289 1 2018 4.13127 .1125042 6.500539 .3511645 .2061608
                           289 1 2019 4.03485 .1493263 6.718288 .2104182 .1479333
                           328 0 2005 4.27638 .0034843 3.360375 .2430556 .0520833
                           328 0 2006 3.86614 .0647249 3.493473 .3617021 .0729483
                           328 0 2007 4.00362 .0324484 3.555348 .4314286 .0657143
                           328 0 2008 4.27017 .0228216 3.897924 .4604463  .040568
                           328 0 2009 4.95791 .0272277 3.725693 .4313253 .0409639
                           328 0 2010 4.61611 .1489362 3.478158 .3055555 .0308642
                           337 0 2004 4.08252 .1877702 7.026959 .0740281 .0157998
                           337 0 2005 4.27638 .1386479 7.237922 .0593013 .2278609
                           337 0 2006 3.86614 .3200744 7.306599 .0548956 .2058922
                           337 0 2007 4.00362 .4493453 7.352954 .0028191  .171899
                           337 0 2008 4.27017 .4331254 7.411194 .0113032 .1542553
                           337 0 2009 4.95791 .3329981 7.451996 .0067893 .1231358
                           337 0 2010 4.61611 .2670979 7.292473 .0085761 .1237408
                           337 0 2011 4.73533 .2511954 7.289884 .0037532 .0982667
                           337 0 2012 5.20827 .1684121 7.232299 .0010929 .0798034
                           337 0 2013 5.14044 .1536637 7.285849  .038986 .0499486
                           362 0 2004 4.08252 .0169333 6.636865 .4025174 .0047201
                           362 0 2005 4.27638 .0040816 7.422254 .5978001 .0040053
                           362 0 2006 3.86614 .0243798 7.560184 .6525362 .7592438
                           362 0 2007 4.00362 .0466235 7.724358 .6266572 .6738996
                           362 0 2008 4.27017 .0303595 7.749926 .5404928 .8063238
                           362 0 2009 4.95791 .0119062 7.823526 .5194702 .6925201
                           362 0 2010 4.61611 .0125134 7.979681  .526532 .5429305
                           362 0 2011 4.73533 .4916805 7.967869 .4191984  .495791
                           362 0 2012 5.20827 .0046978 7.716728        . .5730317
                           362 0 2013 5.14044   .17792  8.07782   .09928 .4746447
                           362 0 2014 4.76683  .014793 8.164026        .  .399795
                           362 0 2015 4.59869 .0530478 8.397215        . .4793785
                           362 0 2016 4.24885 .0936963   8.6191        . .4743335
                           362 0 2017 4.33206 .1102397 8.947325 .1110013 .4774368
                           362 0 2018 4.13127 .0288534 8.866271 .0159689 .5175347
                           362 0 2019 4.03485 .0552965 8.846295        . .4873787
                           363 1 2004 4.08252 .0882985  7.58807 .3197772 .5817675
                           363 1 2005 4.27638  .131709 7.597196  .263525 .4352605
                           363 1 2006 3.86614 .1082267 7.929883 .3287755 .4723112
                           363 1 2007 4.00362 .1233034 8.410499 .4702714 .4363596
                           363 1 2008 4.27017 .0281212 8.753987 .5174009 .5457315
                           363 1 2009 4.95791 .0176117 8.974441 .6207809 .6838807
                           363 1 2010 4.61611 .0252333 8.801936 .5273578 .6747605
                           363 1 2011 4.73533 .0165435 8.708227 .5200661 .6531681
                           363 1 2012 5.20827 .0163714 8.670687 .4561111 .6020928
                           363 1 2013 5.14044 .0128949 8.637622 .4428979 .5483962
                           363 1 2014 4.76683 .0070748 8.569179 .4632794 .5241133
                           363 1 2015 4.59869 .0034416  8.55445 .4325215 .4848357
                           363 1 2016 4.24885  .005138 8.503054 .4135259 .4258997
                           363 1 2017 4.33206 .0087641 8.414495 .4675975  .392664
                           363 1 2018 4.13127 .0094206 8.271548 .4139606  .324495
                           363 1 2019 4.03485 .0076869 8.229298 .4578044 .2986237
                           365 0 2004 4.08252 .1630571 7.934692 .1146643 .3387645
                           365 1 2005 4.27638 .1558267 8.191269 .2023107 .2650375
                           365 1 2006 3.86614  .651152 9.236982 .0970789  .101334
                           365 1 2007 4.00362 .0936128 9.702588 .2503499 .0799944
                           365 1 2008 4.27017 .0410973 9.997933 .2375688 .0905919
                           365 1 2009 4.95791 .0115072 10.64667 .4204245 .1216812
                           365 1 2010 4.61611 .0051916 10.89567 .5371369 .1111892
                           365 1 2011 4.73533 .0924486  11.1744 .3144097 .1203663
                           365 1 2012 5.20827 .0424804  11.1744  .389842 .1127457
                           365 1 2013 5.14044 .0023936  11.1744 .3722537 .0943177
                           365 1 2014 4.76683 .0148733  11.1744  .432261 .0715218
                           365 1 2015 4.59869 .0041329  11.1744 .5916784 .0614459
                           372 0 2004 4.08252 .0530577 6.739928 .1507984 .7174453
                           372 0 2005 4.27638 .0563666 6.723953 .0171854 .7499099
                           372 0 2006 3.86614 .2666408 6.887553        . .5884694
                           372 0 2009 4.95791 .0492489   7.1142        . .6082323
                           372 0 2010 4.61611 .1549592 7.183112        . .5577828
                           372 0 2011 4.73533 .1327897 7.349874        . .5529563
                           372 0 2012 5.20827 .0224485  7.76612 .4420379 .5383376
                           372 0 2013 5.14044 .0496535 7.811609  .483091 .8481632
                           372 0 2014 4.76683 .0378427 7.783099 .4126349 .8526899
                           372 0 2015 4.59869 .0184691 7.735652 .3805113 .8521302
                           372 0 2016 4.24885 .0128458 7.678049 .3439641 .8551657
                           372 0 2017 4.33206 .0142031 7.659549 .2821105 .8344964
                           372 0 2018 4.13127 .0896421  7.34981  .278167 .6874477
                           372 0 2019 4.03485 .0815941 7.265639 .2154094 .6334335
                           381 0 2004 4.08252 .0104369 6.347739 .3739496 .4702381
                           381 0 2005 4.27638 .0092436 6.653121 .5087719 .6693757
                           381 0 2006 3.86614 .0081489  6.81947 .3476788 .5937738
                           381 0 2007 4.00362 .0009817 6.927166 .3128678 .5257944
                           381 0 2008 4.27017 .0010829 7.091576 .1214844 .5069895
                           381 0 2009 4.95791 .0007789 7.158436 .1260798 .5244766
                           381 0 2010 4.61611 .0022766 7.250494        . .3619392
                           381 0 2011 4.73533 .0564733 7.331977        . .3488615
                           381 0 2012 5.20827 .0488603 7.594784  .025908  .397374
                           381 0 2013 5.14044 .2188671  7.93641 .1941158 .3198084
                           381 0 2014 4.76683 .0505312 8.569823 .2848468 .3423779
                           381 0 2015 4.59869 .0345745 8.630272 .2552245 .2881435
                           381 0 2016 4.24885 .0119931  8.55601  .169126 .2571038
                           381 0 2017 4.33206 .0010505 8.582307   .08264 .2817255
                           381 0 2018 4.13127 .0272128 8.715421 .0477347 .2591614
                           381 0 2019 4.03485 .0547364 8.883307 .1542174 .2945386
                           400 1 2004 4.08252 .0018832 3.974058 .1973684 .5150376
                           400 1 2005 4.27638        . 4.356709 .1935897 .3576923
                           400 1 2006 3.86614        . 4.979488 .3555709 .1836314
                           400 1 2007 4.00362 .1008843 5.612763  .369843 .2698065
                           400 1 2008 4.27017  .005228 5.846728 .4088414 .2190119
                           400 1 2009 4.95791 .8418839 6.487684 .2526636  .113242
                           400 1 2010 4.61611 .0030796 6.122493 .3653509 .7695175
                           400 1 2011 4.73533 .0033267 6.114567 .3748895  .770336
                           400 1 2012 5.20827  .003337 6.111467 .3791574 .7716186
                           400 1 2015 4.59869 .0031348 6.104793 .3861607 .7732143
                           400 1 2016 4.24885 .0031667 6.094698  .373168 .7794814
                           414 0 2004 4.08252 .1664145  5.03825        . .1705577
                           414 0 2005 4.27638 .1530698 4.920711 .0846098 .1823486
                           414 0 2006 3.86614 .0626186 5.123964 .0119048 .1434524
                           414 0 2007 4.00362 .1157954 5.290789 .0080605  .138539
                           414 0 2008 4.27017   .27597  5.31763 .0049044 .1172143
                           414 0 2009 4.95791 .4270353 5.630136 .0014352 .0832436
                           414 0 2010 4.61611 .2362013 5.718999        . .0768221
                           414 0 2011 4.73533 .4092542 5.748437 .4351291 .0707683
                           414 0 2012 5.20827 .4033228 6.194201 .6429884 .0442948
                           414 0 2013 5.14044 .5807666 6.510705  .724974 .0309386
                           414 0 2014 4.76683 .5625186 6.265491 .6361909 .0380156
                           414 0 2015 4.59869 .3456654 6.189085  .586787 .0408289
                           414 1 2016 4.24885 .2839363 6.094923 .4945897 .0405771
                           414 1 2017 4.33206  .207671 5.856503 .0071531  .053505
                           414 1 2018 4.13127 .2719928 5.646859 .0067043 .0144672
                           414 1 2019 4.03485 .1789925 5.393628 .0036364 .0140909
                           415 1 2004 4.08252 .2720665 4.808111 .1028571 .1363265
                           415 1 2005 4.27638 .1927835    4.751 .0319793 .1356958
                           415 1 2006 3.86614     .119 4.717606 .0768543 .1644325
                           415 1 2007 4.00362 .1510652 5.183467 .0465508 .1261918
                           415 1 2008 4.27017 .2024401 5.583872        . .0815483
                           415 1 2009 4.95791 .9752616  6.02876        . .0491329
                           415 1 2010 4.61611 1.011036  6.03811        . .0584586
                           415 1 2011 4.73533 .3191394 6.377747 .0020387 .0411145
                           415 1 2012 5.20827  .263379 6.539152        . .0346971
                           415 1 2013 5.14044 .2464338 6.633582        .  .318995
                           415 1 2014 4.76683 .1959306 6.906955        . .2796237
                           415 1 2015 4.59869 .2192225 7.029088        . .2477414
                           415 1 2016 4.24885 .6798095 7.029088        . .2399469
                           415 1 2017 4.33206 .4374342 7.624717        . .2328386
                           415 1 2018 4.13127 .2095215 7.589133        . .2350501
                           415 1 2019 4.03485 .6990088 7.532838        . .2446478
                           425 0 2004 4.08252        .  3.08191 .8348625 .4036697
                           425 0 2005 4.27638 .0044248 3.122365  .740088 .3348017
                           425 0 2006 3.86614 .0426829 3.532226 .6812865 .9093567
                           425 0 2007 4.00362  .042042  3.54674 .5216138 .8645533
                           425 0 2008 4.27017 .0061538 3.487375 .3211009 .8929664
                           425 0 2009 4.95791 .0058824 3.532226 .1988304 .8304093
                           425 0 2010 4.61611 .0028902  3.54674 .0432277 .7982709
                           425 0 2011 4.73533 .0080429 3.627004        . .7207447
                           425 0 2012 5.20827 .0070423 3.758872        . .6200466
                           425 0 2013 5.14044 .0075188 3.693867        . .6492537
                           425 0 2014 4.76683 .0067416 3.802208        . .5758929
                           425 0 2015 4.59869 .0101626 3.906005        . .5171026
                           425 0 2016 4.24885 .0092421 4.000034        . .4652015
                           425 0 2017 4.33206 .0085034 4.082609        . .4215852
                           425 0 2018 4.13127 .0060514 4.197202        . .3804511
                           425 0 2019 4.03485 .0068966  4.29046        . .3465753
                           520 0 2005 4.27638  .030398 6.488597 .5460767 .1951034
                           520 0 2006 3.86614 .0194151 6.708206 .4120376 .1593212
                           520 0 2007 4.00362 .0330303   6.6932 .4123188 .1721403
                           520 0 2008 4.27017  .033382 6.898311 .4831415 .1840299
                           520 0 2009 4.95791 .0166217 7.094152 .5549008 .3341356
                           520 0 2010 4.61611 .0218968 7.289884 .5382831 .3994814
                           520 0 2011 4.73533 .0156909 7.356599 .5494415 .3839132
                           520 0 2012 5.20827 .0146034 7.590903 .5308318 .3088733
                           520 0 2013 5.14044 .0287735 7.560081 .5028646 .3595833
                           520 0 2014 4.76683 .0350156 7.415296 .5740429 .4169877
                           520 0 2015 4.59869  .032167 7.511525 .5441771  .372444
                           520 0 2016 4.24885 .0413258 7.593677 .5707091 .3488114
                           520 0 2017 4.33206 .0403505 7.592215 .6041762 .3405962
                           520 0 2018 4.13127 .0335968 7.802127 .6492763 .2673563
                           520 0 2019 4.03485 .0197133 8.011587 .5898465  .368737
                           569 0 2004 4.08252 .0153061  4.93663 .2426418 .4486719
                           569 0 2005 4.27638 .0747229 5.705781 .0525615 .1739854
                           569 0 2006 3.86614 .0287201 6.279834 .1146712  .075698
                           569 0 2007 4.00362 .0334978 6.538284 .1199537 .0432644
                           569 0 2010 4.61611 .0020837 6.358016 .1398371 .0842142
                           569 0 2011 4.73533 .0020372 5.975081 .2589581  .123507
                           569 0 2012 5.20827 .0011799 5.827179 .3344137 .1334708
                           569 0 2013 5.14044 .0018439 5.786897 .3809816 .1202454
                           569 0 2014 4.76683 .0181181 5.853351 .3220436 .1007463
                           569 0 2015 4.59869 .0580072 5.943324 .2924974 .0802728
                           569 0 2016 4.24885 .0197319 5.612763 .2814896 .1014969
                           569 0 2017 4.33206 .0175289  5.47227 .2932773 .1058824
                           569 0 2018 4.13127 .0196749  5.47395 .3552852 .1073826
                           569 0 2019 4.03485 .0240889 5.110782  .513269 .1381182
                           595 0 2004 4.08252 .0247293 6.551509 .1936313 .2770241
                           595 0 2005 4.27638 .0823129 6.678971 .0671276 .2615965
                           595 0 2006 3.86614 .2384549 7.045602 .0485276 .2387175
                           595 0 2007 4.00362 .1108181 7.378259 .1013868 .1889055
                           595 0 2008 4.27017 .0233354 7.571834 .0608432 .3046276
                           595 0 2009 4.95791 .0582805 7.532891 .1256088  .392882
                           595 0 2010 4.61611 .0762109 7.678789 .0224792 .3130435
                           595 0 2011 4.73533 .1125698 7.728064 .0180081 .2927527
                           595 0 2012 5.20827 .1458575 7.995644 .0684636 .2977426
                           595 0 2013 5.14044 .1082989 8.209009 .2420316 .2272517
                           595 0 2014 4.76683 .0779349 8.221641 .2923722 .4333978
                           595 0 2015 4.59869 .0239771 8.268501 .2256162 .3947065
                           595 0 2016 4.24885 .0985823 8.299485 .1714406  .380004
                           595 0 2017 4.33206 .0722095  8.27952 .1074753 .3701139
                           595 0 2018 4.13127 .2092163 8.497357  .065731 .2821413
                           595 0 2019 4.03485 .2185905 8.829109  .216509 .3014846
                           612 1 2004 4.08252 .0187266 3.303217        . .0808824
                           612 1 2005 4.27638 .0035714  3.33577        . .1637011
                           612 1 2006 3.86614  .003125 3.468856        . .2274143
                           612 1 2007 4.00362  .002924 3.535145        . .2361516
                           612 1 2008 4.27017 .0066225 3.819908        . .2192983
                           612 1 2009 4.95791 .0313253 3.756538        . .3714953
                           612 1 2010 4.61611 .4977778 3.517498        . .5816024
                           612 1 2011 4.73533 .0027473 4.695925 .0328767 .3826484
                           612 1 2012 5.20827 .0020833 4.971894 .1552321 .4234234
                           612 1 2013 5.14044 .0031586 5.067646        . .4722922
                           612 1 2014 4.76683 .0017411 5.150977        . .5133256
                           612 1 2015 4.59869 .0064554 5.144583        . .4816326
                           612 1 2016 4.24885 .0025349  5.06386        . .4614412
                           612 1 2017 4.33206 .0019519 5.036952        . .3006493
                           612 1 2018 4.13127 .0006676 5.009968        .  .215477
                           612 1 2019 4.03485 .0006743 4.999911        . .1597035
                           641 0 2004 4.08252 .0008052 5.515845 .0575221        .
                           641 0 2005 4.27638 .0003888 5.550243 .0905558        .
                           641 0 2006 3.86614 .0003778 5.578975 .0951662        .
                           641 0 2007 4.00362 .0027111 5.556442 .0969486        .
                           641 0 2008 4.27017 .0022822 5.574053 .0952562        .
                          1567 0 2005 4.27638 .0067873 3.795489  .247191 .4134831
                          1567 0 2006 3.86614 .1381733 3.883624 .2654321 .3641976
                          1567 0 2009 4.95791  .127193 3.939638 .1848249 .2626459
                          1567 0 2010 4.61611 .1149425 4.063885 .0309278 .2113402
                          1567 0 2011 4.73533 .0821918 4.146304 .0443038 .2072785
                          1567 0 2012 5.20827 .0046368 4.174387 .0292308 .1784616
                          1567 0 2013 5.14044  .005698  4.25703  .111898 .1968839
                          1567 0 2014 4.76683 .0178042 4.228292 .0699708 .1661808
                          1567 0 2015 4.59869 .0184049 4.195697 .1069277 .1415663
                          1567 0 2016 4.24885 .0218069 4.183576 .0792683     .125
                          1567 0 2017 4.33206 .0046948 4.162003 .0358255 .1168224
                          1567 0 2018 4.13127 .0107198 4.189655 .0409091 .1030303
                          1567 0 2019 4.03485 .0087977 4.231204 .0988372 .1671512
                          1621 0 2005 4.27638 .0029873 4.900076 .3708116 .4244229
                          1621 0 2006 3.86614  .015625 4.916325 .3985348 .4871795
                          1621 0 2007 4.00362 .0010799 5.222516 .5711975 .5323625
                          1621 0 2008 4.27017 .0027056 5.221976 .5261738 .5779817
                          1621 0 2009 4.95791 .0022247 5.194067 .4900111 .5593785
                          1621 0 2010 4.61611 .0017953 5.408068 .5076165 .6066308
                          1621 0 2011 4.73533 .0007161 5.633002 .4647585  .659034
                          1621 0 2012 5.20827        . 5.689683 .4060176 .5787694
                          1621 0 2013 5.14044 .0876847 5.802722  .459541 .4631642
                          1621 0 2014 4.76683 .0840832 5.856217   .44419 .4547796
                          1621 1 2015 4.59869 .0819621 5.853638 .4367288 .4292683
                          1621 1 2016 4.24885 .0394864 5.780126  .310068 .4533663
                          1621 1 2017 4.33206 .0362059 5.847305 .2821253 .5088074
                          1621 1 2018 4.13127 .0094659  6.10457 .3016298 .5490065
                          1621 1 2019 4.03485 .0006588 6.121835 .2912003 .4919903
                          1803 0 2004 4.08252 .3636364  2.70805        . .0133333
                          1803 0 2005 4.27638 .0144928 2.639057        . .0857143
                          1803 0 2006 3.86614  .317757 2.646175        . .0851064
                          1803 0 2007 4.00362 .4526316 2.624669        . .0869565
                          1803 0 2010 4.61611 .6464647 2.791165        . .0736196
                          1803 0 2011 4.73533      .36 2.833213 .0882353 .0705882
                          1803 0 2012 5.20827 .2554744 2.844909 .0639535 .0697674
                          1803 0 2013 5.14044 .1360544 2.815409        . .0718563
                          1803 0 2014 4.76683 .0365854 2.833213        . .0705882
                          1827 1 2004 4.08252 .0019881 5.018603 .2896825 .2929894
                          1827 1 2005 4.27638 .0010977 4.513055 .4802632 .3234649
                          1954 0 2004 4.08252 .0002481 5.999185 .6509551 .8382535
                          1954 0 2005 4.27638 .0007889 5.941749 .7346295 .8481345
                          1954 0 2006 3.86614 .0007692 5.966916 .8057904 .7863182
                          1954 0 2007 4.00362 .0141108 5.942537 .8955107 .7642426
                          2015 1 2004 4.08252 .0390371 5.073297 .4633688 .2492173
                          2015 1 2005 4.27638 .0226571 5.696758 .5250084 .3470964
                          2015 1 2006 3.86614 .1772588 6.827087 .3577236 .1636856
                          2015 1 2007 4.00362 .0681472 7.294241 .3711781 .1809349
                          2015 1 2008 4.27017 .2151494 7.913375 .5453248 .2539874
                          2015 1 2009 4.95791 .0761376 7.892452 .5683601 .2838999
                          2015 1 2010 4.61611 .0418577 7.814642 .4941452 .4062424
                          2015 1 2011 4.73533  .034206 7.903227 .4994826 .3946415
                          2015 1 2012 5.20827 .0504688  8.01099 .4832609 .3111915
                          2015 1 2013 5.14044 .0311471 7.943534 .4878075 .3599901
                          2015 1 2014 4.76683 .0309966 8.035927 .4982524  .320356
                          2015 1 2016 4.24885 .0100354 7.947396 .4971007 .3261439
                          2216 0 2004 4.08252 .0225828 6.415588 .0300998 .1977752
                          2216 0 2005 4.27638 .0109548 6.699624 .2186923 .3690433
                          2216 0 2006 3.86614 .0120892 6.759603 .0927751 .3142758
                          2216 0 2007 4.00362 .0078472 6.971669 .1184803 .2566604
                          2216 0 2008 4.27017  .012604 7.114119 .1710055 .3444517
                          2216 0 2009 4.95791 .0226405 7.025271 .0909576 .3656975
                          2216 0 2010 4.61611  .070851 7.237419 .0575333 .2636462
                          2216 0 2011 4.73533 .0097566 7.635255 .0979274 .2029567
                          2216 0 2012 5.20827 .1302475 7.721437 .0238454 .1662087
                          2216 0 2013 5.14044 .3100658 7.827759 .0049815 .1411947
                          2216 0 2014 4.76683 .0016463 8.370988 .2947754 .0777796
                          2216 0 2015 4.59869   .00143 8.407803 .1905219  .106495
                          2216 0 2016 4.24885 .0012554 8.696444 .2664003 .0922997
                          2216 0 2017 4.33206  .001263  8.85026 .2679682 .0847596
                          2231 0 2004 4.08252 .0126227 5.378052        . .1218837
                          2231 0 2005 4.27638 .0262009 5.354225        . .1380615
                          5478 0 2005 4.27638        . 3.218876     .096     .512
                          5478 0 2006 3.86614        . 3.222868 .0956175 .4820717
                          5478 0 2007 4.00362        . 3.230804 .1027668 .4624506
                          5480 0 2005 4.27638        .  3.54674 .3314121 .0057637
                          5480 0 2006 3.86614        . 3.363842 .2110727 .0069204
                          5480 0 2007 4.00362        . 3.139833  .012987  .004329
                          5480 0 2008 4.27017        . 3.122365 .0176211 .0044053
                          5480 0 2010 4.61611 .1878453   3.7612  .472093 .0023256
                          5480 0 2012 5.20827 .0014025 4.268298  .710084        0
                          5480 0 2013 5.14044  .003861 3.258096 .2076923 .0038462
                          5480 0 2014 4.76683  .007722 3.261935 .2068966        0
                          5531 1 2004 4.08252     .008 2.533697        . .7936507
                          5531 0 2005 4.27638 .0247934 2.517696        . .8064516
                          5560 0 2005 4.27638 .0048077 4.426044  .534689 .4150718
                          5560 0 2006 3.86614 .0029806  4.20916 .6315007   .46211
                          5560 0 2009 4.95791     .125 2.379546 .5833333 .7592592
                          5560 0 2010 4.61611 .0229885 2.186051 .5617978 .8314607
                          5560 0 2011 4.73533      .05 2.128232       .5  .797619
                          5560 0 2012 5.20827 .0684932 2.054124 .4615384 .7820513
                          5560 0 2013 5.14044 .0441176 1.960095 .7183099 .7887324
                          5568 1 2004 4.08252  .011925 4.777442 .0799663 .6641414
                          5568 1 2005 4.27638 .0348042 5.114995 .0918919 .4432433
                          5568 1 2006 3.86614 .0420499 5.066385 .1015132 .4640605
                          5568 1 2007 4.00362 .2574258 4.844187 .1314961 .4291339
                          5568 1 2008 4.27017 .3013334 4.986342 .1270492 .3681694
                          5568 1 2009 4.95791 .3164794 4.945919 .1194879 .3620199
                          5568 1 2010 4.61611 .4752475 4.898586 .1096197 .3847874
                          5568 1 2011 4.73533 .4184549 4.884316 .1240545 .3676248
                          5568 1 2012 5.20827 .4371643 4.896346 .1098655 .3624813
                          5568 1 2013 5.14044 .2860061 4.835488 .1342335 .3725179
                          5574 1 2004 4.08252  .022846 5.054333 .4505424  .303127
                          5574 1 2005 4.27638 .0203725 5.166499 .5185397 .3559612
                          5574 1 2006 3.86614 .0169014 5.195731 .4880886 .3130194
                          5574 1 2007 4.00362  .022748 5.415211 .4412811 .2726868
                          5574 1 2008 4.27017 .0305749 5.736895 .4105127 .3395679
                          5574 1 2009 4.95791 .0228498 5.987456 .3345884 .3817771
                          5574 1 2010 4.61611 .0237656 6.095149 .2089249 .3971151
                          5574 1 2011 4.73533 .0196007 6.331146 .3036668 .3629405
                          5574 1 2012 5.20827 .0259626 6.364579 .3184713 .3542778
                          5574 1 2013 5.14044  .025131 6.636996 .3530414  .325118
                          5574 1 2014 4.76683 .0213954 6.876368 .3799402 .2870705
                          5574 1 2015 4.59869 .0431369 7.119393  .434086 .2723962
                          5574 1 2016 4.24885 .1781744 7.416799 .2817215 .2248603
                          5574 1 2017 4.33206 .1108322 7.596643 .3065529 .3053477
                          5574 1 2018 4.13127 .0742401 7.730219 .3328061 .3203726
                          5574 1 2019 4.03485 .0468276 7.831776 .3289275 .3238073
                          5578 0 2005 4.27638 .0386473   3.7612 .6976744        .
                          5578 0 2006 3.86614  .005618 4.830711 .9616919        .
                          5578 0 2008 4.27017 .0092593 3.775057 .6880734 .0344037
                          5578 0 2009 4.95791   .01417 3.914021 .5988024 .0578842
                          5578 0 2010 4.61611 .0189873 3.877432   .63147 .0496894
                          5578 0 2011 4.73533 .0505415 4.757032 .7517182 .0352234
                          5578 0 2012 5.20827 .0369089 4.498698 .6395996  .054505
                          5578 0 2013 5.14044 .0013351 4.317488      .76      .06
                          5632 0 2004 4.08252 .0123457 2.797281 .9634147        .
                          5632 0 2005 4.27638 .0308219 4.097672 .9053156        .
                          5632 0 2006 3.86614 .0064103 4.363099 .7821656        .
                          5632 0 2007 4.00362 .0101523 5.475626        . .0037688
                          5632 0 2009 4.95791 .0018491 6.700362 .0065215 .9452443
                          5632 0 2010 4.61611  .002005 6.744766 .0032957 .8525189
                          5632 0 2011 4.73533  .002764 6.586999 .9017365 .9423925
                          5632 0 2012 5.20827 .0022714 6.559615 .8681303 .9073654
                          5632 0 2013 5.14044 .0027439 6.488901 .8400729  .910003
                          5632 0 2014 4.76683 .0024373 6.549937 .7216819 .8077803
                          5632 0 2015 4.59869 .0029485 6.522534 .6923416 .7872997
                          5632 0 2016 4.24885 .0038035 6.451102 .7041364 .8195453
                          5632 0 2017 4.33206 .0039769 6.319689 .7380266 .9054735
                          5632 0 2018 4.13127 .0176539 6.424545 .6083009        0
                          5632 0 2019 4.03485 .0042133 6.429235 .5543004        0
                          5652 0 2005 4.27638  .122449 1.902107 .2363636 .3272727
                          5652 0 2006 3.86614 .0363636 1.902107 .1754386  .368421
                          5652 0 2007 4.00362  .109375 1.960095 .0985916 .2816902
                          5652 0 2008 4.27017 .0384615 2.091864  .037037 .2592592
                          5696 0 2004 4.08252 .0178988  4.87367 .5053517 .3379205
                          5696 0 2005 4.27638 .0159386 5.148076  .333527  .615921
                          5696 0 2006 3.86614 .0257407 5.352806  .266572 .5804924
                          5696 0 2007 4.00362 .0052595 5.658436 .2989187 .6675968
                          5696 0 2008 4.27017 .0119588  5.50289 .2481663 .6454768
                          5696 0 2009 4.95791 .0044737 6.055847 .3783403 .6887013
                          5696 0 2010 4.61611 .0061783 6.122493 .3760965 .6217105
                          5696 0 2011 4.73533 .0303186 5.993961  .311222 .6955112
                          5696 0 2012 5.20827 .0054602 5.957649 .2937678 .6508921
                          5696 0 2013 5.14044 .0019943 5.862779 .1970429 .6411715
                          5696 0 2014 4.76683 .0018577  5.93357 .2280795 .5274172
                          5696 0 2018 4.13127 .0113223 6.215008 .3168733 .2910836
                          5696 0 2019 4.03485 .0637021 6.401586  .253152  .228434
                          5737 0 2004 4.08252 .1166667 1.902107 .1940299 .2089552
                          5745 0 2004 4.08252 .0182482 3.328627  .749104 .1899642
                          5745 0 2005 4.27638  .010101 3.401197      .82 .1666667
                          5745 0 2006 3.86614  .009772 3.433987  .816129 .1516129
                          5747 1 2004 4.08252  .118274 9.845589 .1915242 .0178067
                          5747 1 2005 4.27638 .1650763 10.42921 .2480751 .0146925
                          5747 1 2006 3.86614 .1704987 10.60723 .3265489 .0166303
                          5747 1 2007 4.00362 .3027779 10.97552 .5176702 .0350391
                          5747 1 2008 4.27017 .1961892 11.09626 .4483185 .0306338
                          5747 1 2009 4.95791 .2591647 11.11332 .4781995  .031328
                          5747 1 2010 4.61611 .2806076  11.1744 .5029912 .0199215
                          5747 1 2011 4.73533 .0288988  11.1744 .0683945 .0204409
                          5747 1 2012 5.20827 .0332481  11.1744 .1099389 .0644183
                          5747 1 2013 5.14044 .1041377  11.1744 .2500194 .0450576
                          5747 1 2014 4.76683 .0116765  11.1744 .2898492 .0407218
                          5747 1 2015 4.59869 .0106196  11.1744 .2645762 .0394259
                          5747 1 2016 4.24885 .0102317  11.1744  .459229 .0738038
                          5747 1 2017 4.33206 .0280394  11.1744  .483693 .0779245
                          5747 1 2018 4.13127 .0347027  11.1744 .4263782 .0799709
                          5747 1 2019 4.03485 .0240252  11.1744 .1916905 .1035798
                          5759 0 2004 4.08252 .2369386  8.71701  .181775 .1418628
                          5759 0 2005 4.27638 .3012865 8.908464 .3214098 .2913325
                          5759 0 2006 3.86614  .203326 9.213943 .2661392 .2782854
                          5759 0 2007 4.00362 .2271932 9.078407  .290267 .3035942
                          5759 0 2008 4.27017 .1283518 9.571177 .1367417 .1815089
                          5759 0 2009 4.95791 .1451413 9.561673 .2862853 .2449964
                          5759 0 2010 4.61611 .0663218  9.94957 .2815854 .2142318
                          5759 0 2011 4.73533 .0572502  10.3919  .322762 .1901757
                          5759 0 2012 5.20827 .2215445 10.60894 .2716241 .1663675
                          5759 0 2013 5.14044 .3833398 10.97328 .4603761 .2108513
                          5759 0 2014 4.76683 .2338764 10.87866  .380825 .2595842
                          5759 0 2015 4.59869 .1254648 10.82355 .3098715 .2739813
                          5759 0 2016 4.24885 .1073208 11.10097 .3030173 .2768425
                          5759 0 2017 4.33206 .1369694  11.1744 .3481239 .2589488
                          5759 0 2018 4.13127 .1233202  11.1744 .2311242 .2333761
                          5759 0 2019 4.03485 .1154433  11.1744 .1591139 .2568865
                          5802 1 2004 4.08252 .0426997 4.326778 .3566711 .3606341
                          5802 1 2005 4.27638 .0804438 4.355426 .3761232  .309371
                          5802 1 2006 3.86614 .0174292 3.843744 .0149893 .4582441
                          5802 1 2007 4.00362 .0092166 3.779634        . .4223744
                          5802 1 2008 4.27017 .0020619 4.576771 .1790123 .4372428
                          5802 1 2009 4.95791 .0072761 7.328306 .7223535 .6238508
                          5802 1 2010 4.61611  .010866 7.513546 .6561358 .4967535
                          5802 1 2011 4.73533  .014049 7.646449 .5940665 .4050736
                          5802 1 2012 5.20827 .1438759 7.916771 .5290022 .5887564
                          5802 1 2013 5.14044 .0003106 7.854304 .4962745 .5759857
                          5802 1 2014 4.76683 .0001835 7.910261 .3871417 .4932663
                          5802 1 2015 4.59869 .0001845 7.904815 .3892558  .444674
                          5802 1 2016 4.24885 .0001502 8.110518 .3192863  .327306
                          5802 1 2017 4.33206 .0059271 8.083822 .3278936 .2640054
                          5802 1 2018 4.13127 .0000948 8.060066 .3365029  .253546
                          5802 1 2019 4.03485 .0000953 8.342411 .1528989 .3900005
                          5876 0 2004 4.08252 .0155451 7.279526 .3417914  .779425
                          5876 0 2005 4.27638 .0136334 7.231938 .2827392 .8075783
                          5876 0 2006 3.86614  .015177 7.656195 .4135876 .8592042
                          5876 0 2007 4.00362 .0156192  7.68928 .3349506 .8221805
                          5876 0 2008 4.27017 .0212825 7.693026 .2533516 .7911537
                          5876 0 2009 4.95791 .0205466 7.666596 .2032962 .8374379
                          5876 0 2010 4.61611 .0189062 7.745868  .187327 .7647059
                          5876 0 2011 4.73533 .0652576 7.765908 .1365949 .7177378
                          5876 0 2012 5.20827 .0591817 7.811893 .1252733 .6720787
                          5876 0 2013 5.14044 .0064448 8.081042 .3034399 .5038978
                          5876 0 2014 4.76683 .0092191 8.377011 .4670502 .5603774
                          5876 0 2015 4.59869 .0083278 8.517313 .5758909 .4705035
                          5876 0 2016 4.24885 .0023554 8.587092 .6421112 .9095674
                          5876 0 2017 4.33206 .0132874 8.579774 .7332469 .8866407
                          5876 0 2018 4.13127 .0050254 8.529062 .7923394 .8866336
                          5876 0 2019 4.03485 .0190441 8.501653  .847732 .8651811
                          5892 0 2004 4.08252 .2149533 2.564949 .0846154 .1615385
                          sort list_unlist co_code
                          gen wanted= sum(co_code!=co_code[_n-1])
                          *From 1 to 36 cos are unlisted and 37 to 52 cos are listed
                          gen group= cond(inrange(wanted, 37, 52), 1, 0)
                          xtset co_code year
                          xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,1,36), fe vce (robust)
                                       |               Robust
                            casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                   epu |   .0338644   .0264938     1.28   0.210    -.0199775    .0877063
                          . . xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,37,52), fe vce (robust)
                                       |               Robust
                            casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                   epu |   .0153356   .0340104     0.45   0.659    -.0571558    .0878271
                          . xtreg casheq_nta c.co_code) ,fe vce (robust)
                                          |               Robust
                               casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                              group#c.epu |
                                       0  |   .0308452   .0215167     1.43   0.159    -.0124916    .0741819
                                       1  |   .0222761   .0202524     1.10   0.277    -.0185143    .0630665


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the additional example. Before, you had only 1 firm that was in both groups, but now you have multiple firms. You want to control for all, so just generate an indicator and interact it with the group variable.

                            tab co_code group
                            bys co_code (group): gen both = group[1]!= group[_N]
                            replace both= co_code if both
                            xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,1,36), fe
                            xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,37,52), fe
                            xtreg casheq_nta i.both), fe


                            . tab co_code group
                                       |         group
                               co_code |         0          1 |     Total
                                     3 |         9          0 |         9
                                    11 |         4         12 |        16 
                                    15 |         1          0 |         1
                                    16 |         9          0 |         9
                                   286 |        10          0 |        10
                                   289 |         0         14 |        14
                                   328 |         6          0 |         6
                                   337 |        10          0 |        10
                                   362 |        16          0 |        16
                                   363 |         0         16 |        16
                                   365 |         1         11 |        12 
                                   372 |        14          0 |        14
                                   381 |        16          0 |        16
                                   400 |         0         11 |        11
                                   414 |        12          4 |        16 
                                   415 |         0         16 |        16
                                   425 |        16          0 |        16
                                   520 |        15          0 |        15
                                   569 |        14          0 |        14
                                   595 |        16          0 |        16
                                   612 |         0         16 |        16
                                   641 |         5          0 |         5
                                  1567 |        13          0 |        13
                                  1621 |        10          5 |        15 
                                  1803 |         9          0 |         9
                                  1827 |         0          2 |         2
                                  1954 |         4          0 |         4
                                  2015 |         0         12 |        12
                                  2216 |        14          0 |        14
                                  2231 |         2          0 |         2
                                  5478 |         3          0 |         3
                                  5480 |         8          0 |         8
                                  5531 |         1          1 |         2 
                                  5560 |         7          0 |         7
                                  5568 |         0         10 |        10
                                  5574 |         0         16 |        16
                                  5578 |         8          0 |         8
                                  5632 |        15          0 |        15
                                  5652 |         4          0 |         4
                                  5696 |        13          0 |        13
                                  5737 |         1          0 |         1
                                  5745 |         3          0 |         3
                                  5747 |         0         16 |        16
                                  5759 |        16          0 |        16
                                  5802 |         0         16 |        16
                                  5876 |        16          0 |        16
                                  5892 |         1          0 |         1
                                 Total |       322        178 |       500
                            . bys co_code (group): gen both = group[1]!= group[_N]
                            . xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,1,36), fe
                            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        312
                            Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =         35
                            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                                 within  = 0.0100                                         min =          1
                                 between = 0.0274                                         avg =        8.9
                                 overall = 0.0103                                         max =         16
                                                                            F(1,276)          =       2.80
                            corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0427                         Prob > F          =     0.0957
                              casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                     epu |   .0338644   .0202543     1.67   0.096    -.0060082     .073737
                                   _cons |  -.0429781   .0907509    -0.47   0.636    -.2216299    .1356737
                                 sigma_u |  .15527318
                                 sigma_e |  .14260282
                                     rho |  .54245888   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                            F test that all u_i=0: F(34, 276) = 10.77                    Prob > F = 0.0000
                            . xtreg casheq_nta epu if inrange(wanted,37,52), fe
                            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        176
                            Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =         16
                            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                                 within  = 0.0021                                         min =          1
                                 between = 0.0177                                         avg =       11.0
                                 overall = 0.0009                                         max =         16
                                                                            F(1,159)          =       0.34
                            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0099                        Prob > F          =     0.5624
                              casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                     epu |   .0153356   .0264194     0.58   0.562    -.0368427    .0675139
                                   _cons |   .0339082   .1185502     0.29   0.775     -.200228    .2680443
                                 sigma_u |  .10709629
                                 sigma_e |  .13864507
                                     rho |  .37369962   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                            F test that all u_i=0: F(15, 159) = 7.15                     Prob > F = 0.0000
                            . xtreg casheq_nta i.both), fe
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            note: omitted because of collinearity
                            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        488
                            Group variable: co_code                         Number of groups  =         46
                            R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                                 within  = 0.0097                                         min =          1
                                 between = 0.0081                                         avg =       10.6
                                 overall = 0.0031                                         max =         16
                                                                            F(7,435)          =       0.61
                            corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.2190                        Prob > F          =     0.7494
                              casheq_nta |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                             group#c.epu |
                                      0  |   .0338644   .0200507     1.69   0.092    -.0055439    .0732727
                                      1  |   .0153356   .0269004     0.57   0.569    -.0375353    .0682065
                              group#both |
                                 0   11  |  -.0742252   .1687732    -0.44   0.660    -.4059375    .2574871
                                 0  365  |  -.0062122    .208941    -0.03   0.976    -.4168715    .4044472
                                 0  414  |  -.0137529   .1662131    -0.08   0.934    -.3404335    .3129276
                                 0 1621  |  -.0988756   .1660822    -0.60   0.552    -.4252989    .2275477
                                 0 5531  |  -.0654156   .2434548    -0.27   0.788    -.5439096    .4130783
                                 1    0  |          0  (omitted)
                                 1   11  |          0  (omitted)
                                 1  365  |          0  (omitted)
                                 1  414  |          0  (omitted)
                                 1 1621  |          0  (omitted)
                                 1 5531  |          0  (omitted)
                                   _cons |  -.0123318    .072499    -0.17   0.865    -.1548237    .1301602
                                 sigma_u |  .14747601
                                 sigma_e |  .14116906
                                     rho |  .52183977   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                            F test that all u_i=0: F(45, 435) = 9.97                     Prob > F = 0.0000
                            Last edited by Andrew Musau; 29 Apr 2021, 05:49.


                            • #29
                              Thanks Professor Andrew Musau. The code works perfectly. Thanks a lot. Though I didn't understand the logic of commands, I can readily use them. I may ask for some clarifications based on the above codes later so that I can learn by using them. Thank you once again


                              • #30
                                Dear Stata Members
                                I have doubts concerning the Wald test based on my post #20 -

                                Let me reproduce that Stata output here

                                  test =    ( 1)  - + = 0         F(  1, 13965) =    0.89             Prob > F =    0.3448
                                Bases on the helpful advice of Andrew Musau , I deduce that the hypothesis (null) for the above results is "Coefficients of EPU are similar across two groups" (Based on post 25). Since F stat is low, we can say that "We cannot reject the equality of coefficients across two groups". I trust my interpretation is correct so far
                                Some sources indicate that the Wald test gives Chi-Square stat ( My doubt is

                                1. How different is F-stat from Chi-stat in Wald test? Or specifically what are the assumptions needed for this specific Wald test?

