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  • Propensity score with multiple treatments and plotting adjusted IPTW survival help Needed!

    Dear Statalist Gurus,

    I am hoping that someone can offer some advice and show some example code for a problem I am working on. I am using Stata 15, and have read many posts on propensity matching for survival analyses, but have hit some roadbloacks. The nature of my question revolves around multiple treatment groups and survival endpoints.

    I am not a statistician, but have spent most of my professional career doing survival outcome analyses. Although I understand how to create propensity scores with Stata in datasets of treated vs untreated individuals, and then perform matching, I have not been able to understand or exploit the tools or packages to do this in datasets with multiple treatments (as opposed to control vs treated).

    I suspect what I am asking is simple for a statistician, but hard for me.
    I am uploading a sample dataset, but will describe the variables here:

    Survival_yrs: number of years from treatment to death or censor event
    os_censor: 0= censored, 1=dead
    Tx: categorical variable describing the treatment received (Treatment A through E)
    Age: continuous variable of Age in years at the start of treatment
    CatVar1: categorical variable of 3 (factors or groups) that can alter the risk of death
    CatVar2: categorical variable of 5 (factors or groups) that can alter the risk of death

    The treatments are in "Tx",
    The covariates other than "Tx" that can also alter survival are "Age", "CatVar1" and "Catvar2",
    the survival time is "survival_yrs" and death or censor is "os-censor"

    Here are my specific questions:
    • How do I generate propensity scores for the 5 different treatment options (variable Tx)?
    • How do I generate inverse probability of treatment weights for these 5 treatment options (variable Tx)?
    • How do I perform propensity matching when there are 5 treatment groups?
    • How do I create psuedopopulations based on the IPTW that I can use to plot adjusted survival curves?
    You can download the sample data file here:

    Many thanks to any or all of you willing to help.


    Jonathan Tward
    University of Utah
    Last edited by Jonathan Tward; 18 Mar 2018, 11:27.