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  • Ordered Probit with Random Coefficient Using Maximum Simulated Likelihood

    Dear All,

    I am working on coding a relatively simple ordered probit model with a random parameter/random coefficient for one of the explanatory factor. I am using Maximum Simulated Likelihood to average the integral. At a basic level, I am using draws from normal density using the inverse cumulative for the standard deviation of the random parameter. After running ml check on my code, no errors are returned. However, I am struggling with initial values with the following error returned each time "could not find feasible values"

    Just to put this into a context, I have successfully coded a random parameter binary probit/logit with "n" numbers of random parameters using the benchmark example in Cameron and Trivedi (2010). However, am struggling with the ordinal case.

    Below is my code:

        clear all
        sysuse auto
        recode rep78 (2 = 1) (2 = 1) (5 = 1), gen(nx1)
        set seed 19011992
            *Use this to in turn get draws from the normal distribution
            *Create 50 draws (S=50) from the uniform for 
                    *each observation in the data at hand(N=74)
    capture drop draws*
    forvalues i = 1/50 {
        gen draws`i' = runiform()
        capture program drop lfoprobitmsl_bw1
            program lfoprobitmsl_bw1
            version 14.2
            args lnf b1 b2 alpha1 ln_sd                             //b1 is constant term and b2, b3 are slopes, alpha1 is threshold
                                                                                    //Dont use 'sd' as it will get lost if sd<0
            tempvar sim_fx sim_avgfx                                 //Get temp holders for the simulated densities
            local y "$ML_y1"
            local sd = exp(`ln_sd')                                    //Tranform back to SD
            qui gen `sim_avgfx' = 0
                set seed 19011992
                    forvalues d = 1/50 {
                    quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normal(-(`b1' + `b2' + `sd'*invnormal(draws`d')*mpg))) if $ML_y1 == 0
                    /*contribution to log-likelihood for outcome y=0 respondents*/
                    quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normal(-(`b1' + `b2' + `sd'*invnormal(draws`d')*mpg)+`alpha1') - normal(-(`b1' + `b2' + `sd'*invnormal(draws`d')*mpg))) if $ML_y1 == 1
                    /*contribution to log-likelihood for outcome y=1 respondents*/
                    quietly replace `lnf' = ln(1-normal(-(`b1' + `b2' + `sd'*invnormal(draws`d')*mpg)+`alpha1')) if $ML_y1 == 2
                    /*contribution to log-likelihood for outcome y=2 respondents*/
                    qui gen `sim_fx' = `lnf'
                    qui replace `sim_avgfx' = `sim_avgfx' + `sim_fx'/50
                    drop `sim_fx'
        //Let's now calculate the MSL estimator
        ml model lf lfoprobitmsl_bw1 (b1: nx = ) (b2: mpg, nocons) (alpha1:) (ln_sd:)
        ml init 1 1 1 0, copy
        //ml check
        ml maximize, difficult
    To generate the error I am getting, I have used Stata's auto.dta. Just for the sake of this example, I have re-coded one of the variable into three categories so that I can use it as my dependent variable (variable nx) in above code. My apologies for that!

    My question is: Am I coding the likelihood part correctly or is the issue really with my poor initial values? Have tried a bunch of initial values though.

    Any help will be truly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

    Sincerely, Behram
