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    Dear Statalisters

    I apologise if this question is a little a little but I am looking for help on overlaying bubble plots in Stata 14.2, where the inner is a proportion of the first, with the proportion being represented by the radius of the inner relative to the radius of the outer.

    For an example
    clear all
    webuse census
    set seed 4007654
    gen no_football_supporters = runiform()*pop65p
    scatter death medage [w=pop65p]
    Using the above dataset, I would like to generate a bubble plot
    overlaid on the first using something along the lines of
    scatter death medage [w=no_football_supporters]
    Going through the previous stateliest stuff maybe i'm not asking the right question but so far have seen
    people do a tinker with marker size but this seems really manual and inexact.
    How to preserve marker size splitting the data into the two groups, but I can't seem to work out how to solve my problem using either of these approaches

    PS sorry if the example is very artificial or if I've missed an answer to this before !

    All the Best

    Tim Davies
