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  • Keeping the value labels in xpose

    Dear friends,
    My data is in excel, I want to import it and transpose the rows and the columns to be able to set the data as time-series.

    branch y2008 y2007 y2006
    Field crops 4,016 3,614 3,253
    Livestock 353 317 286
    Fruit and vegetables 885 796 717
    Growing of flowers, seeds and nursery products 603 543 489
    Other agriculture industries 464 417 376
    Mining of hard coal, and extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 35,235 31,711 28,540
    Other mining and quarrying products 17,900 16,110 14,499
    Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, dairy products and oil 4,283 3,855 3,470
    Other food products and tobacco products 6,048 5,443 4,899
    Textiles 4,632 4,169 3,752
    Clothing 2,789 2,510 2,259
    Manufacture of footwear, leather and leather products 1,811 1,630 1,467
    Wood and wood products (excl. furniture) 1,920 1,728 1,555
    Paper and cardboard, and products thereof 3,531 3,178 2,860
    Printing and publishing 296 266 239
    Refined petroleum, petrochemicals and man-made fibres 21,722 19,550 17,595
    Industrial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and disinfectants 7,001 6,301 5,671
    I would like to keep the value labels of the first branch (string) variable and assign it to the column varnames.

  • #2
    reshape long y, i( branch ) j(year)
    // y variable (I do not know what it stays for in your database) can be renamed via -rename-

    will do the trick.
    Kind regards,
    (Stata 18.0 SE)


    • #3
      Thank you very much Carlo, but I prefer the data to be in a shape like this:

      year Field crops Livestock Fruit and vegetables Growing of flowers, seeds and nursery products Other agriculture industries Mining of hard coal, and extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
      2008 4,016 353 885 603 464 35,235
      2007 3,614 317 796 543 417 31,711
      2006 3,253 286 717 489 376 28,540]
      I cut the table just to present the desired shape of the data. I would like that the name of the branch will apply to the variable label of each column.
      Is it possible? In Excel it is easy to do that by transpose the table, however xpose in stata delete the labels.
      Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


      • #4
        Well, exactly as posed, it is not possible because Stata variable names cannot contain spaces, commas, parentheses, or other special characters. But we can approximate it by creating a variable from branch that is a valid Stata variable name--the -strtoname()- function does just that.. It starts with Carlo's reshape:

        reshape long y, i(branch) j(year)
        gen vbranch = strtoname(branch, 1)
        drop branch
        reshape wide y, i(year) j(vbranch) string
        rename y* *
        Note: this code will fail if there are two or more values of branch that Stata translates into the same variable name in vbranch. If you encounter that problem (and -reshape- will complain if you do), you will just have to tinker with some changes to the variable vbranch before the -reshape-.


        • #5
          Thank you Clyde!
          I'm afraid I did not explain myself well, actually, I do not need the labels to be as the variable names, but just the variable labels.
          Thanks again.


          • #6
            So I think it's not too different.

            encode branch, gen(_branch)
            //   AFTER RESHAPE
            tempfile labeler
            label save _branch using `labeler'
            levelsof _branch, local(values)
            //  DO THE RESHAPE
            drop branch
            reshape wide y, i(year) j(_branch)
            run `labeler'
            foreach v of local values {
                 label var y`v' `"`:label _branch `v''"'


            • #7
              Thank you very much Clyde! I liked the `labeler' trick.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                So I think it's not too different.

                encode branch, gen(_branch)
                // AFTER RESHAPE
                tempfile labeler
                label save _branch using `labeler'
                levelsof _branch, local(values)
                // DO THE RESHAPE
                drop branch
                reshape wide y, i(year) j(_branch)
                // NOW APPLY THE VALUE LBELS
                run `labeler'
                foreach v of local values {
                label var y`v' `"`:label _branch `v''"'
                Hello Clyde,
                I have the same situation; however, the
                >label save_var using 'labeler'
                does not work for me. I have an error code of invalid 'labeler' r(198)
                What does this mean?

                Thank you in advance for any assistance.



                • #9
                  I don't think that Clyde is currently active on Statalist - let me take a guess: you tried to do this interactively rather than via a do-file? if yes, that won't work so put it all in a do file and run it (and read up on local macros, etc.)


                  • #10
                    Hi Rich,

                    I actually did run it using a do-file. Unfortunately, it did not work. I am trying a new technique as my ultimate goal is to include it in a loop over command and posted a similar question on a different post.

                    Thank you though.



                    • #11
                      I have the same exact problem as Oded Mcdossi, but instead of the year I have months, written like this: JAN2009 FEB2009...
                      How can I do this?


                      • #12
                        No data example in #11 (please study but this shows some technique.

                        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
                        input str70 branch long JAN2009 int(FEB2009 MAR2009)
                        "Field crops"                                                             4016  3614  3253
                        "Livestock"                                                                353   317   286
                        "Fruit and vegetables"                                                     885   796   717
                        "Growing of flowers,  seeds and nursery products"                          603   543   489
                        "Other agriculture industries"                                             464   417   376
                        "Mining of hard coal, and extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas" 35235 31711 28540
                        "Other mining and quarrying products"                                    17900 16110 14499
                        "Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, dairy products and oil"                4283  3855  3470
                        "Other food products and tobacco products"                                6048  5443  4899
                        "Textiles"                                                                4632  4169  3752
                        "Clothing"                                                                2789  2510  2259
                        "Manufacture of  footwear,  leather and leather products"                 1811  1630  1467
                        "Wood and wood products (excl. furniture)"                                1920  1728  1555
                        "Paper and cardboard, and products thereof"                               3531  3178  2860
                        "Printing and publishing"                                                  296   266   239
                        "Refined petroleum, petrochemicals and  man-made fibres"                 21722 19550 17595
                        "Industrial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and disinfectants"         7001  6301  5671
                        ds branch, not
                        rename (`r(varlist)') (var=)
                        local nvars = r(N)
                        forval j = 1/`nvars' {
                        local label`j' = branch[`j']
                        drop branch
                        gen which = _n
                        reshape long var, i(which) j(date) string
                        reshape wide var, i(date) j(which)
                        forval j = 1/`nvars' { 
                            label var var`j' "`label`j''"
                        gen mdate = monthly(date, "MY")
                        format mdate %tm 
                        l mdate var1 var2 var3 
                        d var*


                        • #13
                          As xpose is fairly useless (and so is sxpose (SSC) but I suppose someone asked for it back in the day) the thread is really about

                          Keeping values as variable labels when transposing (meaning in practice, applying


                          • #14
                            Nick Cox Thank you. I still don't seem to manage. This is a part of my data:
                            * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                            input str37 Route str4 Bordertypeorinland str33 Nationality int(JAN2009 FEB2009 MAR2009 APR2009)
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Tunisia"                           686 195 372  12
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Egypt"                             158  36  89  76
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Bangladesh"                         41   7 108  19
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Iran"                                0   0   0   1
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Côte d'Ivoire"                      3   1  45  36
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Iraq"                                0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Morocco"                            89  33 120  37
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Pakistan"                            0   5   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Syria"                               0   0   0  18
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Sudan"                               2   3   2   6
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Guinea"                              1   0  13   8
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Libya"                               1   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Algeria"                            31  20  35  17
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Eritrea"                            16   1  14  80
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Mali"                                5   2  39  34
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Cameroon"                            0   1   3   4
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Nigeria"                           200  36 580 645
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Turkey"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Afghanistan"                         0   0   0  13
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Ghana"                              15   1 110  79
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Ethiopia"                            0   1   0  18
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Burkina Faso"                        1   1  14  27
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Palestine^"                          0   0  13   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Senegal"                             1   0   3   2
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Somalia"                           162 722 933 816
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Gambia"                              2   0   7  15
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Sierra Leone"                        0   0   2   5
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Yemen"                               0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Comoros"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Kyrgyzstan"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Ukraine"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "South Sudan"                         0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Liberia"                             3   0   2   3
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Lebanon"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Equatorial Guinea"                   0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Sri Lanka"                           0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Uzbekistan"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Unknown"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Kazakhstan"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Chad"                                0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Benin"                               0   0   1   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Moldova"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Turkmenistan"                        0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Congo (Brazzaville)"                 0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Guinea-Bissau"                       0   0   0   1
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Togo"                                4   0   7   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Haiti"                               0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Rwanda"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Zambia"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "French Guiana"                       0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Kenya"                               1   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "India"                              18  43   0   5
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Belize"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Uganda"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Mauritania"                          1   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Malawi"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Stateless"                           3  12   0   1
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Cape Verde"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Russia"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Third-country"                       0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Malaysia"                            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Philippines"                         0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Niger"                               1 101   6   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Gabon"                              46   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Nepal"                               0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Congo (Kinshasa)"                    0   0   1   1
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Jamaica"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "China"                               0   0   0   2
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Serbia"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Zimbabwe"                            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Namibia"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Madagascar"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Jordan"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Central African Republic"            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Djibouti"                            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Lesotho"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Dominica"                            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Mauritius"                           0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Bermuda"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Albania"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Angola"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Tanzania"                            0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Panama"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Kosovo*"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Belarus"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "South Africa"                        0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Vietnam"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Georgia"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Saudi Arabia"                        0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Myanmar"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Israel"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Azerbaijan"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Unspecified sub-Saharan nationals"   0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Tajikistan"                          0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Oman"                                0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Burundi"                             0   0   0   0
                            "Central Mediterranean Route" "Sea"  "Kuwait"                              0   0   0   0
                            "Western Balkan Route"        "Land" "Syria"                               0   0   0   0
                            "Western Balkan Route"        "Land" "Afghanistan"                         0   0  54  34
                            "Western Balkan Route"        "Land" "Morocco"                             0   0   0   2
                            Border and Route are string variables, while the dates are int.Thank you
                            Last edited by Irene Solmone; 07 Oct 2021, 04:34.


                            • #15
                              why not -encode-ing -Border- and -Route- first and see whether the code works after that?
                              Kind regards,
                              (Stata 18.0 SE)

