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  • postestimation in glm

    Hi Statalisters,

    I am fitting a glm model with this form:

    glm PS101 Yb wall urb, family(poisson) link(log) lnoffset(Meancount)

    I am trying to generate the predicted value "manually" (pred2 below) so I can use it in a simulation where I am going to vary my betas and the value of my offset. However I am getting a predicted value that is not equal to mu (i.e., predict pred1, mu).

    Here is an example of my codes: global xvars "Yb wall urb"
    glm PS101 Yb wall urb, family(poisson) link(log) lnoffset(Meancount)
    global px=e(df_m)
    matrix beta=e(b)'
    predict pred1, mu

    global px1=$px+1
    gen pred2=0
    forvalues i=1/$px {
    local v : word `i' of $xvars
    replace pred2=pred2 + Meancount* exp(beta[$px1,1]+ beta[`i',1]*`v')
    If anyone could point out what is wrong with my pred2 formula or could provide a resource on the formula behind the GLM post estimation calculation for mu when you have Poisson distribution and there is an offset that would be really great!

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    The offset should be within the exponential function.

    For example:

    webuse rod93,clear
    generate logexp=ln(exposure)
    qui glm  deaths cohort, offset(logexp) family(poisson) link(log)
    predict mu,mu
    gen my_mu= exp( [deaths]_b[cohort]*cohort + [deaths]_b[_cons] + logexp)
    l in 1/2


    • #3
      As a sidelight, while the lnoffset option still works, it has been replaced by exposure. So Scott's code could be rewritten as

      webuse rod93,clear
      qui glm  deaths cohort, exposure(exposure) family(poisson) link(log)
      predict mu,mu
      gen my_mu= exp( [deaths]_b[cohort]*cohort + [deaths]_b[_cons] + ln(exposure))
      l in 1/2
      Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
      Stata Version: 17.0 MP (2 processor)

      EMAIL: [email protected]


      • #4
        Thanks for your help! Really appreciate it.

