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  • Monte Carlo simulation of a whole matrix using simulate and eclass

    I would like to compute a summary statistic of a set of groups within my data (such as age,sex) with confidence intervals. For that purpose I use monte carlo simulation drawing values from a Poisson distribution for every row in my data and then collapsing the rows to have the summary. The whole procedure works fine if the result of the simulation is just one value (using return scalar in rclass) but as soon as I try to simulate more than one result (using ereturn matrix in eclass) it is not working (see Stata code below). I get the error message: "type mismatch error in expression: e(A)". How could I simulate a whole vector or even matrix of results without more complex loops etc.?

    program bootPGW, eclass
    gen id=_n
    sort id
    gen N=_N
    by id: gen DL2=floor(rpoisson(calung))
    by id:gen D02=floor(rpoisson(D0))
    by id:gen Dsmoking=floor(rpoisson(smoking))
    by id:gen ML2=(DL2/numpyr)*1000
    by id:gen AL2=(ML2-CPSIIrate)/ML2
    by id:replace AL2=0 if AL2<0
    by id:gen A02=1-exp(-PWGcoef*(ML2-CPSIIrate))
    by id:gen A2=(AL2*DL2+A02*D02)/(DL2+D02)
    gen Adeaths=totdeath*A2
    collapse (sum) Adeaths=Adeaths totdeath=totdeath Dsmoking=Dsmoking, by(edu_3cat sex country year)
    gen AF_PWG=Adeaths/totdeath
    gen AF_simple=Dsmoking/totdeath
    mkmat AF_PWG, matrix(A)
    ereturn matrix A=A

    simulate a=e(A), reps(1000) nodots seed(123): bootPGW

  • #2

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    • #3
      simulate can deal with multiple values being returned. See the example in the help:

      simulate mean=r(mean) var=r(Var), reps(10000): lnsim, obs(100)


      • #4
        @Brendan: Thx! This works for few variables. However, if I have hundreds of values and several variables, storing the results in a matrix isinevitable. Also, the code should be flexible towards changes in the level of aggregation (variables in collapse).

        @Roberto: Sorry not reading FAQ. I included the URL in the other post.


        • #5
          The solution has been postet at stackoverflow (see link). However, the simulation proram works for rowvectors only. But that is already much better than using single scalars.

