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  • heckprobit postestimation - why the predicted probabilities return missing values for who does not participate?

    I am working with probit model with selection (heckman correction) for correcting estimates of heart failure prevalence from a sample survey. The problem is that the predicted probabilities p margin, p11, p10, p01 p00 and pcon , estimated with the comands of heckprobit postestimation returns missing values for those not participating in the study. Just psel has actual values for the entire sample. I tried to figure out why and how to correct the two models, without success. Could I have some help? Thanks

  • #2
    We need to see exactly what you typed into Stata and exactly what Stata returned. (Please see the Forum FAQ on this; especially section 12 and how to use CODE delimiters to report such information.)
    If I look at help heckprobit postestimation##predict, I see that there are many potential prediction variables, some of which condition on selection and some don't. Also show us the results of a describe and summarize command for the 2 outcome variables and the predictors, and the predicted variables.


    • #3
      Hi Stephen,

      Thanks a lot for yours comments. I was making a basic error and I fixed it. But now I have another question in the same subjetct: heckprob. One of the assumptions of biprobit Heckman selection is: the conditional joint error distribution must be bivariate Normals . Cant we test this in stata?
      Thanks once again and sorry about my bad english.

