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  • Stacking values in a new generated variable

    Hi all,

    This is a small part of my dataset. My dataset has more than 1,5million observations.

    permno = id of each company
    ret = daily returns
    cum abnormal return = return of each observation in event window (t+5) minus average of estimation window (lags) and all summed together
    Averagereturn = average return of estimation window
    permno date ret EventDate EventDummy AverageReturn cumabnormalreturn
    91735 26-aug-11 0.015625 26-aug-11 1 -0.0129789 0.090525
    91735 29-aug-11 0.053846 29-aug-11 1 -0.0129389 0.038577
    91735 30-aug-11 0.002433 . . . .
    91735 31-aug-11 -0.00485 . . . .
    91735 1-sep-11 -0.02683 . . . .
    91735 2-sep-11 -0.02757 . . . .
    91735 6-sep-11 -0.03608 . . . .

    I am currently performing an event study on my dataset. Now I am at the part where I have to calculate abnormal returns for every observation within the event window. Calculating cumulative abnormal returns for every "EventDate"/"EventDummy" did work for me because I do not need to calculate for every observation (no overwriting values at all!!). Since I have multiple companies with multiple events, it will make the process more difficult.

    Basically, I tried using this code:
    gen NewVariable=.
    by permno:replace NewVariable=(ret[_n] - averagereturn[_n] + ret[_n+1] -averagereturn[_n]] + ret[_n+2] -averagereturn[_n] + ret[_n+3] -averagereturn[_n]] + ret[_n+4] -averagereturn[_n] + ret[_n+5] -averagereturn[_n] ) if EventDummy[_n]==1

    Obviously, this will overwrite observations when I have consecutive events (difference in days less than 5 days). How can I stack those calculated values into a new variable? I would like to have all the values under each other without overwriting old values, if you know what I mean. I need all those abnormal returns in order to calculate the standard deviation for testing the significance.

    I really appreciate it if you could help me!

    Thank you in advance and sorry for the grammar mistakes!

    Best regards,

