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  • e with rocreg

    In Stata 14 I am not able to use the rocreg command. Trying for a bootstrapped or nonparametric model:
    rocreg refvar classvar, noboot
    I get the r(198) error message: "ml must be specified if display options are specified". I've also tryed with probit bseed() - same error.

    If I try the ml model:
    rocreg refvar classvar, probit ml
    I get another r(198) error message: "option baselevels not allowed"

    My refvar is a binary yes-no variable, while the classvar is a continuous variable. The code have worked for me before in previous stata versions. Any ideas?

  • #2
    There is an existing bug with -rocreg- that causes -rocreg- to not work if you -set showbaselevels on-. In the following code, note how the first instance of -rocreg- produces an error. Once you -set showbaselevels off-, the command works fine,

    * begin code *

    set showbaselevels on

    webuse hanley,clear

    rocreg disease rating, probit ml

    set showbaselevels off

    rocreg disease rating, probit ml

    * end code *

    Please issue the -set showbaselevels off- command and then re-run the

    -rocreg- command. As a side note, we are working on this bug, and will provide a fix for this in a future update.

