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  • Country-pair fixed effects in gravity

    Hi all,

    I'm investigating exports to the Central and Eastern European countries from the rest of Europe. I have panel data over the last 20 years in my survey.
    I have conducted a hausman test which tells me that I should use fixed effect (as expected).
    However fixed effects omits my time-invariant variables, which I am interested in keeping in the equaiton, so I have tried to do country-pair fixed effects, because I have read that it is then possible keep the time-invariant variables.

    But, when I try to conduct it in Stata it still omits my variables (But it works with OLS, Poisson and Random effects).

    I grouped it:
    egen pairid = group(country_ceec partner)

    So far I have tried (and only used distance as a time-invariant variable):

    xtreg imports_1000 lgdp_ceec lgdp_partner ldist offlang year*, fe robust

    xtreg limports lgdp_ceec lgdp_partner ldist year_* exporter_*, fe cluster(pairid)

    xtreg limports lgdp_ceec lgdp_partner ldist offlang year* exporter_*, fe vce(robust)

    Do anyone know what I am missing in this, since distance keeps being omitted? I would appreciate if anyone had a solution.

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited by Nina Dolmer; 08 Apr 2017, 07:46.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Statra Forum / Statalist.

    Please take a look at the FAQ, particularly on how to share command and data. Thanks.

    That said, and considering you know a fixed-effects model will do towards time-invariant variables precisely what you have, I wonder whether a between-effects model would fit in.
    Best regards,



    • #3
      Sorry for not reading the FAQ.
      As I understand a country specific fixed effects would still include the time invariant variables, is that not correct?
      I have actually not considered the between-effects model, I will look into that, Thanks.


      • #4
        Hi Nina,

        Just to clear up any confusion, it is not possible to include time-invariant variables (such as log distance etc) in the presence of pair fixed effects. These fixed effects absorb all time-invariant variation that is specific to each pair, which would typically include distance.

        Hope the above is helpful.



        • #5
          Time-invariant regressors in panel models have been discussed many times here on Statalist. The forum search (or a Google search) should direct you there. As a starting point, my comment in the following Statalist discussion and the links therein (not just about system GMM but fixed-effects models in general) might be useful:
          How to treat time-invariant variables in system GMM?

          In addition, you might find the discussion in my working paper with Claudia Schwarz useful. As an application, we consider a dynamic gravity model with a special focus on how to estimate the coefficient of the time-invariant distance variable:
          • Kripfganz, S. and C. Schwarz (2015). Estimation of linear dynamic panel data models with time-invariant regressors. ECB Working Paper 1838, European Central Bank.

