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  • Question with Expression after Using Margins Command

    I have a dataset where the DV is asylum rates and the unit of analysis is directed dyad year where country A is the country of asylum and country is b is the country of origin of asylum-seekers. The DV is a rate/percentage of those from country B granted asylum. I employed a GEE regression, clustered around the dyads, and used a logit link with a correlation of exchangeable.

    I ran the margins command for one of the variables, autocracy (if country A is an autocracy or not, binary variable). I used the following command:
     margins, dyex(autocracy)
    However, I noticed the expression.

    Average marginal effects    Number of obs   =29880
    Model VCE    : Robust
    Expression   : Pr(asylum_prop != 0), predict()
    dy/ex w.r.t. : autocracy
    dy/ex   Std. Err.      z    P>z    [95% Conf.    Interval]
    autocracy   -.0047661   .0011086    -4.30    0.000    -.0069388    -.0025933
    Why is the expression saying, Pr(asylum_prop != 0) ?
    This happened with any of the independent variables that I used. Did I do something incorrectly?

  • #2
    I guess it is not a "problem per se" (pg 3). So, I guess the question I still have is why do the expressions sometimes read not equal to 0?

