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  • lpoly options ci and noscatter incompatible with value labels in y axis

    Dear all,

    I am trying to generate a simple twoway graph between school grade and age of student with household survey data. I have no problem including y label values when I graph a scatter plot, or an lpoly graph with scatter points, using (for instance) the code below.

    lpoly Grade age if SchAge==1 [aw=wt_hh], xtitle(Age) ylabel(#13,val) xlabel(#19)
    However, I am having trouble including the value labels in the y axis when I add the options 'ci' or 'noscatter'. I don't know if I am missing something in the command, or if any of you can think of another way of getting the graph I want?

    I have tried the following to no avail:
    lpoly Grade age if SchAge==1 [aw=wt_hh], xtitle(Age) ylabel(#13,val) xlabel(#19) ci noscatter
    qui lpoly Grade age if SchAge==1 [aw=wt_hh], gen(poly) at(age)
    twoway line poly age if SchAge==1, sort ytitle(Grade) xtitle(Age) ylabel(#13) xlabel(#19) ysize(2) xsize(4)
    I am using Stata 13.

    Thanks in advance!