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  • margins after ivprobit in Stata 14

    Dear all,

    I am currently estimating an instrumented probit model and trying to obtain the correct marginal effects -on probability- afterwards (i.e ivprobit followed by margins). Nevertheless, I am confused with the changes introduced with Stata 14 to the margins command when following the ivprobit estimation. In particular, I do not completely understand why does Stata report a marginal effect for the instrument (given that it is not a covariate) and how it should be interpreted. To illustrate my problem, I am posting the commands and results obtained using Stata's manual example under Stata 13 and 14:

    version 13.1

    webuse laborsup

    ivprobit fem_work fem_educ kids (other_inc = male_educ)

    Fitting exogenous probit model

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -344.63508
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -255.36855
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -255.31444
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -255.31444

    Fitting full model

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2371.4753
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2369.3178
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2368.2198
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -2368.2062
    Iteration 4: log likelihood = -2368.2062

    Probit model with endogenous regressors Number of obs = 500
    Wald chi2(3) = 163.88
    Log likelihood = -2368.2062 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

    | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    other_inc | -.0542756 .0060854 -8.92 0.000 -.0662027 -.0423485
    fem_educ | .211111 .0268648 7.86 0.000 .1584569 .2637651
    kids | -.1820929 .0478267 -3.81 0.000 -.2758316 -.0883543
    _cons | .3672083 .4480724 0.82 0.412 -.5109975 1.245414
    /athrho | .3907858 .1509443 2.59 0.010 .0949403 .6866313
    /lnsigma | 2.813383 .0316228 88.97 0.000 2.751404 2.875363
    rho | .3720374 .1300519 .0946561 .5958135
    sigma | 16.66621 .5270318 15.66461 17.73186
    Instrumented: other_inc
    Instruments: fem_educ kids male_educ
    Wald test of exogeneity (/athrho = 0): chi2(1) = 6.70 Prob > chi2 = 0.0096

    margins, dydx(*) predict(pr)

    Average marginal effects Number of obs = 500
    Model VCE : OIM

    Expression : Probability of positive outcome, predict(pr)
    dy/dx w.r.t. : other_inc fem_educ kids male_educ

    | Delta-method
    | dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    other_inc | -.014015 .0009836 -14.25 0.000 -.0159428 -.0120872
    fem_educ | .0545129 .0066007 8.26 0.000 .0415758 .06745
    kids | -.0470199 .0123397 -3.81 0.000 -.0712052 -.0228346
    male_educ | 0 (omitted)

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    . version
    version 14.2

    . ivprobit fem_work fem_educ kids (other_inc = male_educ)

    Fitting exogenous probit model

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -344.63508
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -252.10819
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -252.04529
    Iteration 3: log likelihood = -252.04529

    Fitting full model

    Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2368.2142
    Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2368.2062
    Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2368.2062

    Probit model with endogenous regressors Number of obs = 500
    Wald chi2(3) = 163.88
    Log likelihood = -2368.2062 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

    | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    other_inc | -.0542756 .0060854 -8.92 0.000 -.0662028 -.042348
    fem_educ | .211111 .0268648 7.86 0.000 .1584569 .2637651
    kids | -.1820929 .0478267 -3.81 0.000 -.2758315 -.0883542
    _cons | .3672086 .4480724 0.82 0.412 -.5109971 1.245414
    e.fem_work)| .3720375 .1300518 .0946562 .5958136
    sd(e.other_inc)| 16.66621 .5270318 15.66461 17.73186
    Instrumented: other_inc
    Instruments: fem_educ kids male_educ
    Wald test of exogeneity (corr = 0): chi2(1) = 6.70 Prob > chi2 = 0.0096

    . margins, dydx(*) predict(pr)

    Average marginal effects Number of obs = 500
    Model VCE : OIM

    Expression : Probability of positive outcome, predict(pr)
    dy/dx w.r.t. : other_inc fem_educ kids male_educ

    | Delta-method
    | dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    other_inc | -.0097802 .0014994 -6.52 0.000 -.012719 -.0068414
    fem_educ | .0623273 .007099 8.78 0.000 .0484135 .076241
    kids | -.0614265 .0139446 -4.41 0.000 -.0887574 -.0340956
    male_educ | -.0194406 .0022103 -8.80 0.000 -.0237728 -.0151084

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    As noted above, the marginal effect for each dependent variable in the second-stage regression is different under each version (as expected), but when using Stata 14.2 an additional marginal effect is presented. The one corresponding to male_educ (the instrument). Note that this variable is "dropped" when using Stata 13.1 (actually, Stata doesnt take it into account given that it is not a second stage covariate).

    I am familiar with related posts (such as the one linked below) and have already read Skeels and Taylor (2015). Nevertheless, although I understand the underlying change to the estimation procedure, still can't figure out the interpretation of these new results.

    Any guess on how should this "new" effect should be interpreted?
    Many thanks in advance,


    Skeels, C.L. and L.W. Taylor (2015) Prediction in linear index models with endogenous regressors, The Stata Journal (15), 627-644
    Dear all, I suspect there is a bug in the command margins when used after ivprobit. Or, perhaps, I've just missed something.... Anyway the problem occurs with Stata

  • #2
    I face the exact same situation and with my data, the results are very different (from .5*** to 0 basically). Moreover, while the former command (Stata 13) provided marginal effect (in probability) that were close to what you get using a 2SLS model, the new results are now 0.
    I don't see the rational in computing marginal effet of the instrument on the outcome.

    Did anyone figure what is going on and what estimation is the correct one ?

    Thank you very much in advance.

