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  • Time series with two "Y axis"


    I'm trying to make a graph with two Y axis, but i have try with many ways and can't make it work. If anyone could help I would really appreciate.
    The following is the command I’m using to make the graph with one Y axis:

    destring year, replace
    gen pais=1
    replace pais=2 if( country=="Central African Republic")
    replace pais=3 if( country=="New Zealand")
    label define conuntrylabel 1 "Costa Rica" 2 "Central African Republic" 3 "New Zealand"
    label value pais countrylabel
    drop if year==.
    tsset pais year

    twoway tsline impor_merca if pais==1 || tsline impor_merca if pais==2 ///
    || tsline impor_merca if pais==3, ///
    title("Importaciones de mercadería de Costa Rica, África Central y" ///
    "Nueva Zelanda en el período 1970-2015", size(*0.85) margin(bottom)) ///
    ytitle("Cantidad de importaciones en dólares", size(*0.85)) ///
    xtitle("Año") ///
    ylabel(0(500)4000, labsize(*0.85) angle(horizontal) format(%15.0fc)) ///
    xlabel(1970(5)2015, labsize(*0.85) angle (horizontal)) ///
    legend(order(1 "Costa Rica" ///
    2 "África Central" 3 "Nueva Zelanda") rows(3) ///
    symxsize(*0.5) region(color(none)) position(6)) ///
    graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(margin(off)) ///
    note("Nota: Cantidad de importaciones están en una base de diez millones." ///
    "Fuente: Indicadores mundiales de desarrollo, Banco Mundial", ///
    size(*1) span margin(top))

  • #2
    The FAQ Advice specifically advises against wording such as "does not work" as uninformative. Without some data we cannot run your code to work out what is going on. Please do read and act on the FAQ Advice, especially #12.

