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  • If in foreach

    Good day all,

    I have three files named A B C and four variables named time, timeA, timeB and timeC.

    I regress variables X Y and Z for file A with time variable timeA, X Y and Z for file B with time variable timeB and X Y and Z for file C with time variable timeC

    Stata is indicating that my if command is not correct, that 'A' is not found.

    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong in this syntax?

    foreach period in A B C{
        clear all
        use "C:\`period'.dta"
        replace time=timeA if `period'=="A"
        replace time=timeB if `period'=="B"
        replace time=timeC if `period'=="C"
        foreach var in X Y Z{
            reg diff `var' time growth size

  • #2
    In you current syntax, A is treated as a variable in
    replace time=timeA if `period'=="A" So certainly, variable A is not found. You can change the command to
    if "`period'"=="A" { replace time=timeA } Do the same for the next three commands. Hope it helps.


    • #3
      My answer above can only solve your issue with "if". You next looping still seems problematic.


      • #4
        The main issue I guess is covered by #6 in See its references.

        Backslashes followed by local macro references won't work as you want.

        You can avoid the backslash any way. Isn't this equivalent?

        cd C:
        foreach period in A B C {
            use `period'.dta
            foreach var in X Y Z {
                reg diff `var' time`period' growth size


        • #5
          Thanks both!

          @Nick, indeed I will correct the backward slash with a forward slash. I mentioned it incorrectly in my example.

          Gao Liu, the quotes around `period' indeed did the trick.


          • #6
            Why do you (think you) need to use slashes or if at all? See my code.


            • #7
              Because variable time should be different for each file A B or C that is loaded. At this moment your code excluded this condition. Therefore I needed the correct if-commands, which was resolved by adding quotation marks to the `period' after opening the if-statement.


              • #8
                I don't see that. My code automatically uses whichever of timeA timeB timeC fits the chosen period A B C.

                Note the use of the local macro period on the line

                 reg diff `var' time`period' growth size


                • #9
                  oh : D , I follow. Yes, that is even better. Thanks! Gao Liu's solution is also handy to know, but this works as well and is shorter. Thanks again, both.

