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  • Testing the difference of margins interaction coefficients

    Hi Statalisters,

    I would like to test the difference between interaction coefficients produced by the -margins- command and report that test in a marginsplot using Stata 13 (i.e. visualizing the difference as well as reporting a test in the same graph). I have used the suggested -test- postestimation command, but in many cases the Wald tests leave me with significant results where the confidence intervals calculated by -margins- are overlapping quite a bit.

    The following code snippet illustrates what I have been trying to do using an example dataset.

    use, clear
    xtset idcode year
    qui xtreg ln_wage i.year##union, fe vce(cl idcode)
    margins i.year##union if union==1 & (year==83 | year==85), post
    test _b[83.year#1.union]=_b[85.year#1.union]
    mat p=r(p)
    local p: di %4.2f p[1,1]
    marginsplot, note("Test of difference: p=`p'")
    This is the output from -margins- and -test-:
    . margins i.year##union if union==1 & (year==83 | year==85), post
    Predictive margins    Number of obs   =    922
    Model VCE    : Robust
    Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
    Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>z     [95% Conf.    Interval]
    83     1.871275   .0137086   136.50    0.000     1.844407    1.898143
    85     1.905756   .0132669   143.65    0.000     1.879754    1.931759
    1.union    1.891021   .0108374   174.49    0.000      1.86978    1.912262
    83 1     1.871275   .0137086   136.50    0.000     1.844407    1.898143
    85 1     1.905756   .0132669   143.65    0.000     1.879754    1.931759
    . test _b[83.year#1.union]=_b[85.year#1.union]
    ( 1)  83bn.year#1.union - 85.year#1.union = 0
    chi2(  1) =    4.57
    Prob > chi2 =    0.0325
    In the example above the upper bound for the year-union interaction for 1983 (1.90) is overlapping the lower bound for 1985 (1.88) while the Wald test is significant at the 95 percent level.

    Any suggestions on how to reproduce the nonsignificant difference (according to the current -margins- setup)?

    Thank you in advance!
    Elias Markstedt