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  • PPML Gravity Model help requested

    I am trying to find Impact of a bilateral trade agreement on agriculture trade. I am really inspired by work of Santos Silva& Tenreyro (2006) on PPML estimator and willing to use this in my research. My research contains agricultural export of Pakistan to 50 countries for 14 years so I have added two dummy variables of interest and willing to include time fixed effects.
    I have following observations:
    1. My RESET results are not looking consistent, please guide me is there any possible reason for this and any suggestions to correct it.
    2. My data do not contain zero value of trade, in this case, do I still need to prefer PPML over OLS?
    Any other suggestions & recommendations are welcomed.
    Thanking you in anticipation.

    BY PPML:

    predict fit, xb
    (3 missing values generated)

    . gen fit2=fit^2
    (3 missing values generated)

    . ppml agriexppk pc fta lgdpimpr lpopimpr ldistcap ler lagriland Comcol contig colony fit2 F_*

    note: checking the existence of the estimates
    WARNING: agriexppk has very large values, consider rescaling
    WARNING: lgdpimpr has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
    WARNING: lpopimpr has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
    WARNING: lagriland has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
    WARNING: fit2 has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering

    Number of regressors excluded to ensure that the estimates exist: 0
    Number of observations excluded: 0

    note: starting ppml estimation
    note: agriexppk has noninteger values

    Iteration 1: deviance = 2.23e+07
    Iteration 2: deviance = 2.02e+07
    Iteration 3: deviance = 2.01e+07
    Iteration 4: deviance = 2.01e+07
    Iteration 5: deviance = 2.01e+07
    Iteration 6: deviance = 2.01e+07

    Number of parameters: 25
    Number of observations: 697
    Pseudo log-likelihood: -10071968
    R-squared: .77763997
    Option strict is: off
    | Semirobust
    agriexppk | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
    pc | -4.023749 .7586098 -5.30 0.000 -5.510597 -2.536901
    fta | -2.207587 .4853811 -4.55 0.000 -3.158916 -1.256257
    lgdpimpr | -.4123445 .0944844 -4.36 0.000 -.5975306 -.2271584
    lpopimpr | 1.148529 .2470537 4.65 0.000 .6643125 1.632745
    ldistcap | 3.48049 .6613658 5.26 0.000 2.184237 4.776743
    ler | -.2522311 .0602458 -4.19 0.000 -.3703108 -.1341514
    lagriland | -.6025691 .1250249 -4.82 0.000 -.8476133 -.3575249
    Comcol | -1.056128 .2360891 -4.47 0.000 -1.518854 -.5934016
    contig | 1.961385 .3515048 5.58 0.000 1.272448 2.650321
    colony | -2.435843 .5272419 -4.62 0.000 -3.469218 -1.402468
    fit2 | .1519963 .0219224 6.93 0.000 .1090292 .1949633
    F_1Year_2002 | -.1669563 .1991266 -0.84 0.402 -.5572373 .2233247
    F_1Year_2003 | -.6412399 .2368302 -2.71 0.007 -1.105419 -.1770611
    F_1Year_2004 | -.677247 .2397869 -2.82 0.005 -1.147221 -.2072734
    F_1Year_2005 | -1.242436 .3274378 -3.79 0.000 -1.884203 -.60067
    F_1Year_2006 | -1.243469 .3439022 -3.62 0.000 -1.917505 -.5694329
    F_1Year_2007 | -1.479224 .3537169 -4.18 0.000 -2.172496 -.7859518
    F_1Year_2008 | -2.61203 .5906815 -4.42 0.000 -3.769745 -1.454316
    F_1Year_2009 | -2.129372 .4768287 -4.47 0.000 -3.063939 -1.194805
    F_1Year_2010 | -2.591113 .552161 -4.69 0.000 -3.673329 -1.508897
    F_1Year_2011 | -3.527925 .7377195 -4.78 0.000 -4.973829 -2.082021
    F_1Year_2012 | -3.285037 .6943818 -4.73 0.000 -4.646 -1.924074
    F_1Year_2013 | -3.496063 .7346149 -4.76 0.000 -4.935881 -2.056244
    F_1Year_2014 | -3.385662 .7185074 -4.71 0.000 -4.793911 -1.977414
    _cons | -34.60186 7.886442 -4.39 0.000 -50.059 -19.14472

    . test fit2=0

    ( 1) fit2 = 0

    chi2( 1) = 48.07
    Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

    BY OLS:

    predict fit, xb
    (3 missing values generated)

    . gen fit2=fit^2
    (3 missing values generated)

    . regres lagriexppk pc fta lgdpimpr lpopimpr ldistcap ler lagriland Comcol contig colony fit2 F_*, robust

    Linear regression Number of obs = 697
    F( 24, 672) = 33.25
    Prob > F = 0.0000
    R-squared = 0.4673
    Root MSE = 1.3866

    | Robust
    lagriexppk | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
    pc | 9.969214 2.239035 4.45 0.000 5.572868 14.36556
    fta | 4.915393 1.075384 4.57 0.000 2.803876 7.026909
    lgdpimpr | 1.288349 .3207756 4.02 0.000 .658506 1.918192
    lpopimpr | -.7609452 .1952006 -3.90 0.000 -1.144222 -.3776688
    ldistcap | -10.49277 2.335135 -4.49 0.000 -15.07781 -5.907733
    ler | .438851 .1066996 4.11 0.000 .2293463 .6483556
    lagriland | .9132004 .2022078 4.52 0.000 .5161653 1.310236
    Comcol | 5.458224 1.22512 4.46 0.000 3.0527 7.863749
    contig | -7.6576 1.751437 -4.37 0.000 -11.09655 -4.218653
    colony | 6.331565 1.34494 4.71 0.000 3.690775 8.972355
    fit2 | -.1536268 .0397374 -3.87 0.000 -.2316511 -.0756025
    F_1Year_2002 | 3.049975 .9281477 3.29 0.001 1.227557 4.872394
    F_1Year_2003 | 4.174452 1.14771 3.64 0.000 1.920923 6.427982
    F_1Year_2004 | 4.756569 1.262242 3.77 0.000 2.278156 7.234981
    F_1Year_2005 | 6.016777 1.519713 3.96 0.000 3.032819 9.000735
    F_1Year_2006 | 6.08904 1.534441 3.97 0.000 3.076164 9.101916
    F_1Year_2007 | 6.755335 1.665978 4.05 0.000 3.484186 10.02648
    F_1Year_2008 | 8.696563 2.076598 4.19 0.000 4.619163 12.77396
    F_1Year_2009 | 8.503707 2.044425 4.16 0.000 4.489477 12.51794
    F_1Year_2010 | 9.50537 2.256293 4.21 0.000 5.075138 13.9356
    F_1Year_2011 | 11.17181 2.611969 4.28 0.000 6.043205 16.30041
    F_1Year_2012 | 10.79001 2.529944 4.26 0.000 5.822469 15.75756
    F_1Year_2013 | 11.88694 2.770768 4.29 0.000 6.446531 17.32734
    F_1Year_2014 | 11.30623 2.645622 4.27 0.000 6.11155 16.50091
    _cons | 107.5101 21.09863 5.10 0.000 66.08291 148.9373

    . test fit2=0

    ( 1) fit2 = 0

    F( 1, 672) = 14.95
    Prob > F = 0.0001

  • #2
    Dear Majid,

    I am glad you liked the "Log of Gravity". About your questions:

    1. Indeed your models appear to be failing the RESET. First of all, please check that you are performing the test correctly; our webpage has code illustrating how to do it. If the model really fails the test, you need to think about ways of improving your model. Maybe you can add other important regressors? Or maybe you just need to include interactions (or cross-products) of the regressors that you already have.

    2. The main reason to prefer PPML is not the zeros but the heteroskedasticity of trade data. So, even without zeros, PPML is generally preferable.

    Finally, note that your sample is quite small, so try to keep your model as parsimonious as possible.

    Best regards,



    • #3
      Respected Joao,
      I am really very thankful to you for your kindness and appreciate that you are active on this forum to help the people around the globe.


      • #4
        My pleasure!



        • #5
          Please have a look on the following stata results.
          My question is why stata exclude some variables while performing the PPML, what is its meaning and how it can be improved if someone can't afford to exlude that variables? can we say that these variables are not significant?
          Thank you so much.
          Majid Lateef

          ppml agriexp000 lgdpimp lpopimp ldistcap ler lagriland Comcol comlang_off pc fta

          note: checking the existence of the estimates
          WARNING: agriexp000 has very large values, consider rescaling
          WARNING: lgdpimp has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
          WARNING: lpopimp has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
          WARNING: lagriland has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering

          Number of regressors excluded to ensure that the estimates exist: 2
          Excluded regressors: pc fta
          Number of observations excluded: 0

          note: starting ppml estimation
          note: agriexp000 has noninteger values

          Iteration 1: deviance = 4.69e+08
          Iteration 2: deviance = 3.25e+08
          Iteration 3: deviance = 3.11e+08
          Iteration 4: deviance = 3.11e+08
          Iteration 5: deviance = 3.11e+08
          Iteration 6: deviance = 3.11e+08
          Iteration 7: deviance = 3.11e+08

          Number of parameters: 8
          Number of observations: 1473
          Pseudo log-likelihood: -1.554e+08
          R-squared: .82517599
          Option strict is: off
          | Robust
          agriexp000 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
          lgdpimp | .8985808 .0316378 28.40 0.000 .8365718 .9605899
          lpopimp | .2775649 .0521369 5.32 0.000 .1753785 .3797514
          ldistcap | .2061797 .0689225 2.99 0.003 .071094 .3412654
          ler | .1871443 .0128657 14.55 0.000 .161928 .2123605
          lagriland | -.3276343 .0263171 -12.45 0.000 -.3792148 -.2760538
          Comcol | .071979 .2206157 0.33 0.744 -.3604198 .5043779
          comlang_off | .3279726 .1464221 2.24 0.025 .0409905 .6149548
          _cons | -14.57945 .8334455 -17.49 0.000 -16.21298 -12.94593
          Last edited by majid lateef; 29 Apr 2017, 03:47.


          • #6
            Please have a look on the following stata results.
            My question is why stata exclude some variables while performing the PPML, what is its meaning and how it can be improved if someone can't afford to exlude that variables? can we say that these variables are not significant?
            Thank you so much.
            Majid Lateef

            ppml agriexp000 lgdpimp lpopimp ldistcap ler lagriland Comcol comlang_off pc fta

            note: checking the existence of the estimates
            WARNING: agriexp000 has very large values, consider rescaling
            WARNING: lgdpimp has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
            WARNING: lpopimp has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering
            WARNING: lagriland has very large values, consider rescaling or recentering

            Number of regressors excluded to ensure that the estimates exist: 2
            Excluded regressors: pc fta
            Number of observations excluded: 0

            note: starting ppml estimation
            note: agriexp000 has noninteger values

            Iteration 1: deviance = 4.69e+08
            Iteration 2: deviance = 3.25e+08
            Iteration 3: deviance = 3.11e+08
            Iteration 4: deviance = 3.11e+08
            Iteration 5: deviance = 3.11e+08
            Iteration 6: deviance = 3.11e+08
            Iteration 7: deviance = 3.11e+08

            Number of parameters: 8
            Number of observations: 1473
            Pseudo log-likelihood: -1.554e+08
            R-squared: .82517599
            Option strict is: off
            | Robust
            agriexp000 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
            lgdpimp | .8985808 .0316378 28.40 0.000 .8365718 .9605899
            lpopimp | .2775649 .0521369 5.32 0.000 .1753785 .3797514
            ldistcap | .2061797 .0689225 2.99 0.003 .071094 .3412654
            ler | .1871443 .0128657 14.55 0.000 .161928 .2123605
            lagriland | -.3276343 .0263171 -12.45 0.000 -.3792148 -.2760538
            Comcol | .071979 .2206157 0.33 0.744 -.3604198 .5043779
            comlang_off | .3279726 .1464221 2.24 0.025 .0409905 .6149548
            _cons | -14.57945 .8334455 -17.49 0.000 -16.21298 -12.94593


            • #7
              Dear Majid,

              Can you please let us know whether these results were obtained with the latest version of ppml (available from ssc). If they are not, please update ppml and post the new results.

              Best wishes,



              • #8
                Dear Joao,
                These results obtained after running the following command.
                ssc install ppml
                checking ppml consistency and verifying not already installed...
                all files already exist and are up to date.

                Thanks for your quick response.


                • #9
                  Then I believe that both variables that are dropped are perfect predictors and have to be dropped. What surprises me is that no observations are dropped. Are pc and fta dummies?



                  • #10
                    Yes, Both are dummy variables.


                    • #11
                      If you can post your data or send it to me by email I'll have a look at it.

                      Best wishes,



                      • #12
                        Yes sure, please tell me your email address to send you data file.
                        Thanking you in anticipation,
                        Majid Lateef


                        • #13
                          [email protected]


                          • #14
                            I have sent an email to you.Thank you so much.
                            Majid Lateef


                            • #15
                              Dear Majid,

                              Thank you for sending the data. Those variables are dropped because other variables have missing values when they are equal to 1. So, after dropping the missings, those dummies have no variation. In a next update of -ppml- I'll try to find a way of providing more helpful warnings in these cases.

                              Best wishes,


