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  • Getting predicted values from xtpoisson (fixed effects)


    I want to get fitted values from xtpoisson, fe. I can best illustrate my problem with the following data and code. Open up the dataset "ForStata". Then run the program below, and compare yvar with the 5 predicted values: yhat1-yhat5.

    yvar is the dependent variable.

    yhat1 comes from a GLM/family(poisson) link(log) model. Note how close yhat1 is to the dep. variable = yvar.

    yhat2 and yhat3 come from an xtpoisson model (random effects). Note that the estimates are the same as the GLM estimates, and that yhat2=yhat3=yhat1.

    yhat4 and yhat5 come from an xtpoisson model (fixed effects). Note that yhat4 and yhat5 are very different from the previous predicted values, and are not close to the dep variable.

    QUESTION: Is there any way of getting predicted values from the xtpoisson model (fixed effects) so I can see how well it does in predicting the original dep variable and examine the residuals?


    gen yvar = exports_ttl
    glm exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.bothin i.year i.countrycode RER sd_RER, family(poisson) link(log)
    predict yhat1
    xtpoisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.bothin i.year i.countrycode RER sd_RER
    predict yhat2, nu0
    predict yhat3, iru0
    xtpoisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.bothin i.year i.countrycode RER sd_RER, fe
    predict yhat4, nu0
    predict yhat5, iru0
    // Compare yvar (the dep var) with the four predicted values in the data editor (browser)
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Dear Bob,

    So many people ask that question that I prepared an example illustrating how to do it. The example uses the auto dataset from Stata, but you can easily modify it to fit your case:

    sysuse auto, clear
    g id=rep78
    drop if id==.
    xtset id
    xtpoisson price mpg, fe
    predict double fitted, xb
    gen double yhat=exp(fitted)
     egen meany=mean(price) , by(id)
     egen meanyhat=mean(yhat), by(id)
     gen double exp_alpha=meany/meanyhat if meanyhat>0
     replace yhat=yhat*exp_alpha if meanyhat>0
    su price yhat
    All the best,



    • #3
      Thank you Joao. That is really, really helpful. :-)


      • #4
        I agree: very helpful. Bob: I added the following to Joao's code, looking to visualise your "problem"
        . ge d = yhat - price
        . scatter d price
        Clearly a regression line through the scatterplot would have a negative slope. Whether this, and the magnitudes shown, are bothersome in your particular context is your call, I think


        • #5
          Thanks Stephen. Plotting residuals against explanatory variables seems to be a useful diagnostic. Can you recommend a good reference for how to conduct diagnostics with nonlinear models such as xtpoisson?


          • #6
            Dear Bob,

            There is a literature on that, including the goodness-of-link test, but I would start with the simple RESET test. We have a description of how to implement it in the "log of gravity" page.

            Best regards,



            • #7
              Thanks, Joao. And suppose all the usual estimators (OLS with logged dep variable, GLM with different families/links, xtpoisson) fail the RESET test (which I think would not be especially unusual). Any words of wisdom what to do then? :-)


              • #8

                If you are estimating a gravity equation you really need an exponential model as estimated by the commands in the Poisson family. If the model fails the RESET (with clustered robust SEs) you should try to change the set of regressors or include interactions, non-linear transformations, etc.

                Best of luck,



                • #9
                  JOAO: Thanks so much!


                  • #10
                    Dear Joao, I seem to have run into a problem implementing your technique. The problem is that when I check your procedure, I get contradictory answers, as the program below show.

                    As before, open up the dataset "ForStata." Then run the program below, and compare yhat1 with yhat2. yhat1 is the estimate I get from Stata using the unconditional FE version of xtpoisson. yhat2 is what I get when I apply your procedure to the conditional FE version. After you run the program, go to the data browser and compare yval with yhat1 and yhat2 (note that yval is the dependent variable that I am trying to predict).


                    // First I get a prediction using unconditional fixed effects
                    // I call these yhat1
                    xtpoisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.countrycode i.year, vce(robust)
                    gen bob = e(sample)
                    predict double yhat1 , nu

                    // Next I get prediction using conditional fixed effects
                    // Check to make sure that the estimates are identical with the unconditional FE xtpoisson model above (they are)
                    xtpoisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.year, fe vce(robust)
                    predict double fitted , nu0
                    gen double yhat2=exp(fitted)
                    egen meany=mean(exports_ttl) if bob == 1 , by(countrycode)
                    egen meanyhat=mean(yhat2) if bob == 1, by(countrycode)
                    gen double exp_alpha=meany/meanyhat if meanyhat>0 & bob == 1
                    replace yhat2=yhat2*exp_alpha if meanyhat>0
                    gen yval = exports_ttl if bob == 1


                    You will see that yhat1 is different from yhat2. :-(

                    Now you might ask me, then why even estimate the conditional FE model. Just go with the unconditional FE model and get my estimates from there. The problem is that there are a number of cases which won't converge when I attempt to estimate the unconditional FE model, but do converge when I estimate the conditional FE model.

                    So I want to estimate the conditional FE model and use your procedure to get predicted values, but I am bothered by the fact the differences between yhat1 and yhat2.

                    Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated!

                    Attached Files


                    • #11

                      You were not using my code! Check it like this:
                      // First I get a prediction using unconditional fixed effects
                      // I call these yhat1
                      poisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.countrycode i.year, vce(robust)
                      gen bob = e(sample)
                      predict double yhat1
                      // Next I get prediction using conditional fixed effects
                      // Check to make sure that the estimates are identical with the unconditional FE xtpoisson model above (they are)
                      xtpoisson exports_ttl ln_RGDP i.year, fe vce(robust)
                      predict double fitted, xb
                      gen double yhat2=exp(fitted)
                      egen meany=mean(exports_ttl) if bob == 1 , by(countrycode)
                      egen meanyhat=mean(yhat2) if bob == 1, by(countrycode)
                      gen double exp_alpha=meany/meanyhat if meanyhat>0 & bob == 1
                      replace yhat2=yhat2*exp_alpha if meanyhat>0
                      gen yval = exports_ttl if bob == 1


                      • #12
                        Joao, Guilty as charged! I changed it from what you originally had to fit my problem (or so I thought), but now see that I shouldn't have. Thank you very much!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Joao Santos Silva View Post
                          Dear Bob,

                          So many people ask that question that I prepared an example illustrating how to do it. The example uses the auto dataset from Stata, but you can easily modify it to fit your case:

                          sysuse auto, clear
                          g id=rep78
                          drop if id==.
                          xtset id
                          xtpoisson price mpg, fe
                          predict double fitted, xb
                          gen double yhat=exp(fitted)
                          egen meany=mean(price) , by(id)
                          egen meanyhat=mean(yhat), by(id)
                          gen double exp_alpha=meany/meanyhat if meanyhat>0
                          replace yhat=yhat*exp_alpha if meanyhat>0
                          su price yhat
                          All the best,

                          Dear Joao,

                          I have the same question as Bob, but my model is random effects negative binomial (xtnbreg, re). Could you please tell me whether the code for obtaining fitted values (you provided above) will be the same for xtnbreg, re, i.e.
                          xtnbreg price mpg, re
                          predict double fitted, xb
                          gen double yhat=exp(fitted)
                          egen meany=mean(price), by(id)
                          egen meanyhat=mean(yhat), by(id)
                          gen double exp_alpha=meany/meanyhat if meanyhat>0
                          replace yhat=yhat*exp_alpha if meanyhat>0
                          The problem with my data is that when I try to predict yhat with predict yhat, nu0, Stata gives me the following error
                          "warning: estimated value of r is less than one; expected value undefined."
                          When I use your syntax, I get the predicted number of events without any problem.

                          I would be very grateful for your reply.

                          Best regards,
                          Last edited by giorgioconti; 20 Dec 2016, 11:05.


                          • #14
                            Dear Giorgio,

                            The code I provided is for FE only. Prediction with random effects is quite different and I am not familiar with what -xtnbreg, fe- does, so I am afraid I cannot help. I have a question, however: are you sure you need a NegBin model with RE?

                            Best wishes,



                            • #15
                              Dear Joao,

                              Thank you for your reply! I have many panels with few time periods, so I was thinking of using random effects in order not to reduce degree of freedom.

                              Perhaps the options may be using cluster-robust standard errors instead of RE. This line of syntax works fine:
                              nbreg price mpg, vce(cluster id)
                              predict fitted, n
                              Last edited by giorgioconti; 22 Dec 2016, 07:15.

