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  • Bonferroni-corrected correlation matrix to Excel

    Dear all,

    I want to create a couple of correlation matrices (with Bonferroni correction) and include these into MS word.
    I want to use Bonferroni adjustments since I have around 20 variables.

    Stata's -pwcorr- command allows for Bonferroni adjustments, but does not seem to offer saving the output into a file.
    And due to the amount of variables, the Stata output is quite distorted which makes it unreadable.

    The stata command -mkcorr- allows to store the output into a file, but seems not to allow the Bonferroni correction.

    Is there any alternative way to solve this problem?

    Many thanks,

  • #2
    You could save the correlations as a new variable to a new dataset using corrci (SJ). Make sure you download the latest version.

    The Bonferroni-adjusted P-value is then a one-line calculation using the formula documented at [R] correlate.

    You can then export your results to MS Excel.

    Not supporting P-value export with corrci was a deliberate decision, as the hypothesis of zero correlation usually should not be taken seriously:

    1. If the correlation isn't distinguishable from zero at conventional levels, your sample size is just too small.

    2. Wanting to know about the uncertainty associated with a correlation can be reasonable, but the confidence interval calculation tackles that directly.

    3. I've seen people evidently wanting to use the P-value as if it were a measure of strength of correlation -- but that is what the correlation does!
    Last edited by Nick Cox; 30 Nov 2015, 02:18.

