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  • C-index and ploting survival curves after multiple imputation

    Dear Statalist,
    After i impute my data set. I run the stepwise cox regression analysis.I
    need help for to calculate the
    1) c-index for my final model
    2) pooled survival curve for different levels of covariate.
    3)how can i find 95% CI and p-value for two nested Cox models
    of a Harrell C statistics comparison.

    I am very much appreciate any guidance.

    ************below is my stata code ***************

    stset fw, f(dead) id(MRN)
    gen Int=ln(_t)

    *only two binary variable has missing
    *imputing this varibles
    ice o.mgmt_m o.adjuvan Int _d , ///
    gen(m_) saving(im, replace) ///
    m(5) seed(4324)

    use "im.dta", clear

    xi: mim: stepwise, pr(0.10): stcox i.mgmt_m i.his ///
    i.age i.chemo i.kps i.regimen ///
    i.loca i.ppro i.adjuvan i.exin

    *final model
    xi:mim , storebv: stcox i.adjuvan i.mgmt_m i.chemo i.his
    mim: predict pb

    mim, cat(combine) est(r(area)) se(r(se)) : roctab pb _t _d
    too few variables specified
    an error occurred when statsby executed roctab

    stcurve, survival at1(chemo=0) at2(chemo=1)
    last estimates not found

    *compare two model c index

    xi:mim , storebv: stcox i.adjuvan i.mgmt_m i.chemo
    xi:mim , storebv: stcox i.adjuvan i.mgmt_m i.chemo i.his i.ppro

  • #2
    The Sandbox forum is for trying out Latex and features of the the Advanced Forum Editor ( "A" in the three buttons on the upper-right of the edit window). Post in the General Forum. For readability, put all code and results between CODE delimiters-use the # button in the advanced editor. Also it is considered a good habit on Statalist to post with user-names that contain full real names, first and last. You can re-register with your full name via the Contact Us button at the bottom right of this page.
    Last edited by Steve Samuels; 17 Dec 2014, 20:54.
    Steve Samuels
    Statistical Consulting
    [email protected]

    Stata 14.2


    • #3
      Thanks very much for your reply , i will re-register it.

