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  • test pb with -nl-

    hi i have trouble creating a function program evaluator for a non linear regression

    program nlwind
    version 12
    syntax varlist(min=1 max=1500) if, at(name)
    *dependent variable is the first one in my variable list
    local depend : word 1 of `varlist'
    *as I have to work on my variable in pairs I count how many pairs I have in addition to my dependent variable
    local count : word count `varlist'
    replace count=(count-1)/2

    // Retrieve parameters out of at
    *those are two parameters that are the same across pairs of variables
    tempname sigma0 sigma1
    scalar `sigma0' = `at'[1,1]
    scalar `sigma1' = `at'[1,2]

    //loop to create all the terms
    *I need to generate terms using pairs of variables (630pairs) so I use a loop
    forvalues i=1/`count' {
    // local variables
    *extract the code of the pair, the name of "even" variables is of the type pinstallCODE where CODE is a 4 or 5 digit code
    local pinst : word 2*`i' of `varlist'
    local ins= substr("`pinst'", 9, .)
    *create the index that will let me access both variables of pair `i'
    local j=2*`i'
    local k=2*`i'-1
    *locals of those variables
    local pinst`ins' : word `j' of `varlist'
    local wprev`ins' : word `k' of `varlist'

    // Retrieve parameters from the loop out of at
    *define a pair specific parameter, coded with the 4- or 5- digits extracted above and stored in local `ins'
    tempname multi`ins'
    scalar `multi`ins'' = `at'[1,2+i]

    // Some temporary variables
    *generate pair-specific terms, which have to be summed
    tempvar prodvent`ins' sumterms
    generate double `prodvent`ins''=pinst`ins'*(14/(14 + exp(-1*`sigma0' *(`multi`ins''*wprev`ins'- `sigma1'))))*(`multi`ins''*wprev`ins'<25) `if'
    capture gen double `sumterms'=`prodvent`ins'' `if'
    capture replace `sumterms'=`sumterms'+`prodvent`ins'' `if'

    //Fill dependant variable
    *the regression takes place on the sum of the terms generated in the loop, the sum is stored in `sumterms'
    replace `depend'=`sumterms' `if'

  • #2
    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post here, i read the FAQ and advice but please let me know if I should change something to make this post more "palatable" to regular users.

    I need to do a non linear regression using about 1300 variables that interact in pairs, so overall this amounts to about 650 parameters, therefore I am trying to write a function evaluator program.

    My question is two fold. I will outline it before giving more details :
    1. Is it possible to generate the required terms for my -nl- regression in a loop inside the function evaluator program
    2. If the above answer is yes, could anyone help me figure out how to write this program properly (cf below a tentative minimal program with the features that I need for my regression) ?
    First, I use Stata 12. To make sure everything is properly configured on my end I ran the example code provided on page 15 of the help file for the -nl- command with success.

    I found function evaluator programs with about 50 variables and parameters which the users had painfully defined one by one. Here as I have to define about 650 terms, I would really like to be able to compute those terms in a loop. An added bonus would be if I could batch-initialize my parameters to the same value, but that is not crucial at all.

    I wrote what I think is a minimal version of the code that I need to use, for which I gel the following error "verify that nlwind is a function evaluator program".

    Any help is very much appreciated. I first write below a pseudo code in order to try and make what I am trying to do as clear as possible, then I paste my tentative function evaluator program whith comments
    PSEUDO CODE - to generate non linear terms from specific pairs of variables
    program with between 1 and 1500 potential variables as input
    define parameters that are the same across pairs of variables retrieve their values loop on the pairs{ extract an identifier from the name of the variables belonging to the pair to generate a pair-specific parameter name retrieve its value generate the non-linear term combining the two variables of the pair, the pair-specific parameter and the general parameters }
    do the regression of the dependent variable on all 650 non linear terms generated in the loop

    program nlwind
            version 12
            syntax varlist(min=1 max=1500) if, at(name)
            *dependent variable is the first one in my variable list
            local depend : word 1 of `varlist'
            *as I have to work on my variable in pairs I count how many pairs I have in addition to my dependent variable
            local count : word count `varlist'
            replace count=(count-1)/2
            // Retrieve parameters out of at matrix
            *those are two parameters that are the same across pairs of variables
            tempname sigma0 sigma1  
            scalar `sigma0' = `at'[1,1]
            scalar `sigma1' = `at'[1,2]
            //loop to create all the terms
            *I need to generate terms using pairs of variables (650pairs) so I use a loop
            forvalues i=1/`count'  {
                // local variables
                *extract the code of the pair from their names, the name of "even" variables is of the type pinstallCODE where CODE is a 4 or 5 digit code
                local pinst : word 2*`i' of `varlist'
                local ins= substr("`pinst'", 9, .)
                *create the index that will let me access both variables of pair `i'
                local j=2*`i'
                local k=2*`i'-1
                *locals of those variables
                local pinst`ins' : word `j' of `varlist'
                local wprev`ins' : word `k' of `varlist'
                // Retrieve parameters from the loop out of at matrix
                *define a pair specific parameter, coded with the 4- or 5- digits extracted above and stored in local `ins'
                tempname multi`ins'
                scalar `multi`ins'' = `at'[1,2+i]
                // Some temporary variables
                *generate pair-specific non linear terms, which have to be summed for the overall regression, so I sum them directly in another variable to avoid writing the 650 of them in the regression below
                tempvar prodvent`ins' sumterms
                generate double `prodvent`ins''=pinst`ins'*(14/(14 + exp(-1*`sigma0' *(`multi`ins''*wprev`ins'- `sigma1'))))*(`multi`ins''*wprev`ins'<25) `if'
                capture gen double `sumterms'=`prodvent`ins'' `if'
                capture replace `sumterms'=`sumterms'+`prodvent`ins'' `if'
            //Fill dependant variable
            *the regression takes place on the sum of the terms generated in the loop, the sum is stored in `sumterms'
            replace `depend'=`sumterms' `if'

    Thank you in advance for any advice on how to tackle this.

    Justin Debu
    Last edited by Justin Debu; 20 Nov 2014, 11:31.

