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  • -somersd- for comparing the predictive powers of survival models using Harrell's C

    Dear Statalist,

    I'm using -somersd- command to compare c-index from two Cox models, one with demographics and traditional cardiovascular risk factors for predicting cardiovascular outcomes, and another one adding a new variable of interest. I've followed the pathway published from "Newson RB, Comparing the predictive powers of survival models using Harrell's C or Somers' D, The Stata Journal (201):10(3):339-358".

    After -stset-, -stcox-, -estat con-, -predict hr-, generate invhr=1/hr, generate censind= 1-_d if _st==1

    I've run: somersd _t invhr if _st==1, cenind(censind) tdist transf(c) following the suggestions describe above.

    However, the option -cenind()- was not found. I've update the package, but it's still not working.

    Any suggestion to fix this? Or an alternative approach to compare C-statistics?



    Henrique Turin Moreira, MD, PhD
    University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil