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    Dear stata users

    I have a variable measuring the regime type of countries from 1900-2013. The variable is coded this way:

    0 = autocracy 
    1 = hybrid
    2 = democracy
    I would like to use this variable to create a new variable that measures the transitions from one regime type to another e.g. if the regime variable changes from autocracy to hybrid I would like to code it as “partial democratization”. The values of the variable I would like to create would look like this:

    0 = partial democratization if regime changes from 0 to 1 
    1 = complete democratization if regime changes from 0 to 2 or if regime changes from 1 to 2
    2 = autocratization if regime changes from 2 to 1 or if regime changes from 2 to 0
    3 = no transition if regime does not change
    My data would look something like this

    Country   Year        Regime           Transition
    x         1900       autocracy        no transition
    x         1901       autocracy        no transition
    x         1902       autocracy        no transition
    x         1903       hybrid           partial democratization
    x         1904       hybrid           no transition
    x         1905       hybrid           no transition
    x         1906       democracy        full democratization
    x         1907       democracy        no transition
    x         1908       democracy        no transition
    x         1909       autocracy        autocratization
    My problem is that I need some way to create a variable that captures the years where my regime variable changes from one specific value to another specific value. I hope that you might have a good procedure for creating such a variable or some suggestions about what might work.

