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  • Test

    This is my test post

  • #2
    this is the code for the plots below with other results.

    use C:\follic.dta,clear
    tabstat dftime,by(evcen0) stats(n p50 min max)
    gen byte a=cond(!missing(age),cond(age>65,1,0),.)
    label define a 0 "0:age<=65" 1 "1:age >65",modify
    label val a a
    label var a `"a: age >65 years"'
    tabstat age,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
    stset dftime,failure(evcen0==1 2)
    sts test a
    stpepemori a,compet(3)
    recode evcen0 (1/2=1 "1:fail disease") (3=2 "2:death cmp ev") (0=0 "0:censored"),gen(evntcode)
    stgrays a evntcode _t
    stgrays a evcen0   _t
    tabstat dftime if _d==1,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
    stcompet ci=ci se=se lo=lo hi=hi,compet1(3) by(a)
    gen double cifail=ci
    clonevar cifail0=cifail
    clonevar cifail1=cifail
    cifill cifail0 if a==0
    cifill cifail1 if a==1
    cilist,at(0(2)10 12(6)30 32) sep(6) by(a)
    drop ci se lo hi
    /*death without disease failure*/
    stset dftime,failure(evcen0==3)
    sts test a
    stpepemori a,compet(1/2)
    tabstat dftime if _d==1,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
    stcompet ci=ci se=se lo=lo hi=hi,compet1(1) compet2(2) by(a)
    gen double cidth=ci
    clonevar cidth0=cifail
    clonevar cidth1=cifail
    cifill cidth0 if a==0
    cifill cidth1 if a==1
    cilist,at(0(2)10 12(6)30 32) sep(6) by(a)
    drop ci se lo hi
    #delimit ;
    stset dftime,failure(evcen0==1 2);
    (connected cifail0    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs3)  lwidth(thin))
    (connected cifail1    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs10) lwidth(thin))
    xlabel(0(6)32, nogrid labsize(*1.2))
    ylabel(0(0.1)1.00, nogrid labsize(*1.2) angle(0))
    ytitle("cumulative incidence")
    xtitle("time to disease failure (years)")
    graphregion(style(none) margin(medium) fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))
    plotregion(style(none) margin(zero) ifcolor(white))
    title(`"CIFs for disease failure figure 5.3 page 83"', color(black) size(medium))
    legend(label(1 "age <65 years") label(2 ">=65 years")
           rows(1) bm(zero) region(lw(none)))
    graph save C:\follic_pg083_fig53.gph,`replace';
    #delimit cr
    #delimit ;
    stset dftime,failure(evcen0==3);
    (connected cidth0    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs3)  lwidth(thin))
    (connected cidth1    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs10) lwidth(thin))
    xlabel(0(6)32, nogrid labsize(*1.2))
    ylabel(0(0.1)1.00, nogrid labsize(*1.2) angle(0))
    ytitle("cumulative incidence")
    xtitle("time to death without disease failure (years)")
    graphregion(style(none) margin(medium) fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))
    plotregion(style(none) margin(zero) ifcolor(white))
    title(`"CIFs for competing risk figure 5.4 page 83"', color(black) size(medium))
    legend(label(1 "age <65 years") label(2 ">=65 years")
           rows(1) bm(zero) region(lw(none)))
    graph save C:\follic_pg083_fig54.gph,`replace';
    #delimit cr
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Allen Buxton; 20 May 2015, 09:21.


    • #3
      These are the plots:

      Plot 5.3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	follic_pg083_fig53.png
Views:	1
Size:	24.8 KB
ID:	1294973

      Plot 5.4
      Click image for larger version

Name:	follic_pg083_fig54.png
Views:	2
Size:	25.6 KB
ID:	1294974


      • #4
        Mathjax \[{\rm ln}({\rm time}_j) = a + b x_j + u_j, \quad u_j \sim N(0, \sigma^2)\] \(x_j\)

        y = x
        Last edited by Kevin Crow (StataCorp); 20 May 2015, 09:43.


        • #5
          That's nice. Is Mathjax a Statlist editor function?


          • #6
            >Is Mathjax a Statlist editor function?

            No, Mathjax is a javascript library used to parse TeX equations. I was testing to make sure it still works after the forum update.


            • #7



              • #8
                So it seems that perhaps one cannot add to, edit, a post later. The output that goes with the plots above.
                CIFs for disease failure figure 5.3 page 83
                CIFs for competing risk figure 5.4 page 83

                . use C:\dtapintilie\follic.dta,clear
                . tabstat dftime,by(evcen0) stats(n p50 min max)
                Summary for variables: dftime
                     by categories of: evcen0
                  evcen0 |         N       p50       min       max
                  0:cens |       193   10.3217   1.09514  31.10198
                1:noresp |        24  .0027379  .0027379  .0027379
                  2:rlps |       248  2.409309  .1505818   23.3922
                  3:dead |        76  7.206023  .7173169  29.66735
                   Total |       541   5.46475  .0027379  31.10198
                . gen byte a=cond(!missing(age),cond(age>65,1,0),.)
                . label define a 0 "0:age<=65" 1 "1:age >65",modify
                . label val a a
                . label var a `"a: age >65 years"'
                . tabstat age,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
                Summary for variables: age
                     by categories of: a (a: age >65 years)
                        a |         N       p50       min       max
                0:age<=65 |       382     53.25        17        65
                1:age >65 |       159        72      65.2        86
                    Total |       541        58        17        86
                . stset dftime,failure(evcen0==1 2)
                     failure event:  evcen0 == 1 2
                obs. time interval:  (0, dftime]
                 exit on or before:  failure
                        541  total observations
                          0  exclusions
                        541  observations remaining, representing
                        272  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                   4000.041  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                                at risk from t =         0
                                                     earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                          last observed exit t =  31.10198
                . sts test a
                         failure _d:  evcen0 == 1 2
                   analysis time _t:  dftime
                Log-rank test for equality of survivor functions
                          |   Events         Events
                a         |  observed       expected
                0:age<=65 |       188         206.40
                1:age >65 |        84          65.60
                Total     |       272         272.00
                                chi2(1) =       6.94
                                Pr>chi2 =     0.0084
                . stpepemori a,compet(3)
                Pepe and Mori test comparing the cumulative incidence of two groups of a
                     Main event failure:  evcen0 == 1 2
                Chi2(1) = 2.6174  -  p =  0.1057
                Competing event failure:  evcen0 == 3
                Chi2(1) = 17.767  -  p =  0.00002
                . recode evcen0 (1/2=1 "1:fail disease") (3=2 "2:death cmp ev") (0=0 "0:censored"),gen(evntcode)
                (324 differences between evcen0 and evntcode)
                . stgrays a evntcode _t
                Beginning of R output from source file: C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R
                       group                status          t            
                 0:age<=65:382   censored      :193   Min.   : 0.002738  
                 1:age >65:159   1:fail disease:272   1st Qu.: 1.919233  
                                 2:death cmp ev: 76   Median : 5.464750  
                                                      Mean   : 7.393791  
                                                      3rd Qu.:10.850103  
                                                      Max.   :31.101985  
                fstatus          0:age<=65 1:age >65
                  censored             157        36
                  1:fail disease       188        84
                  2:death cmp ev        37        39
                      censored 1:fail disease 2:death cmp ev
                           193            272             76
                0:age<=65 1:age >65
                      382       159
                [1] 541
                               stat   pv    df
                1:fail disease 2.632  0.105 1
                2:death cmp ev 39.347 0     1
                                    stat           pv df
                1:fail disease  2.631747 1.047464e-01  1
                2:death cmp ev 39.347029 3.547923e-10  1
                Estimates and Variances:
                                               5     10      15     20     25     30
                0:age<=65 1:fail disease 0.35195 0.4705 0.52700 0.5548 0.5676 0.5676
                1:age >65 1:fail disease 0.43919 0.5414 0.57191 0.5719     NA     NA
                0:age<=65 2:death cmp ev 0.02631 0.0483 0.08347 0.1246 0.1563 0.3258
                1:age >65 2:death cmp ev 0.11607 0.2122 0.30365 0.3285     NA     NA
                                                 5       10        15        20       25
                0:age<=65 1:fail disease 6.021e-04 0.000731 0.0008055 0.0009010 0.001013
                1:age >65 1:fail disease 1.593e-03 0.001799 0.0018576 0.0018576       NA
                0:age<=65 2:death cmp ev 6.767e-05 0.000133 0.0002740 0.0005139 0.000943
                1:age >65 2:death cmp ev 6.697e-04 0.001283 0.0018782 0.0023043       NA
                0:age<=65 1:fail disease 0.001013
                1:age >65 1:fail disease       NA
                0:age<=65 2:death cmp ev 0.012360
                1:age >65 2:death cmp ev       NA
                End of R output from source file: C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R
                . stgrays a evcen0   _t
                Beginning of R output from source file: C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R
                       group          status          t            
                 0:age<=65:382   censored:193   Min.   : 0.002738  
                 1:age >65:159   1:noresp: 24   1st Qu.: 1.919233  
                                 2:rlps  :248   Median : 5.464750  
                                 3:dead  : 76   Mean   : 7.393791  
                                                3rd Qu.:10.850103  
                                                Max.   :31.101985  
                fstatus    0:age<=65 1:age >65
                  censored       157        36
                  1:noresp        10        14
                  2:rlps         178        70
                  3:dead          37        39
                censored 1:noresp   2:rlps   3:dead
                     193       24      248       76
                0:age<=65 1:age >65
                      382       159
                [1] 541
                         stat   pv    df
                1:noresp 10.119 0.001 1
                2:rlps   0.003  0.957 1
                3:dead   39.347 0     1
                                 stat           pv df
                1:noresp 10.119173432 1.467348e-03  1
                2:rlps    0.002870895 9.572692e-01  1
                3:dead   39.347029144 3.547923e-10  1
                Estimates and Variances:
                                         5      10      15      20      25      30
                0:age<=65 1:noresp 0.02618 0.02618 0.02618 0.02618 0.02618 0.02618
                1:age >65 1:noresp 0.08805 0.08805 0.08805 0.08805      NA      NA
                0:age<=65 2:rlps   0.32578 0.44431 0.50082 0.52863 0.54145 0.54145
                1:age >65 2:rlps   0.35114 0.45340 0.48386 0.48386      NA      NA
                0:age<=65 3:dead   0.02631 0.04830 0.08347 0.12463 0.15626 0.32578
                1:age >65 3:dead   0.11607 0.21218 0.30365 0.32854      NA      NA
                                           5        10        15        20        25        30
                0:age<=65 1:noresp 6.691e-05 6.691e-05 6.691e-05 6.691e-05 6.691e-05 6.691e-05
                1:age >65 1:noresp 5.082e-04 5.082e-04 5.082e-04 5.082e-04        NA        NA
                0:age<=65 2:rlps   5.800e-04 7.252e-04 8.074e-04 9.067e-04 1.020e-03 1.020e-03
                1:age >65 2:rlps   1.476e-03 1.796e-03 1.889e-03 1.889e-03        NA        NA
                0:age<=65 3:dead   6.767e-05 1.330e-04 2.740e-04 5.139e-04 9.430e-04 1.236e-02
                1:age >65 3:dead   6.697e-04 1.283e-03 1.878e-03 2.304e-03        NA        NA
                End of R output from source file: C:\ado\personal\stgrays.R
                . tabstat dftime if _d==1,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
                Summary for variables: dftime
                     by categories of: a (a: age >65 years)
                        a |         N       p50       min       max
                0:age<=65 |       188  2.361396  .0027379   23.3922
                1:age >65 |        84  1.895962  .0027379   10.9514
                    Total |       272  2.116359  .0027379   23.3922
                . stcompet ci=ci se=se lo=lo hi=hi,compet1(3) by(a)
                . gen double cifail=ci
                (193 missing values generated)
                . clonevar cifail0=cifail
                (193 missing values generated)
                . clonevar cifail1=cifail
                (193 missing values generated)
                . cifill cifail0 if a==0
                . cifill cifail1 if a==1
                . cilist,at(0(2)10 12(6)30 32) sep(6) by(a)
                0 1
                -> a = 0:age<=65
                  | point    time       ci       se       lo       hi |
                  |     0    0.00   0.0262   0.0082   0.0134   0.0460 |
                  |     2    1.99   0.2173   0.0211   0.1774   0.2599 |
                  |     4    3.97   0.3276   0.0240   0.2810   0.3749 |
                  |     6    5.98   0.3805   0.0250   0.3315   0.4293 |
                  |     8    7.96   0.4219   0.0259   0.3709   0.4720 |
                  |    10    9.77   0.4705   0.0270   0.4168   0.5223 |
                  |    12   11.94   0.4991   0.0276   0.4439   0.5518 |
                  |    18   17.94   0.5391   0.0288   0.4809   0.5937 |
                  |    24   23.88   0.5676   0.0316   0.5033   0.6269 |
                  |    30   29.67   0.5676   0.0316   0.5033   0.6269 |
                  |    32   31.10   0.5676   0.0316   0.5033   0.6269 |
                -> a = 1:age >65
                  | point    time       ci       se       lo       hi |
                  |     0    0.00   0.0881   0.0225   0.0505   0.1384 |
                  |     2    1.96   0.2837   0.0358   0.2159   0.3552 |
                  |     4    3.97   0.4054   0.0391   0.3284   0.4808 |
                  |     6    5.95   0.4538   0.0400   0.3741   0.5299 |
                  |     8    7.66   0.5130   0.0414   0.4291   0.5907 |
                  |    10    9.92   0.5414   0.0421   0.4555   0.6196 |
                  |    12   11.88   0.5719   0.0426   0.4839   0.6504 |
                  |    18   16.25   0.5719   0.0426   0.4839   0.6504 |
                  |    24   22.00   0.5719   0.0426   0.4839   0.6504 |
                  |    30   22.00   0.5719   0.0426   0.4839   0.6504 |
                  |    32   22.00   0.5719   0.0426   0.4839   0.6504 |
                . drop ci se lo hi
                . /*death without disease failure*/
                . stset dftime,failure(evcen0==3)
                     failure event:  evcen0 == 3
                obs. time interval:  (0, dftime]
                 exit on or before:  failure
                        541  total observations
                          0  exclusions
                        541  observations remaining, representing
                         76  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                   4000.041  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                                at risk from t =         0
                                                     earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                          last observed exit t =  31.10198
                . sts test a
                         failure _d:  evcen0 == 3
                   analysis time _t:  dftime
                Log-rank test for equality of survivor functions
                          |   Events         Events
                a         |  observed       expected
                0:age<=65 |        37          62.99
                1:age >65 |        39          13.01
                Total     |        76          76.00
                                chi2(1) =      66.14
                                Pr>chi2 =     0.0000
                . stpepemori a,compet(1/2)
                Pepe and Mori test comparing the cumulative incidence of two groups of a
                     Main event failure:  evcen0 == 3
                Chi2(1) = 17.767  -  p =  0.00002
                Competing event failure:  evcen0 == 1 2
                Chi2(1) = 2.6174  -  p =  0.1057
                . tabstat dftime if _d==1,by(a) stats(n p50 min max)
                Summary for variables: dftime
                     by categories of: a (a: age >65 years)
                        a |         N       p50       min       max
                0:age<=65 |        37  10.97604  .8980151  29.66735
                1:age >65 |        39  5.629021  .7173169  21.26489
                    Total |        76  7.206023  .7173169  29.66735
                . stcompet ci=ci se=se lo=lo hi=hi,compet1(1) compet2(2) by(a)
                . gen double cidth=ci
                (193 missing values generated)
                . clonevar cidth0=cifail
                (193 missing values generated)
                . clonevar cidth1=cifail
                (193 missing values generated)
                . cifill cidth0 if a==0
                . cifill cidth1 if a==1
                . cilist,at(0(2)10 12(6)30 32) sep(6) by(a)
                0 1
                -> a = 0:age<=65
                  | point    time       ci       se       lo       hi |
                  |     0    0.00   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 |
                  |     2    1.99   0.0079   0.0045   0.0022   0.0215 |
                  |     4    3.97   0.0236   0.0078   0.0117   0.0427 |
                  |     6    5.98   0.0321   0.0091   0.0175   0.0537 |
                  |     8    7.96   0.0446   0.0109   0.0265   0.0696 |
                  |    10    9.77   0.0483   0.0115   0.0292   0.0745 |
                  |    12   11.94   0.0646   0.0139   0.0410   0.0954 |
                  |    18   17.94   0.1025   0.0194   0.0685   0.1443 |
                  |    24   23.88   0.1246   0.0225   0.0847   0.1726 |
                  |    30   29.67   0.3258   0.0814   0.1762   0.4845 |
                  |    32   31.10   0.3258   0.0814   0.1762   0.4845 |
                -> a = 1:age >65
                  | point    time       ci       se       lo       hi |
                  |     0    0.00   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 |
                  |     2    1.96   0.0506   0.0174   0.0237   0.0925 |
                  |     4    3.97   0.0959   0.0236   0.0562   0.1482 |
                  |     6    5.95   0.1393   0.0283   0.0895   0.1998 |
                  |     8    7.66   0.1746   0.0321   0.1170   0.2418 |
                  |    10    9.92   0.2122   0.0355   0.1473   0.2851 |
                  |    12   11.88   0.2754   0.0401   0.2001   0.3557 |
                  |    18   16.25   0.3285   0.0461   0.2406   0.4191 |
                  |    24   22.00   0.3783   0.0539   0.2737   0.4823 |
                  |    30   22.00   0.3783   0.0539   0.2737   0.4823 |
                  |    32   22.00   0.3783   0.0539   0.2737   0.4823 |
                . drop ci se lo hi
                . #delimit ;
                delimiter now ;
                . stset dftime,failure(evcen0==1 2);
                     failure event:  evcen0 == 1 2
                obs. time interval:  (0, dftime]
                 exit on or before:  failure
                        541  total observations
                          0  exclusions
                        541  observations remaining, representing
                        272  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                   4000.041  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                                at risk from t =         0
                                                     earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                          last observed exit t =  31.10198
                . twoway
                > (connected cifail0    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs3)  lwidth(thin))
                > (connected cifail1    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs10) lwidth(thin))
                > ,
                > xlabel(0(6)32, nogrid labsize(*1.2))
                > ylabel(0(0.1)1.00, nogrid labsize(*1.2) angle(0))
                > ytitle("cumulative incidence")
                > xtitle("time to disease failure (years)")
                > graphregion(style(none) margin(medium) fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))
                > plotregion(style(none) margin(zero) ifcolor(white))
                > title(`"CIFs for disease failure figure 5.3 page 83"', color(black) size(medium))
                > legend(label(1 "age <65 years") label(2 ">=65 years")
                >        rows(1) bm(zero) region(lw(none)))
                > scheme(sj)
                > ;
                . graph save C:\follic_pg083_fig53.gph,`replace';
                (file C:\follic_pg083_fig53.gph saved)
                . #delimit cr
                delimiter now cr
                . #delimit ;
                delimiter now ;
                . stset dftime,failure(evcen0==3);
                     failure event:  evcen0 == 3
                obs. time interval:  (0, dftime]
                 exit on or before:  failure
                        541  total observations
                          0  exclusions
                        541  observations remaining, representing
                         76  failures in single-record/single-failure data
                   4000.041  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                                at risk from t =         0
                                                     earliest observed entry t =         0
                                                          last observed exit t =  31.10198
                . twoway
                > (connected cidth0    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs3)  lwidth(thin))
                > (connected cidth1    _t , sort connect(stairstep) msymbol(none) lpattern("--") lcolor(gs10) lwidth(thin))
                > ,
                > xlabel(0(6)32, nogrid labsize(*1.2))
                > ylabel(0(0.1)1.00, nogrid labsize(*1.2) angle(0))
                > ytitle("cumulative incidence")
                > xtitle("time to death without disease failure (years)")
                > graphregion(style(none) margin(medium) fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))
                > plotregion(style(none) margin(zero) ifcolor(white))
                > title(`"CIFs for competing risk figure 5.4 page 83"', color(black) size(medium))
                > legend(label(1 "age <65 years") label(2 ">=65 years")
                >        rows(1) bm(zero) region(lw(none)))
                > scheme(sj)
                > ;
                . graph save C:\follic_pg083_fig54.gph,`replace';
                (file C:\follic_pg083_fig54.gph saved)
                . #delimit cr
                delimiter now cr

